The End of Mishima Haruka

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Why? Why?


Unable to make sense of anything, I sat and shiver inside the ruins.


This is strange……..

I should already have overcome my Gift but it’s still there.




That’s right, Akechi-san!

Akechi-san would definitely be able to help me right……?


As if praying, I dial Akechi-san on my phone.

I was getting worried after he didn’t pick up after 3 -4 calls but he finally answered after my 10th call.



“Ah, Akechi-san!?”

[[Oh, Mishima huh.]]


Akechi-san’s voice gives me a sense of security.

Perhaps because he’s relaxing, his voice sounds a little cheerful.


[[What’s up?]]

“Pl, Pl, Please help me!”


“I, ……I, I lost control of my Gift……it’s all messed up…… my family is dead…….”

[[Oh, that’s called going berserk you know.]]



I was dumbfounded at Akechi-san’s mocking tone.

It’s like he knew that it was going to be like this……


[[Mishima, you were forcibly holding down such a strong Gift you know? You should have expected this to happen right.]]


[[You know how a dam holds the water right? When it holds more water than it can handle the dam collapse. That’s why they have to regularly let the water out, you know. Your Gift works the same way, Mishima. You held it in too much that the dam broke down, that’s all.]]


His explanation sounds all too convincing that my heart falls to despair.

When he points it out like that, I can’t help but think that it is really the case.


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[[So my theory is correct, when you forcibly try to suppress the Gift that’s running out of control, it will only get worse……I see, I see. Thanks to you, I managed to collect some useful data.]]


[[In short, your Gift is like a Pandora’s box. Something like a force of nature that should never be touched. Ahh, this is nice……., let’s see how your [Energy Drain] will fare against [Anti-Gift]……. Would [Anti-Gift] be able to beat one of the strongest Gifts with a berserk buff? Haha, that data will be useful against [Anti-Gift] later…… would be best if Takeru would conveniently show up right now though……]]


Akechi-san was muttering something but it didn’t make any sense to me.


Why can he laugh so happily like that when I’m in such pain……?

Why is he acting like you don’t care about my suffering……?

Why is he saying it like the reason he approached me in the first place was not because of who I am but my [Energy Drain]……..?


“H, Help me……please help me Akechi-san……”

[[With what exactly?]]


[[Come on, don’t [Eh?] me. I can’t just go and bring your family back to life now can I? Or are you saying that I should shelter you from the Bureau? Because, let’s be honest here, they’re absolutely going to arrest you for murder. I wouldn’t do that, you know. Sheltering a murderer I mean.]]


Akechi-san just outright called me a murderer.


“…… tricked me?”

[[No? I’ve never told you a single lie you know? I was only thinking, if you overcome your Gift then, hey, good for you. I’ve expected it to be a coin toss between you getting it under control and it goes completely out of control. Don’t you think it’s rude to say that I tricked you when all I did was only omitted a single possibility?]]


Akechi-san’s giggling voice was nothing short of devilish…..

All the respect and affection for him just crumbled away.


[[Well, you have my thanks though. The research data I got from you was worthwhile after all.]]


[[Later then. Ms.Murderer. Have a nice dream.]]


Toot Toot the call was cut off.

The phone slips out from my hand and rolls on the floor.

The screen cracked.




Akechi-san called me a murderer.

That’s right, I’m a murderer who killed my whole family…….


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Realizing that fact, tears welled up in my eyes.


“Ha……Haha…. …….Haha……”


I could only sit there and let out a peal of broken laughter.

I don’t have anything left……


Dad, Mom, Kazuma, Nekosuke, I can’t meet any of them anymore…….

I probably won’t be able to see Mitsuki-san and Emi-san again either.


“Uu…..u…….why…… how… did it come to this……..”


I burst into tears.

Why do I have to suffer like this……?



If I never had [Energy Drain] all this would never happen……



Even after half a day, my tears didn’t stop.

Even if they stop pouring out it would only be temporary and I would start crying again.

I can’t even bring myself to leave the ruins because of fear of being caught.

I know that I should be thinking about what to do next but my head just doesn’t work.


At that time, I heard footsteps of several people entering the ruins.


“There she is! The Mishima family’s girl!”



I can see about 6 men wearing the uniforms of the [Bureau of Gift Control].


“We need to ask you some questions.”



I see…..

I knew they would come and arrest me.

My family is all dead.

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My love tore to pieces.

I don’t care anymore.


Then, one of the Bureau’s agents touched my body.





With a scream, the agent collapsed.

