Akechi Hideyori wants some Moderation

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A few hours after Madoka left.

I received a message report from Mishima who now has complete control over her [Energy Drain].

The content came as a surprise to me.



“For real……? So Mishima became friends with Mitsuki and Emi huh……”



They are all capturable heroines for Takeru right!?

They’re all together now!

……..I don’t really want to meet Emi though………

There are just too many complicated circumstances about her after all.



Emi alone is someone I never want to meet…….


Leaving that aside for now.

The real problem is this one.



“After a message from Emi, I have one from Eien-chan, Seiko, Nodoka, and even Takeru huh….. Ah, there’s one from Sakuya too. ……..Wha, I haven’t even replied to her yet but Eien-chan is already sending another message.”

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Aside from Mishima’s apology, my RINE was filled with messages of concern from my friends like Emi and Takeru.

Even after I replied to each one of them, they all sent me an instant reply and now I’m juggling through 10 chats at the same time.



“Come on….., why are you guys sending me messages non-stop like this?”



They could have just left it as READ after I replied that [I’m fine.] but they all follow up their message with [Will you come to school tomorrow!?] or [Are you really okay?], and I have to keep going back and forth between them.

Even when I sent them a sticker to try to end the conversation, my phone would keep ringing with the notification sounds……


Can’t they just be like: I’m all good -> Got it! -> Sticker, in a RINE chat?


Moreover, each of them is asking different questions so I have to think of the answer for each one before I reply and before I can even finish one, 6 of them have already sent me another message.



“…….please, everyone, do it more moderately………”



I’m not feeling well so just replying to your messages already made me feel like I’m going to faint again you know……

Each of you might think that it’s just a one-on-one chat but over here it’s 10 against 1 for me alright…….

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Should I just make a group chat next time then……..?


I’m happy that everyone is worried about me but come on, this is a little too excessive right……..


Emi would probably keep messaging me until she’s convinced that I’m really fine.

Risa is saying that everyone is worried about me but it’s not really that convincing when 10 people are flooding my RINE chat.

Madoka came to visit me so she should already know that I’m fine but her messages are still filled with concerns.

Sakuya said that both she and Master are worrying about me.

Eien-chan is scolding me for pushing myself.

Nodoka’s messages were thorny as if she was trying to compensate for her sister’s unusually softened attitude.

Seiko said that she couldn’t concentrate on her rehearsal and she’s taking a break so she can send me a lot of messages.

For Takeru, even after he messaged me that we should go out and play together after I get well, he still doesn’t stop.

The same goes for Yurika who told me that she’s looking forward to more training under me.

Even Mishima keeps asking me if I’m okay over and over again even though I have already told her that I’m fine.



“…….Uhh, really, please stop.”



While muttering so to myself, 2 messages popped up in the notification.

What’s this, organized harassment…….?


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When I seriously started to think so, another message came in.

Tatsuyuki-san added me and said [I heard you collapsed?].

Now it’s 11 people.






This world really is out to kill me…….

Even after an hour passed, none of them stopped messaging me.


Since there’s not a single message from Yoru Hiru, she might actually be the kindest one among my acquaintances huh?


This time it’s Yamamoto: [Akechi, are you going to come to school tomorrow?] 

Now it’s 12…….



“Give me a break………”



RINE is certainly useful as a tool.

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But I think I’m starting to hate it.

Now I’m seriously entertaining the idea of just inviting them all to a group chat.

Even while I was pondering that option, I already received 4 more messages.


[Oi, why are you not replying?] Sakuya urged me to respond after I left her message as READ for about 10 minutes.



RINE’s so scary……..


Someone, please give me an AI that can make automatic replies.


The RINE chain that started around 8 pm won’t stop until midnight.


[Good night] was Takeru’s last message to me.

After that, my phone died…..






It’s finally over…….

Not to state the obvious but I think my condition is even worse than when I woke up…….

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