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The next day, Pei Ran was awakened by a beam of sunlight.

He hadn't stayed up late for too long. After turning off the computer last night, his sleepiness came flooding back, and he fell asleep as soon as he touched the bed, without even pulling the curtains tightly.

Pei Ran subconsciously raised his hand to cover his eyes, fumbled for his phone from the bedside to check the time, but was stunned as soon as he unlocked it.

His phone was still on the interface from last night, with a line of bold characters on it—

[Dear pr123, you have successfully placed your order! Click to view order details.]

Pei Ran's head went blank for a moment. He clicked on the order and saw that he had placed a fifty-hour playlist for "Zhun le*".

(E/N: *It's a word play on his name. Zhun le in Chinese literally means 'accurate')

Pei Ran, "..."

Sure enough, people are prone to impulse purchases late at night.

Cut to WeChat, where the dialogue box is still stuck between him and Yan Zhun on his screen.

[Yan Zhun: Thank you, Boss Pei.]

[Yan Zhun: Are you asleep?  Good night.]

Pei Ran thought to himself that the game accompaniment industry does not seem to be so prosperous, and even someone as strong as Yan Zhun couldn't pull the list, and he had to keep him as a rookie customer.

But after last night, he suddenly understood why so many people liked to order playmates*. Even after Yan Zhun played well and talked nicely he couldn't coax more customers.

(E/N: *Online companions to play with)

[Pei Ran: Sleeping...]

There was no reply from the other end. Pei Ran glanced at the time, it was not ten o'clock yet. Yan Zhun should not have woken up yet.

He returned to the WeChat interface and started flipping through the messages he had received this morning.

At a glance, Pei Ran saw Su Nian's name.

[Su Nian: Are you there?]

[Su Nian: See me back for a moment]

Pei Ran frowned unconsciously, paused for a few seconds, then replied politely.

[Pei Ran: Hmm]

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[Su Nian: Your home is in Mancheng, right?]

[Pei Ran: Hmm]

[Su Nian: Do you want to go to Dali together the day after tomorrow?  (cat tilts head) *]

(E/N: * It's an emoji)

Pei Ran didn't know how to respond.

Even Lin Kang knew about his breakup with Luo Qingshan, but Su Nian had no reason to know.

[Su Nian: What about people?]

[Su Nian: Oh, by the way, we pulled together a small group, and it was full of acquaintances. I forgot to pull you in too. Sorry, I pulled you now. ]

[Pei Ran: No, I'm not going to Dali. You guys have a good time.]

After posting this, Pei Ran got up to wash up, and when he came back, his phone screen was filled with WeChat alerts.

[Su Nian: Why?]

[Su Nian: Because of the quarrel with Brother Qingshan?]

[Su Nian: Brother told me last night, don't be angry, Brother Pei. I was drunk that night and thought my brother* was my ex-boyfriend, and we kissed a few times without doing anything else]

(E/N: *He's referring to Qingshan)

[Su Nian: Really]

[Su Nian: If I make you unhappy, I will apologise to you. You two should not quarrel because of me...]

After Su Nian finished sending the message, he didn't wait for a reply. He thought about it, picked up an emoji that knelt down and begged for mercy, and sent it, and then he received a notification that he was blocked.

When Pei Ran was eating breakfast, the knife and fork collided several times, making frequent noises.

The aunt* at home looked at him anxiously and asked if the egg was overcooked.

(E/N: *His housekeeper)

Pei Ran shook his head, poked the remaining eggs, and ate them in one bite.

After the cleaning aunt left, Pei Ran moved the sorted boxes to the warehouse.

The box was filled with things that Luo Qingshan gave him, and he would not use it in the future.

When he returned to the room, Pei Ran remembered that there were still some things to clean up.

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When Lin Kang's message came, Pei Ran was flipping through the album.

Pei Ran has an album on his phone that contains photos of him and Luo Qingshan, not many, but more than ten in three years.

Pei Ran was not used to taking pictures; these were all taken by Luo Qingshan and sent to his mobile phone one by one. Every time Pei Ran changed his phone, he would save these photos on the new phone first, and not a single one was lost.

There is a picture of them wearing school uniforms and a group photo at the entrance of the university. The last one is of him sleeping. Luo Qingshan secretly photographed him, smiling himself into the picture.

Pei Ran took a deep breath and finally deleted the intimate photos, leaving only the group photo of the school gate.

After doing this, he cut back to listening to Lin Kang's voice message.

"Pei Ran, what are you doing? Are you free?"

[Pei Ran: When you are free, what's the matter?]

"Oh, it's Su Nian. Heasked me to ask if you were angry, and you deleted him without saying anything... What's the situation with you guys? I asked him but he wouldn't tell me, so let me pass it on to you."

Lin Kang is really curious.

