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Pei Ran never ordered to play with him, but his roommate did.

The roommate was looking for a female companion to play with, with a sweet voice and one brother. Pei Ran could hear it clearly through the independent speakers.

The female escort appeared to only be an auxiliary player. From the beginning to the end of the game, she followed behind her roommate and kept saying "Brother save me", "Brother don't die" and "Brother is amazing". Pei Ran heard it.  That whole night, the word 'brother' was circling in his mind.

Thinking of this, Yan Zhun just came in from the window beside him, followed by a "thud". A gun and two first-aid kits appeared on the ground.

"Pick it up."

Pei Ran asked, "Then what would you use?"

"Yours, just give me one."

Then, holding the Vector submachine gun that Pei Ran had just unloaded, he went out through the window again.

In the wild area where Yan Zhun led Pei Ran to jump, Yan Zhun used a large size, and the score was high. The teammates in this round were very good, and they kept shouting about flying containers drying up while waiting in the lobby.

Yan Zun stood still, and when the plane was about to reach its end, he slowly marked a point on the map and said, "Jump."

Due to the uneven number of people, the teammates became cold within a few minutes of landing, and most of the people's mentality was not very good at night. The two did not quit the game when they were cold, and they kept talking sarcastically into the team's microphone.

"I'm driving a large one, right? Why are there people who don't jump with their teammates with this kind of umbrella?"

"The king of the wild area, Gou, finally stole the head and ate the chicken."

"It's really annoying, brother. Will you join us next?"

"Okay, so I'll see these two in a box before going out."

The script is similar to what they think; their teammates are indeed the kings of the wild area, and they have indeed reached the semi-finals with 0 kills.

But it's not quite the same.

Because they have a teammate whose ID is "111GOD", who is like a god of war in the semi-finals, killing Vector on his shoulders. First, he touched his butt to kill a full formation neatly, and then, a grenade accurately took away the head of the lone wolf next door.

Laymen have no culture. After the grenade kills and jumps out, the savage teammates will only use the word "fuck".

"Brother, brother, this man has an M416 in his bag. You should replace the Vector." The teammates' voices were much kinder.

Pei Ran moved forward cautiously and opened the enemy's box. There was indeed an M4 in it, but it was still fully equipped. "Do you want to change the gun?"

"No, " Yan Zhan said, "Just use Vector."

Teammate No. 1 said, "Okay, that's how the masters play."

Teammate number two said, "You're right, come on, brother."

In this round of Destiny Circle, it is not difficult to eat chickens.  When there was only one enemy left, the two teammates asked Yan Zhun if they wanted to play together.

Yan Zhun said, "Ask No. 3."

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Pei Ran glanced at the lower left corner...he was number three.

"Are you in a double row?" The teammate said, "No. 3, together?"

Pei Ran said, "No."

After killing the last player in the arena, Yan Zhun temporarily stayed on the chicken-eating interface, lowered his eyes, and picked up the cigarette case next to the keyboard.

"Number four could play with you," Pei Ran continued. "But, you have to pay."

Yan Zhun, who was holding the cigarette case, couldn't help but chuckle softly.

Pei Ran's tone didn't change;it was serious business for him, "In XXAPP, it's not expensive, it's a big reward for opening, and the price will increase later. The name is..."

The teammates were stunned when they heard it and responded a few times.

As soon as Yan Zhun returned to the game lobby, the screen of his mobile phone lit up. He unlocked it and glanced at it. Someone placed an order, probably his teammate just now.

He put the cigarette back in place and clicked on the refusal option.

Pei Ran came back with a cup of coffee. Milk was added to the coffee, and the colour gradually faded as he stirred.

"Did they place an order?"

Yan Zhun regretted, "No."

Before entering another game, Pei Ran successfully cut into the map, he heard an unfamiliar male voice coming from the headset——

"111, what a coincidence."

"222 You don't know each other? Just a brother who has been climbing up the Asian server rankings a while ago."

"111, are you there? Remember me? We have friends."

Yan Zhun glanced at his ID, xktv197, and saw that the name should be an anchor.

It's just that he has too many anchors and can't remember exactly who they are.

Yan Zhun hummed in response.

This 197 is obviously still on live broadcast and has been interacting with the audience. On the plane, 197 asked, "111, where to jump? I'll be with you."

As soon as the voice fell, a yellow mark appeared in a small wild area on the far right side of the map.

197, "?"

197, "Did your hand slip?"

Yan Zhun said, "I'm in the double row."

197 glanced at his teammate's ID and understood: "This number three? Ranbaobei? Oh...with a girlfriend?"

Pei Ran's account was built for him by Luo Qingshan, and his ID was also taken by Luo Qingshan, and he and Luo Qingshan had a couple ID.

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Pei Ran also felt that this ID was too feminine at first, but it was very troublesome to change the number, so he ignored it. It was not until now that it was read out that he felt a little bit ashamed.

"It's okay, don't worry about me." Pei Ran opened the microphone and said, "Just play your own way."

Hearing it was a male voice, the 197 was stunned for a moment, and then said, "Are you a novice? Well, then jump into the wild area. Anyway, this picture is so big, and you will meet people soon."

Yan Zhun chose the random mode. In this game, they are playing on a small rainforest map.

Not long after, Yan Zhun came to him again with a fully equipped M4.

Pei Ran glanced at the gun on the ground and said, "No need, there are many guns in this picture, and I also have an M4 on me."

Yan Zhun didn't say a word. He stood for a long time without leaving, and the gun was always on the ground.


In the end, Pei Ran squatted down and threw his M4 without accessories on the ground. Yan Zhun picked it up quickly, opened the door and left.

Pei Ran, "..."

This scene was watched by 197, and he joked, "111, what are you doing? But the baby's gun has a bonus buff?"

