Akechi Hideyori can’t tell

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“Hmph, Hideyori-kun, you’re so–!”



Emi was furious.

It was clear she was only teasing me earlier.







But I did end up kissing Emi’s forehead……..

What am I doing to a girl who’s like a family to me? Such self-loath thoughts welled up in my mind.



“Have you been doing something like this to everyone!?”

“Th, There’s no way I would just do it nonchalantly like that right!? I did it because it’s you, Emi. But, how do I say this…. ………anyway, I’m not doing this to just anyone alright!”

“……..I, I see.”

“It’s actually my first time.”

“O, Okay.”



Emi started blushing as she averted her eyes from me.

Ugh….., now I’m starting to feel embarrassed too……

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“………..I’m leaving.”




With the atmosphere still awkward, Emi stood up and left.

After confirming that Emi is gone, I just lost my strength…….






I collapse on the bed.

I shouldn’t have done that……… Regrets flood my mind like a tidal wave.






There’s a faint scent lingering on the bed sheet.

A sweet, feminine scent of a girl.

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It’s Emi’s smell……

Since she was sleeping on it, there were traces of Emi left on the bed.

Come to think of it, she was wrapping herself inside my blanket and rolling around in my bed. It’s no wonder why it smells like her.



Thinking that Emi had been wrapping herself with my bedsheet and blanket, it’s super embarrassing…….

I’m so conscious of her scent right now but I wonder if she also felt the same way.






This is bad…….

Do I like Emi?

How the hell can I tell!? The line between real love and manly desire is pretty blurry alright!?

Do I Like her or Do I Love her!? Which is it!?





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The throbbing sensation of my heart won’t stop.


It’s literally pounding inside my chest.



“Hey, Siri? Is this love? Or is it just my carnal desire? Tell me how this feeling is different from seeing Sawamura Yama’s boobs?”

[[Siri’s a dumdum machine so Siri can’t tell either, TeeHee.]]

“You really are a defective machine you know.”

[[There are a lot of unanswered questions in this world. If one can not come up with an answer, is it not a human’s nature to live on and find it?]]

“Seriously, sometimes I just don’t know what you are……..”

[[I’m Siri.]]



If you can’t find the answer then it’s simply human to live on and find it huh……….

That sounds really convincing.

Why am I getting lectured about this kind of stuff by a machine like Siri though…….?



I don’t know when but I started looking at someone who’s been like a kid next door to me as a woman……..

I just can’t tell what love looks like.



Eien-chan is my favorite game heroine from my previous life……

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StarCha is my No.1 idol…….

Sawamura Yama is literally a man’s dream taking shape……..

Obviously, I like Kurusu-san too……



But who do I love now……?




Didn’t you tell me that I would never be loved by anyone?

That no one would ever need someone like me?



Didn’t you say that I would be hated all my life?










It seems that no matter how much I think there would be no answer. It seems I will just have to keep searching for it.

TLN: More progress and internal struggle….

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