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It took some time for the people around them to know about the breakup of the two.

It wasn't what Pei Ran said. Pei Ran never liked to tell others about his relationship problems. Not even Luo Qingshan. In his eyes, this is just a hurdle on their emotional road, not something impossible to cross.

One day, Pei Ran met Lin Kang on his way to school.

"Recently, Luo Qingshan didn't bring you here for a dinner party. This is obviously a problem. We have already seen it." Lin Kang continued, "Someone said something last night, which was just a joke, but Luo Qingshan was on the spot. It's a shame, if I hadn't stopped him, he'd  probably have gotten into a fight."

Pei Ran didn't know what expression to make, and responded stiffly, "Really..."

Lin Kang looked at him curiously and said, "But why did you two split up?"

Pei Ran threw out the remarks that he had already thought of for a long time, "Inappropriate."

"We've known each other for three years, now it's inappropriate to say?" Lin Kang smiled. "Okay, I won't ask if you don't want to. By the way, how are you going home in the afternoon? Should we ride together?"

The school will have a seven-day long holiday starting tomorrow. Lin Kang and Pei Ran lived close to each other and could get off at one place by bus.

"My family will pick you up." Pei Ran said, "And will drop along the way, okay?"

Lin Kang couldn't ask for it. The bus was shaking too much. Every time he sat, he wanted to vomit, "What time do we leave? I'll be out on time... I'll skip the class and come early. I think my class ends ten minutes later than yours."

"It's just the normal school time, it's okay, you take your time, I'll wait for you."

Lin Kang thanked him and felt the phone buzzing in his pocket. He subconsciously took it out and saw that it was the discussion group that was arguing and was always at him.

"These lunatics, who won't go home during the holiday, are still organising games." Lin Kang murmured, "Every day is free, and Su Nian still said that he wants to play, just seven days, enough to play a fart... Are you going?"

Pei Ran looked at him suspiciously and said, "Where are you going?"

"Travelling. Didn't you read what people in the group said?"

Pei Ran said, "I'm not in the group."

Lin Kang was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously opened the group members' list to confirm.

Pei Ran was indeed not in the group.

This small group was pulled by Su Nian last week. Su Nian always liked to do this kind of thing. There were more than thirty people in the group. At that time, Lin Kang didn't know that the two had broken up, so he subconsciously counted Pei Ran in.

He and Pei Ran have a lot of common groups. Pei Ran rarely speaks, and usually the enthusiasm is caused by him. So when he didn't see Pei Ran for a few days, he didn't think there was anything wrong.

"I thought you were... just, Su Nian said he was going to play in Dali." Lin Kang said, flustered.

This Su Nian is too inconsiderate. Pei Ran has been playing with the guys for so long. How could this group miss anyone?

In this situation, it is not easy for Lin Kang to invite him into the group. After all, Luo Qingshan is usually quite active in the group.

"It's okay." Pei Ran smiled.

Lin Kang hurriedly thought of a topic and wanted to get over this issue, but before he could think of anything to say, he met another acquaintance head-on.

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Yan Zhun was wearing a simple black T-shirt. He clipped the basketball to the side of the straddle with his wrist, and his fingers hung lazily in the air, chatting with the people around him as he walked.

Lin Kang hurriedly called out to him, "Yan Zhun!"

Yan Zhun glanced over. His chest rose slightly, and his chin was sweating.

Lin Kang just wanted to escape the embarrassment, so he laughed twice and asked randomly, "Just finished playing?"

Yan Zhun didn't respond, turned back and continued to talk to the people around him, Lin Kang was even more embarrassed.

He laughed dryly, and was about to scold Yan Zhun when he saw Yan Zhun nod his head at his friend, then turned around and walked towards them.

"You," Yan Zhun paused, "why are you here?"

"Just finished class." Lin Kang said, "I came here for a walk."

Yan Zhun looked at Pei Ran. Lin Kang was stunned for a moment, and followed his sight.

Pei Ran's tone was as usual, "I'm here to help the teacher move the painting tools."

Lin Kang breathed a sigh of relief, at least the bad topic was over, "Yan Zhun, have you seen the discussion group? They want to form a team to go to Dali. Are you going?"

Yan Zhun, "No. Not going."

Lin Kang nodded. He had guessed it long ago. "Why are you standing so far away?"

Yan Zhun, "I just finished playing and my body stinks."

"So particular about it?" Lin Kang smiled.

Pei Ran didn't listen carefully to their conversation. He lowered his eyes and saw Yan Zhun's hand.

Yan Zhun's fingers were long and slender, his nails were neatly cut, and his skin was stained with dirt from playing balls. He remembered that when Yan Zhun held the mouse, the knuckles on the back of his hands were very beautiful.

"Are you coming tonight?"

Pei Ran watched without blinking, thinking that he could even be a hand model.

Then he saw Yan Zhun curl his index finger and tap the basketball twice lightly.

"Are you coming tonight?" Yan Zhun said, "Pei Ran."

Hearing his name, Pei Ran raised his head in a daze, and it took a while to realise the meaning of Yan Zhun's words.

Yan Zhun was asking him if he could start "working" tonight.

Remembering what Yan Zhun said about being uncomfortable, Pei Ran didn't hesitate, "Okay."

Yan Zhun nodded, and his hair, wet with sweat, quivered with the motion, "Then I'll wait for you."

After Yan Zhun left with his friends, Lin Kang stared at his back for a few seconds, then turned to look at the people beside him.


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"Are you coming tonight?"

Isn't that what he often says to his girlfriend?

Lin Kang slapped himself in the heart. In broad daylight, what was going on in his mind...

"I can't tell," Lin Kang retracted the messy associations and said, "You are so familiar with Yan Zhun."

Pei Ran said, "I'm not very familiar either."

