When I opened the sliding door to the classroom, I felt like a new chapter of my life had finally begun.

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However, although Sasaki was already inside, Hideyori was nowhere to be found.


“The seating order is already on the blackboard huh? Akechi-kun’s first.”

“Oh, we are right next to each other, Risa!”

“We have the same surname after all.”


Sasaki’s attendance number is also right before mine so my seat is practically surrounded by my acquaintances.



And that’s when I found her.

The girl who shared the same class with me for only a year during middle school, Miyamura Towa.

Her beautiful pale purple hair is just as I remembered but the look on her face has changed and her eyes feel empty and filled with sadness.

Her mature expression made her look 10 years older than the last time I saw her.

Within me, the feeling that I can’t leave her alone begins to rise.

Pretending that it was a coincidence, I approached Miyamura.


“Yo, morning Miyamura! Seems like we’re in the same class again, best regards!”

“……..who are you?”


Even though it was our first day, Miyamura alone looked like a serious student who already has textbooks and writing utensils on her desk.


“It’s Juumonji Takeru. We used to be in the same class in middle school, remember?”

“…….I can not recall. I’m sorry, I need to study.”


Even while she was giving me such a curt reply, the pencil in her hand never stopped moving.

Why is Miyamura studying so obsessively I wonder?


“You’re always studying huh. Do you like doing it?”

“I have to. If I don’t study then I’m completely worthless. I have to studystudystudystudystudystudystudy. So please, don’t disturb me.”

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Her dead-fish-like eyes gaze at me.

It was like I was staring into the bottom of the [Abyss].



→ Do something about Miyamura. (+2 to Towa’s favorability *Towa route will unlock after capturing two heroines)
Ignore Towa.
Join up with Risa (+1 to Risa’s favorability.

Since Risa is chatting with Sasaki I would only bother her if I join her now.

I should ask Miyamura some questions here.


“Miyamura, do you enjoy studying?”

“It’s fun, you know. I get to know what I don’t. Fufu, Fufufufufufu, studying is fun. I will never be worthless if I study. Studying is the best. Fufufufufufu.”


Miyamura keeps laughing like a broken record.

Miyamura’s attitude right now is too different from what I remember.

In the past, she was supposed to be someone who was capable of child-like laughter.


I’m worrying so much about Miyamura, I wonder why………?

“Then can I quiz you?”

“Of course. Come at me bro.”
(TLN: There’s actually a Japanese pun here, forgive my inability.)

What is she trying? Well, I will just ignore it.


“Question, what’s the notable historical moment in Japanese history in 1603?”

“That would be the re-establishment of Edo Shogunate.”

“So you already know.”


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“You said that studying lets you know what you don’t right? Since it’s something that you already know about, studying would be a waste of time isn’t it?”



Miyamura looked down and turned silent for a few seconds.

However, she immediately burst into laughter so I had to wonder what was so funny about it.


“Fufufufufufu. Juumonji-san, correct?”

“Yeah, that’s right?”

“You, ………are in the way of my study. It’s very unpleasant to be disturbed so please kindly get out of my sight.”


Miyamura’s harsh reply was accompanied by a fake smile.

I felt like I could glimpse at the darkness within her from the way she worded it.


Since she said that my company was unpleasant, I left Miyamura alone and looked at my watch.

The homeroom will start in 10 minutes but I still can not see Hideyori’s figure in the classroom.


Even someone like him would get in trouble if he slack off on the first day right!?

Hideyori often skips school.

Even when I messaged him to [Come to the classroom] the instant reply I’d always received was [Go to hell].

In Hideyori’s language [Go to hell] can mean [Shut up] or [Leave me alone] so it’s not like he’s actually telling me to die.

Since Hideyori looked like he was in a bad mood since morning, I left the classroom to look for him.


“O~~i, Hideyor~i? Where are you?”


For the time being, I will try looking around for 5 minutes.

I can never tell what’s going on in his head after all.


It was when I was walking up the stairs.


—–that my time begins to move.

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A red-eyed girl burst into tears when she saw me and leaped to my chest.


“Takeru…… Takeru!”

“W, Wa, wha!?”


On my chest, the girl repeatedly shouts my name.

I’ve never told her my name so how does she know it…..?

Did she see my name tag on the blazer…..?


“I missed you…., I missed you so much, Takeru.”


The girl calls my name like I’m someone very dear to her.

But this doesn’t make sense.

I was running around looking for my best friend, Hideyori, who ran off somewhere but now his existence just slipped away from my mind.


Before I knew it, my arms wrapped around the girl whose name I didn’t even know.

I don’t know why I did it.

It felt like it was something I must do and my body just moved on its own.


[Opening Song]

[[Breaking the Chain of Sadness]]


Lyric: Sakura Matsuri

Composed by: Sakura Matsuri

Artist: StarChild

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User: Real_Honnouji


The first OP is quite traditional but very passionate!

I had to tip my hat when I learned that the lyrics were conveying the story of how Yoru feels toward Takeru.

It’s kinda unfair that such a spoiler was hidden in plain sight like this.

The fact that it pairs so well with the final OP that conveys Takeru’s feelings toward Yoru is just divine.

Personally, I think it would be better if there’s one for Eien-chan though!

So please, release an Eien-chan special after story.

Among my favorite Galge heroines, Eien-chan is probably in my top 3!

More Eien-chan merch would be welcomed as well!

In my opinion, I think the plain clothes added to the second Eien-chan’s character portrait were the cutest but locking her behind 2 heroines was a strange design choice you know?

Is there no patch for that yet!?

I don’t mind if it takes 10 years but please add more plain clothes for Eien-chan, I’m begging you, SkyBlue!

Also, Miyamura Towa’s Pillow Talk CD was the best!

I like it so much that it became a mainstay in my walkman!

In fact, I listen to it on repeat even more times than I listened to the OP!

Why didn’t you make Towa the main heroine though!?

That’s the biggest nitpick from us Towa’s fans.

Please do add more stories for her in the sequel.

User: KuruKuru


The song was the best.

But when I listened to it, it made me recall that the boy I like has already passed away so I cried a bit.

I will have to cry myself to sleep for a while……..(。´Д⊂)

Author Note: It’s rather fun to write this trial(Scam) version of [Breaking the Chain of Sadness].

Next up, [Breaking the Chain of Sadness] will truly start.

I don’t know if I will write a continuation to this but the character relationship in scumbag best friend has changed a lot from the game.

For Towa-chan’s route, you can not enter it unless you let her call you [Unpleasant].

Toyotomi-kun perceived it as a reward when he played the game though.

For the homeroom, Hideyori got back to the classroom a minute before it started so he’s safe.

He didn’t want to deal with Takeru or Madoka so he was playing with his smartphone in a nearby empty classroom.

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