Pei Ran usually gives the impression of being indifferent and will never speak to you first, but as long as you throw a word at him, he will give you a gentle and lukewarm response. In other words, he has no temper.

But there is no one in this world who really has no temper. Pei Ran just thinks it is unnecessary. There is no need to settle accounts with Luo Qingshan, let alone Su Nian.

He doesn't want to care about others, but others are rushing to bother him.

Pei Ran typed his words calmly, with eyes wide.

[Pei Ran: Can you please help me answer him again?]


[Pei Ran: Tell him to fuck off.]

Yan Zhun was woken up by the phone in the afternoon, he pressed the connection and put it to his ear without speaking.

On the other end of the phone came the sound of tapping the mouse and keyboard, "You haven't woken up yet?"

He could guess who it was by hearing the voice. Yan Zhun closed his eyes and said, "Have something to say?"

"Ah, yes, after all, you didn't sleep until four o'clock in the morning last night." The boy said, "It's even later than me, a professional player."

Yan Zhun said, "Lin Xuhuan, are you free? What's wrong with my yin and yang in the morning?*"

(E/N: *He's literally asking him why he's bothering him in the early morning )

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"Early morning? It's two o'clock in the afternoon."

Yan Zhan opened his eyes and turned his head to look at the time.

Lin Xuhuan was shot in the head as soon as he finished speaking. He cursed and sent the enemy a wave of four consecutive reports, then picked up the phone and continued, "I heard you went as a companion. Hey! What are you thinking? You don't want to be a professional player but you go to play as an escort player!"

Yan Zhun narrowed the call interface to reply to the boss's message, "Wake up so early?"

"How do you know?"

"You met the anchor of the platform signed by our team," Lin Xuhuan said, "It's quite popular. The game I played with you last night was recorded and sent to the short video app by him. Just 200,000 to 300,000 likes... oh, why don't you take advantage of it?"

Yan Zhun said, "How did I know that I would meet him?"

"But it's really yours. What were you doing? You're coaxing the boss, and now the Douyin comments are looking for your companion ID." Lin Xuhuan leaned back on the chair and said, "Okay, let's get down to business. Is your family broke?"

Yan Zhun brushed the messy hair on his forehead and said, "To your disappointment, not yet."

"Then why are you playing as a companion?" Lin Xuhuan was speechless, "I thought I could finally trick you into coming to TZG."

Yan Zhun sneered. Just as he was about to say something, the phone suddenly vibrated a few times.

[Pei Ran: Well, are you up yet?]

[Pei Ran: I want to play games]

[Pei Ran: It doesn't matter if you haven't, I'll play by myself for a while.]

Lin Xuhuan, "By the way, are you on vacation right now? Come to our base. A member of our second team has asked for leave. We can't get together. Those rookie trainees are not very good. Come join us for a custom training match."


"Fuck, I'll pay for it!" Lin Xuhuan gritted his teeth and said, "I'll give you three times the accompanying fee... Wait, your companion fee is less than 200 per hour, right?"

Yan Zhun got up and said, "No, you guys play by yourselves. I'm hanging up."

"Hey, let's talk more. What's the hurry?"

"There's something urgent."

"What's up?"

Putting on his clothes strictly, he said lazily, "Serve my boss."


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Yan Zhun went online with a piece of bread in his mouth. Seeing that Pei Ran was in the game, he checked his record.

0 damage.

0 damage.

0 damage...

Pretty tragic.

Yan Zhun sent a WeChat message to let him finish the game and wait for him. Then I started to slowly read the unread messages.

Yan Zhun doesn't have many friends. Because he almost entered the e-sports profession before, he has many friends in the e-sports circle, and now he is reposting the short video to make fun of him.

Scrolling down again, he turned to a group chat that he had not opened for a long time.

Seeing a certain word, Yan Zhun frowned, opened the group chat, and scrolled up two pages of chat records.

[Lin Kang: @Su Nian, what happened to you and Pei Ran? Why did he make such a big move?]

[Su Nian: I don't know]

[Su Nian: Maybe he just doesn't like me]

[Su Nian: Hasn't Pei Ran been like this all the time?  Who among you can really play with him?]

[Su Nian: The eldest young master has such a temper, he's out of our league. ]


[Su Nian: @All members, set off the day after tomorrow for Dali trip!  Sign up with me if you want to go!!]

[Su Nian: @Yes, will my brother go?]

Generally, Yan Zhun ignores this kind of news directly.

He swallowed the bread, lowered his eyes, and typed expressionlessly.

[Yan Zhun: I'm not familiar with you, don't identify me as your brother randomly]

[Yan Zhun: Who pulled me in? I've deleted my friends, and now this kind of stupid discussion group can drang anyone as they want?]

Yan Zhun is quick with his hands. As the people in the group gaped, he had already scolded people, deleted Su Nian, and withdrawn from the group.+

Edited by Czarina_306
Thank you so much!

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