Sasaki Emi is Intimidating

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Both Emi and Siri are being super gungho about the kiss.

The atmosphere has turned into one I can not get out of without doing it……….

Eh? Me? Kissing Emi……?


Do I seriously have to do this!?


I didn’t even get to that point with Kurusu-san you know!?


It’s true that Emi is super cute but she would only be wasting herself on a guy like me.

She’s the girl who’s supposed to go out with Akechi Hideyori if I didn’t recall my past life memory.

Obviously, asking me not to be conscious of her is just impossible…….



Ahh, damn, I like you Emi!



This is something I just recently noticed…….

Maybe Emi isn’t in love with Takeru?

If I’m allowed to get conceited, I might even think that she’s into me.



But what kind of feeling is Emi directing at me!? Like or Love, which is it!?


It’s just impossible to be that blind and insensitive right? No matter how I think about it, Emi’s sense of distance when it comes to me is just too close.

The dream I had of Kurusu-san cemented that feeling even more.

Emi’s eyes and gestures were just like the ones Kurusu-san directed at me.


I know that they are two different people but I can at least tell when a girl is being affectionate toward me.






My time with Mishima Haruka also had an influence on me.

Seeing the air Kurusu-san and Mishima had around them, I started thinking that Eien-chan, Sakuya, and even Yurika might be in love with me too.


If they are as direct as Yoru toward Takeru then I would be able to tell with certainty though……..


I don’t get it…..

I get the feeling that a lot of girls are into me but it would be too narcissistic of me to think that they all have a feeling for me right……..

Even If I bolstered my self-confidence and say it, I would say that there’s a girl or two who are into me at most.

Emi, Risa, Madoka, Sakuya, Eien-chan, Nodoka, Seiko, Yurika, and Mishima. I am on good terms with all of them but I can’t imagine that they are all seeing me in a romantic way…….

Emi and Mishima’s feelings were close to love so I somehow noticed from their behaviors.

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Since I was the first one Risa called when she got in a fight with Takeru, it’s possible that she’s feeling that way for me too.


Madoka has also been strangely kind to me lately so I can’t help but think that she might be into me.


My sense of distance with Sakuya is kind of a blur so it’s hard to tell how she feels about me and I’m not even sure if she’s conscious of me or not.


Eien-chan has been teasing me a lot but I don’t know if it’s because she likes me or if she just finds me that teasable.

But I do feel that her feeling was subtly closer to love than like.


Nodoka always calls me scum this trash that but she would still hang out with me so I can’t really tell.


I have a feeling that my sense of distance with Seiko is somewhat wrong as well. That said, being an only child for 30 years, I just don’t know how much distance is appropriate for siblings.

But I think that her feeling was more than like too.


Yurika has been stalking me so I started thinking that she might like me too.

But it’s still unsure whether her feeling was simply the adoration she has as my apprentice or as a woman……







——–but who do I like?


Is there really a girl out there who likes me? The trauma I carry with me on that was simply too heavy.


Both Captain and my uncle said the same thing…….

Why do I have to suffer so much in both lives…….

I’ve suffered twice as much in life as a normal person my age and my life ahead is filled with Bad Ends……


Why do I even have my previous life’s memories……..

I’d be better off not remembering my previous life and not knowing that this is a game’s world…….


Is it really okay for a guy like me to fall in love…….?


If I do fall in love, who would I direct my feelings toward……?







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With so much doubt inside me, I can’t kiss Emi.

I like Emi very much. However, since I’ve never thought about it, I don’t know if she’s the one I like most or not……

I want to have my own answer by the time I graduate high school.

I don’t know if I can stay alive until the end of the story though…….


I’ve already experienced the fact that life can suddenly come to an end with no reason or explanation behind it.

That’s why I want to live each day without regrets.

Would there be a girl who’s willing to live a life like that alongside me……….





That’s why I want to kiss Emi only when I’m sure that she’s my No.1.

That’s my decision.


She’s my important person. I do not want to be irresponsible and hurt her feelings.






“I can’t kiss your lips but…….”


Like I was pushing Emi down, I got on top of her.

It’s been a long time since I last saw Emi’s face this close.







Emi is so cute…….


It’s not that I don’t want to let myself go and kiss or push her down.



But I’d be no different than the real Hideyori that way.


I don’t want to hurt her.

I really like Emi so I do not wish to get swept away by some temporary desires.


If we are in that kind of relationship then I’d happily do it.

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I brushed up Emi’s bangs.

Her hair feels different than my own.

Emi’s forehead came into view.



“You asked me to do this……. Don’t complain to me later alright………”


I slowly planted my lips on Emi’s forehead.







I immediately moved away from her forehead.

My lips probably only touched her skin for less than 3 seconds.

But even though it’s such a short time, I’ve never felt my heart beating faster in my life.


I did something to Emi that I didn’t even do to Kurusu-san.



“Ah….., Uhh….., sorry……”



Seeing Emi freeze up, I apologized.

I said that it’s her fault since she’s kinda asked for it but as a man, I think that’s just irresponsible so I’m willing to take responsibility.






Embarrassed, Emi wrapped herself in my blanket and hid her face.

Rather, she’s awake after all huh? Well, that doesn’t matter anymore.



“I, I wouldn’t do it to anyone okay? I did it because it’s you……. I wouldn’t do it if it wasn’t Emi you know……..”



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Emi started fidgeting inside the blanket.

Judging by how much she’s tossing and turning in my bed, she must be pretty embarrassed…..

Now she’s just rolling around.





A long muffled squeak came from inside the blanket.

I couldn’t hear her clearly but……



“Just now, did you say you love me?”





Taking off the blanket, Emi raised her arms up and pointed at me.



“How did you hear that? Normally, you’d be like [Did she say something? Well, whatever] in your mind right!”

“……Did you say something? Well, whatever.”




It seems she was satisfied with that.

If she’s really fine with just that then it’s probably alright.



“By the way, Hideyori-kun…..that kiss earlier, did you mean something by it…….?”

“Did you say something? Well, whatever.”




Perhaps she’s planning to throw it at my face, I feel intimidated by her right hand that’s gripping the pillow.




“Emi-chan!? Sorry, okay! Sorry! I’m so sorry!?”



Thus started the unrelenting exchange of blows on top of my bed.

TLN: You thought there would be no progress?


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