Yan Zhun snorted, "Take my boss's gun to double the combat effectiveness."

197 suddenly realized, "You also went to the sea to play with me?"

Yan Zhun said, "Yes."

197 is right. This small map is full of people. They had just finished searching two small wild areas when gunshots were heard nearby.

"Direction E," 197 glanced at the map, "Shit, 111, where are you going?"

Pei Ran glanced at the person following him and said, "...Let's go over now."

When they arrived, their teammates had already fought with the gang, four against two, and suffered a lot of losses. Another savage teammate had already become a box. 197 silk of blood kept squatting behind the stone to fill medicine, panicking a lot.

Pei Ran caught a glimpse of an enemy looking at someone with his back to him, and he subconsciously fired, but luckily the gun was steady, and he successfully knocked the enemy to the ground.

Pei Ran rarely kills people in this game. He can kill more than one in a round. It wasn't until the opponent fell that he realised how fast his heart was beating.

"Awesome." Yan Zhun's voice was mixed in with the hail of bullets.

Like being complimented by his teacher in elementary school, Pei Ran's cheeks began to heat inexplicably, and he reloaded his bullets behind the tree.

197 put on a blood bag, quickly reported the enemy's location, and Yan Zhun drank a bottle of painkillers strictly. "I will fill the thunder. You touch it from the left, I will hit the front."

The two of them raised the guns to their faces, and Yan Zhun knocked them down with two shuttle bullets. 197 successfully stole one smooth at the other end.

"They're all dead. I'm dying. I can lick my bag." 197 lay on the grass, "Strong, brother."

Yan Zhun didn't speak, but a vague, silenced sniper came from a distance. He touched the mirror to the right and glanced at it.

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Unexpectedly, before anyone was found, several gunshots came from behind.

197, "Fuck! Someone touched our butt! There's another fucking team..."

As soon as the voice fell, two strikes popped up in the upper right corner, and both 197 and Pei Ran were knocked down.

Yan Zhun reacted very quickly, turned around and opened the mirror to kill one. The enemy fired two shots at him before he fell, and Yan Zhun's blood bar instantly turned pink.

Yan Zhun was in a very good position, and 197's heart mentioned the throat and eyes, "There is another one. Don't worry, don't worry, fill the medicine first. That person seems to have gone to the treasure..."

Before he could finish speaking, he saw Yan Zhun cancel the action of filling the medicine and rushed forward with the gun in hand.

197, "???"

As soon as Pei Ran's "don't" reached his lips, Yan Zhun had already rushed into his field of vision.

In the few seconds that Yan Zhun confronted the enemy, Pei Ran felt that his chest was about to explode.

When Yan Zhuan finished the kill, Pei Ran breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help leaning back. He released the mouse, only to find that his palms were sweating.

...It's so exciting.

"I'm sloppy! Damn! Brother! Others are playing games, you are playing with heartbeats." 197 climbed to Yan Zhun's side with difficulty. After he fell, he took two shots from the enemy, and now the blood bar is almost at the bottom. "Brother, help me quickly."

As soon as the words fell, 197 watched Yan Zhun leave him and went straight to the slope, with most of his blood left.

"Do you have any medicine?" Yan Zhun asked.

Pei Ran thought before replying, "Yes."

"Okay, go and lick the bag, it's all over it."

197 wailed, "It's over, it's over, I'm gone, I'm gone, I'm gone..."

Fortunately, Yan Zun was not completely unscrupulous. When only the last trace of red blood remained in 197, he supported the person.

"Brother, I'm scared to death." 197 was very aggrieved and said, "I've already climbed up beside you, you don't help me. What are you thinking about, brother?"

Yan Zhun said, "I miss my boss."

Pei Ran, "..."

197, "Your boss still has blood!"

"This person has teammates. What if he makes up for it? " Yan Zhun loaded the 98k, "If you die, I can try my best to lie you down and take the chicken."

197, "?"

"If he's dead, I'll have to kill myself."

197 was silent for a moment, then said, "Okay, I know that you are a top-level companion, but I don't know, I thought you two were doing it*."

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(He meant that he thought they were in a relationship.)

Yan Zhun looked at the life in front of him and stopped in place.

A few seconds later, Ranbaobei continued to run forward, and the microphone in front of the ID also flashed, "Well, such a good company only costs 20 yuan for an hour on the XX platform."

Yan Zhun laughed. He kept pressing the mouse, and the running game character punched the air heavily.

The two played until four in the morning.

Pei Ran was so immersed in playing that he didn't pay attention to the time. He didn't realise that it was so late until Yan Zhuan proposed that he rest.

As soon as Pei Ran lay in bed, his cell phone rang.

[Yan Zhun: Am I serving well?]

[Pei Ran: Very good]

Feeling perfunctory, Pei Ran added another sentence.

[Pei Ran: Really]

[Yan Zhun: Well, this is my first time doing this. I have no experience]

[Pei Ran: Have you received a new order?]

When Pei Ran sent this sentence, Yan Zhun opened the background of the companion app.

In one night, he received more than 40 orders to play with him.

Thinking of Pei Ran's serious tone when he advertised for him, Yan Zhun stretched out his hand to cover his face and couldn't help but smile.

[Yan Zhun: No, my market doesn't seem to be doing well]

Pei Ran held the phone and thought for a while, then dryly typed out "Come on."

Before it was sent, another message was received.

[Yan Zhun: Do you really think I played well?]

[Pei Ran: Really.]

[Yan Zhun: Do you want to buy me more for a while?]

Pei Ran was stunned.

[Yan Zhun: At the grand opening ceremony, you can take more pictures. I will be yours for the whole holiday]

[Yan Zhun: Okay?]

[Yan Zhun: Boss Pei]

Edited by: Czarina_306
Tysm for your work <3

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