When my eyes rounded in surprise, the other agents rushed to their collapsed colleague.


“O, Oi……Nakajima…., he’s dead……”

“Y, You……! You killed him…….”

“So her family was…….?”

“No doubt about it, she’s the culprit!”



The 5 remaining agents all look at me like I’m a criminal.


“You want to pick a fight with the Bureau, Kid!?”

“So you’ve already got the taste for murder huh!?”

“No…..that’s not it! I just……I didn’t–……..!?”


I can’t remember much after that.


Defendant: Mishima Haruka.

Crime committed: Gift Related Murder.

Victims: 6 people including Mishima Yugo, Mishima Yae, Mishima Kazuma, Nakajima Takuo, Motoki Haruki, Murase Noburo.

Sentence: Death

“O~i, Mishima.”

“Y, Yes……?”


Akechi-san called out to me.

I replied to his gentle voice.


“I will teach you how to control your Gift now, are you ready?”

“Y, Yes, I’m ready.”

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I experienced a Deja Vu of the dream I had last night and the events today.

For some reason, I felt like I experienced all of this before.


“Listen okay, Mishima. Never try to completely block off your Gift. It’s just a theory of mine but……there’s a real possibility that your [Energy Drain] might go out of control.”


Without giving any basis for his theory, Akechi-san tells me about how [Energy Drain] might go berserk.

Strangely enough, my mind strongly tells me that I should take his warning seriously.


At the same time, his words also gave me a sense of security.

Hearing Akechi-san worrying about me made my heart feel very warm.

Author Note: All the chapters titled Compensation for Weakness so far were from the game timeline.

The Original Hideyori was simply putting on an act.

Everyone who was actually surprised by Hideyori’s reveal in this chapter was probably those who have been thoroughly trained mentally and physically by him.

This is a warning for you to be more careful.


When it was mentioned that Mishima Haruka did not have any turn at all outside of her own route, the reason was that she got arrested here.

Her life collapsed because of Hideyori’s intervention.



Despite the fact that our Hideyori never mentioned [Gift Resistance] the word came from Haruka’s mouth. So, if someone noticed this, they may have connected the dots that they were reading the game timeline.


If Takeru made contact with Mishima Haruka and his favorability with her is high, he will conveniently appear here and the player will enter her route.

Takeru told the agents about the danger of Haruka’s Gift and managed to prevent her arrest.

In Haruka’s route, the three agents who lost their lives here were spared but her family can not be saved.

After all, Takeru is a useless protagonist who always acts too late…….


Another thing.


When Emi dies from touching Haruka whose Gift has already gone out of control.

Since it would be redundant, I didn’t delve into it in the novel timeline.

It’s enough if you roughly remember how it ended for her.


In the metafiction world(TLN: Where Toyotomi and Kurusu came from), the fate of Mishima Haruka in the common route was not depicted in the game. Instead, it was included in a short story novelization.

*In the other routes and sequels, Haruka’s existence did not get mentioned at all so the players assumed that she was either dead or arrested
*Because the short story came out before the release of the second game, Emi(TLN: in Haruka’s class) did not get mentioned by name to hide her role as a heroine.
*The novel only mentioned that Mishima Haruka has two friends and the main content only detailed the interaction between Hideyori and Haruka.
*The content was published as a newly written novel containing the content of Haruka’s route, it was about 10 pages long.
*Haruka’s fans are few in number but they were furious about her fate in the common route and they all cursed Akechi Hideyori for it.
*However, the novel itself was praised for portraying the interaction Haruka had with her family.
*If you ever mention a HideXHaru ship to Haruka’s fans, they would flip out at you.


*In the [Breaking the Chain of Sadness] thread, Risa’s fans would be the Imouto Moe crowd, Haruka’s fans would be the light-hearted people, Yoru’s fans are the loud otaku, Mitsuki’s fans are the please dote on me Sis people, while Towa’s fans were mostly the wild fanatics.
*Takeru’s fans are lurking in the shadows, Madoka’s fans are mostly perverts, Misuzu’s fans are those that are into Yandere, Emi’s fans are treated like some legendary beasts, and Hideyori’s fans are treated like Hideyori’s B**ch or Takeru-Head. *If someone posts something that’s even slightly defending Hideyori, the response will be either [Are you Hideyori’s B**ch?] or [You Takeru-Head] and the flame would rage on in the thread.
*Mitsuhide was of the former.

Also, Mitsuhide-kun did read the novel while Kurusu-san did not.

TLN: Phew, It’s so hard not giving out spoilers…….the cat got out of the bag halfway through though……..

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