[Energy Drain]

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As Akechi Hideyori, I thought that I might not be able to properly teach Mishima to control her Gift.

I know for sure that if it’s Takeru, he would be able to teach her to the point where she has complete control over [Energy Drain].

Even so, I won’t know until I try.


I won’t let it happen.

I will definitely teach Mishima the correct way to control her Gift so that she won’t unwittingly kill her family and the agents from the bureau.


“Listen carefully okay, Mishima? Your [Energy Drain] doesn’t only absorb the energy from other human beings. It also affects plants, animals, and insects. Moreover, the area of effect is not limited to your immediate vicinity. You can expand the [Energy Drain] effect to cover a wider range as well.”


This is the method Takeru taught Mishima to keep her [Energy Drain] under control. A stable way for her to have control over it while not affecting the people around her ever again.

Still, I am not confident that I, the supposed Villainous Best Friend, am capable of something the protagonist did.


If it’s impossible for me then I’ll just have to bring Takeru into this by force.


“I noticed that it also affects animals from observing my pet but I never thought that it would affect plants and insects too……”

“Aside from inorganic matter, I think that your Gift can absorb energy from any living being. Probably.”


I can only give her advice while making it sound like an assumption or speculation since If she asks me how I know so much I can’t possibly tell her that I read her setting from the game and novel.


“But if I widen the range of [Energy Drain] wouldn’t I cause trouble for more people?”

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“No, it will be fine. Let’s assume that Mishima absorbs 100 points of energy from living beings around you. With that basis, if you widen the range of [Energy Drain] you’d be able to absorb 0.1 points of energy from multiple targets and lessen the burden on an individual. My theory is that the wider the area of effect is, the less life force you will absorb from each individual target.”


When Mishima Haruka’s [Energy Drain] went out of control, its area of effect spread to cover her entire house. But I know for a fact that she can extend its range beyond that.


“And your Gift is not all bad. Your Gift comes with a lot of benefits too, you know.”


“For example, you can use it to protect yourself from dangerous animals like bears or crocodiles. You can even defend yourself when you’re attacked by suspicious people too.”

“I, I see…… I never thought about it that way……..”


What else? Ahh, I don’t really want to borrow his words but I guess I should tell her that huh…..




“Your [Feelings] can overcome any kind of Gift. Your feelings, the determination to overcome your Gift, never forget it.”

“Y, Yes.”



Mishima nodded.

It’s okay, I’ll be there for you.

Even if I’m gone, Takeru will take my place.

If it’s him, I’d be able to entrust her to him without a worry.

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“Also, I don’t think this theory isn’t widely accepted yet but Gifts is capable of evolving according to the Holders’ [Feelings].”

“Gifts……can evolve?”

“Yeah, if it’s Mishima then you can do it, I believe in you…….”

“Akechi-san is…….believing in me?”

“Yeah, you can do it, Mishima! Let’s say there’s Mr.A and Mr.B in front of you, I’m sure that you will eventually be able to choose to absorb the energy from Mr.A alone, I’m sure of it.”


Just like how Hideyori was trying to evolve his Gift to overcome [Anti-Gift].

Just like how Takeru’s Gift did, in fact, evolved.

Gifts can definitely evolve.


“Well, let’s start practicing. Try widening the range of your Gift now.”


I give her the Gift Glasses and instruct her how to control her power.

Widening and narrowing the area of effect of Gifts is practically the same thing.

So, I copied the method the original Akechi Hideyori taught me and teach it to Mishima.


And since Mishima is such a quick learner, she did it in no time.


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“Akechi-san! Thank you very much!”

“Yeah, let’s meet here again at noon tomorrow, okay! We will continue the practice then.”

“Yes, I’ll definitely be here!”

After about 2 hours of practice, I parted ways with Mishima.

…….still, even with Gift Resistance protecting me, being constantly showered by her Gift is bad for my body…….

I collapsed to my knees after she was gone……


“Damn it……, I lost sight of Mishima Haruka……”

I was secretly shadowing Mishima but since she was on a bicycle while I was on foot, I couldn’t keep up with her.

I search around for a while after that.


I can not trust Akechi.

Seeing Mishima hanging around him only gives me a bad feeling.


No matter how much of a saint he is in front of Takeru, I swear I will expose his true nature for everyone to see!

I looked for them with that intention and more than an hour later, I found a tattered ruin.

There, I spotted the bicycle Mishima was riding.

It also has a [Mishima Haruka] name tag on it.

She’s definitely here.

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But I took too much time finding this place and about 3 minutes after I found the place, two people came out from the ruins.

I’m so vexed at how much time it took me to find this place.

It was when I tried to eavesdrop on them to gain some information on Akechi.


“Akechi-san! Thank you very much!”

“Yeah, let’s meet here again at noon tomorrow, okay! We will continue the practice then.”

“Yes, I’ll definitely be here!”


So he plans to meet Mishima here again tomorrow at noon.

How suspicious.


A man and a woman alone in some abandoned ruins.

They are definitely doing it right……….

I feel bad for Mishima but I have a mission to reveal his true nature.


I will have to come here again tomorrow.


“Akechi……, just what are you…….”

Unconsciously, my hand reached for the silver pendant on my neck.

TLN: Yoru Hiru, the professional stalker……..

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