Juumonji Risa Explodes

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For a while now, Madoka has been gentle toward me. That might be a good thing in and of itself but that doesn’t make it feel any less eerie.

Seriously, what happened to her?


[When has this started?] if I have to come up with the answer to that question, it would be the day that she visited me at my house.

Does she soften her attitude toward me because she feels guilty about Mishima’s case?

I don’t know for sure but right now, I try not to think too much about Madoka’s weird change.


For the time being, the problem of Mishima Haruka’s Gift and the [Compensation for Weakness] route has been resolved and I’m enjoying this relatively peaceful period.

I didn’t get any chance to rest since I immediately encountered Concept-san right after I entered the Gift Academy so I should probably relax when I can.

Let me take a break from the serious stuff for a while.


It’s time for me to enjoy fun high school life and get back what I lost in my previous life!

If possible, I want to find myself a girlfriend and put an end to this dull youth(AOHARU). It’s time for me to seize that youthful happiness!


And today………






“Nii-san really is such a child!”



Risa was complaining to me about her brother……

Far from enjoying my fun high school life, this serious stuff just never ends……



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“Uhh… this sibling quarrels?”

“It is!”



At Myacdonald’s, Risa, who was sitting across from me, started complaining about Takeru.



“He always complains about everything when he doesn’t do anything himself!”

“I see…..”

“When he suddenly complains that my miso soup was bland, it’s a given I would go [HAAAAA!?] right!?”

“Y…..Yup, totally.”



This is bad.

I almost went with my usual [You’re focusing on that?] retort.



“When I told him [Then why don’t you try making it yourself!?] he said [But I don’t know how to] you know! My irritation just builds up even more.”

“It does…..?”

“It does! So, after the fight, I decided to invite Akechi-kun out today.”

“I see….. …………why me though?”



Risa is close with Emi and Eien-chan, right? Why does she want to invite me instead…..?



“B, Because I……, I want to be with Akechi-kun more.”

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“Say it louder! Whispering to yourself in a conversation is just harassment alright!?”



Risa muttered something in a small voice.

She was very quiet like she didn’t want people to hear her at all.



“Anyway……., If it’s Nii-san I’m sure that he wants to invite Akechi-kun out for dinner first so I went ahead and beat him to it.”




Today, Risa messaged me [Let’s meet!] and [If Nii-san invites you out please turn him down] and about a minute after that Takeru messaged me saying [Hey, let’s hang out]. Since Risa messaged me first, I gave her the priority.

I would have accompanied Takeru if he had messaged me earlier.



“Fufu, now he will know the taste of my grudge……”

“Scary! You are as scary as Madoka you know!”

“Madoka-san is not scary at all though…….”



Risa was laughing menacingly so I gave her a retort.

But am I the only one who knows how terrifying Madoka is?



“She’s been smiling a lot lately right, isn’t that scary…..?”

“Why are you scared of her when she smiles……? I know that your first impression of her was the worst but now we are all good friends right.”

“Back then, well,…….”


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If the game’s characters like Emi and Risa suddenly appeared in front of me back then, my obvious course of action would be to stay out of their way as much as possible.

The first person I met was Emi, a sub-character who’s neither the protagonist nor the heroine so I just played with her because I couldn’t remember who she is but if it was a heroine like Risa or Eien-chan, I would probably realize who they are and run away immediately.

In that sense, it might have been a good thing that I met Emi first.

In the first place, Emi’s existence simply slipped out of my mind when I was reincarnated…….



“I mean, she’s always been like that except in front of Akechi-kun though.”


“Madoka-san smiles so much that her face turns sloppy when she’s actually happy about something you know.”



A realization just came to me that I was the only one who doesn’t know that side of Madoka existed.

It might be because her prickly attitude toward me has softened a little.



“Seriously, Nii-san is such a child! He’s a brat! A cheeky brat!”


“I usually put up with him but I finally exploded! Maybe? Arghhh, damn you, Takeru!”

“It’s kinda refreshing to hear Risa call him Takeru you know.”

“You’re focusing on that?”

“Wha-!? A counter!?”



To think that she just hit me with my own retort.



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“Let’s stop with the silly exchange! Anyway, there’s no way that Nii—…..Takeru’s futile resistance will be able to turn the table on me! I’m going to have you all to myself, Akechi-kun!”


“TAAAKEEEERUUUUU! Let’s go with that kind of feeling.”

“S, Sure.”



It just feels so strange to hear Risa call him by his name so I can’t keep up with her at all…….



“So? In conclusion, Risa wants to reconcile with Takeru right?”

“Why do I have to reconcile with him? At least if Nii–…….Takeru wants to make up with me, he has to come to me himself.”

“You almost called him Nii-san didn’t you?”

“I didn’t. I was thinking about Niigata prefecture.”

“Mind the context, come on!? Niigata is just too much of a stretch right!?”

“You’re focusing on that?”

“Of course I am!”



It seems Risa is in such a bad mood that our roles have reversed.

Takeru….., please man, make up with Risa soon……..



“Hmph! Nii–…..Takeru should just disappear.”




Seeing Risa forcing herself to not call Takeru Nii-san, I can’t help but smile at her.

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