"You are not familiar with him, yet he can make you wait for him at night?" Lin Kang laughed, "But what are you two going to do?"

"Play games."


"..." Lin Kang was speechless, "Okay. But it's cool enough to be able to play games with him. I know something, don't tell anyone, he was invited by the TZG team in high school. In recent years, he has been contracted for domestic championships, and he also won the national championship last year, but he didn't go there at that time."

"So you see, Luo Qingshan has lived with him for so long, he finally played a game with him, haha."

Pei Ran was a little surprised, "Is he so powerful?"

Then... did he get less money?

He studied it later, and for twenty yuan an hour, those fledgling middle and high-level segment players were more expensive than this.

Pei Ran suddenly felt that he had taken a small advantage.

"It's great to be joking, but it's not that exaggerated." Lin Kang patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Maybe he just thinks Luo Qingshan is noisy and doesn't like to play with him."

In the afternoon, Lin Kang left early and stood at the school gate with Pei Ran waiting for the bus.

Lin Kang looked straight ahead as a two-color Maybach stopped in front of them.

He tilted his head and whispered, after comparing a number, "Shit, shit, this car is amazing, at least this number!*"

(E/N: He's talking about the price of the car.)

The driver's seat was opened, and a middle-aged man in white and black trousers got out of the car. "Xiao Ran, uncle is not late, right? Where's the luggage? I'll help you put it in the carriage."

Pei Ran said, "No need, I only have a few days off. I didn't bring any luggage."

Lin Kang, "..."

Lin Kang's expression was complicated, and he was no longer embarrassed. "No wonder I was beaten by my dad when I said I wanted to learn to draw. I don't have this condition."

Pei Ran laughed, "It's not that exaggerated."

Just as Lin Kang was about to get into the car, his clothes were suddenly pulled hard, and he almost fell to the ground.

Lin Kang was startled, turned around and cursed, "Fuck you..."

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Luo Qingshan pursed his lips and held Lin Kang's coat tightly in his hands, his eyes moving between Lin Kang and Pei Ran.

Seeing him, Lin Kang was even more baffled and slapped his hand away, "Are you sick? Are you saying hello like this?"

Luo Qingshan's eyes finally fell on Pei Ran.

Pei Ran looked at him calmly for a few seconds, then looked away.

"Are you hurt?" Pei Ran asked.

"No, I just hit it," Lin Kang nervously looked at the car's body, "I didn't scratch your car."

"It's okay if you did." Pei Ran said, "Get in the car, you can't stop here for a long time."

As soon as the words fell, Lin Kang's clothes were grabbed again.

"If you have something to say, then say it. Why are you dragging me?" Lin Kang said.

Luo Qingshan gritted his teeth and, after a long time, said, "What are you going to do?"

Lin Kang said, "Going home."

"Going home together?"

Just as Lin Kang was about to respond, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

"Oh no..." Lin Kang frowned, "Luo Qingshan, what do you mean?"

Luo Qingshan said, "Then what were you doing together in the morning? What were you doing with your hand on his shoulder, oh, eating together, right?"

Lin Kang laughed angrily, lowered his voice, and said, "Luo Qingshan, are you sick? I have a girlfriend!"

"You have a girlfriend and are still so close to him?"

"Luo Qingshan, you really do. Do you think the whole world is gay? Besides, what happened to Pei Ran and I? We just walked for a while and are going home together," Lin Kang said casually, without knowing it, "We are not as close as you and Su Nian. And what are you doing here?"

Luo Qingshan's face was instantly pale, and his momentum collapsed by half.

He saw it upstairs at noon. Pei Ran didn't reply to his message or answer his phone, but he and Lin Kang chatted and laughed all the way. Lin Kang had even put his arm around Pei Ran's shoulder.

"Luo Qingshan," Pei Ran finally said, "Let go."

When Pei Ran returned home, it was already dark. The lights were on in the small villas in the row, but his house was pitch-dark.

After saying goodbye to the driver, he turned around and entered the house. The house was clean, and it could be seen that someone was cleaning it every day, but unfortunately, no one lived there.

He took a shower and changed into silk pajamas. The light hit him, making his whole persona very soft.

But now Pei Ran has nothing to do with softness.

He was even a little angry.

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Picking up the phone, he saw that almost all of the texts were from Luo Qingshan.

[Luo Qingshan: I'm sorry.]

[Luo Qingshan: I'm sorry baby, don't be mad at me]

[Luo Qingshan: I was not in my right mind. I don't really doubt you]


Pei Ran didn't want to look anymore, so he just cleared the screen.

After drying his hair, he went straight to the closet and began to count the things Luo Qingshan had given him.

He basically used the shoes and backpacks, and it was not easy to return them, so he checked the price online and converted them all into cash. Some sneakers have been out of print due to time, and the prices have gone up a lot, so he checked the price. It takes some effort.

By the time he sorted out a number, it was already early in the morning.

He transferred the money to Luo Qingshan's Alipay, then opened WeChat and sent a message, "Money has been transferred".

As he exited the dialog, he caught a glimpse of one of the avatars.

The avatar caught his attention because there was a rabbit in the picture.

Rabbit on the Big White Rabbit logo.

Next to the rabbit were two big characters—Yan Zhun.

Pei Ran looked at the picture for a few seconds, as if his head was short-circuited, and then suddenly came back to his senses.

[Pei Ran: I'm sorry!]

[Pei Ran: I had something to do temporarily, I forgot...]

[Pei Ran: Sorry]

[Yan Zhun: It's okay.]

[Pei Ran: Go to sleep. I won't disturb you anymore.]

[Yan Zhun: Not sleeping]

[Yan Zhun: Still waiting for you]

Pei Ran logged in to the game, and Yan Zhun's invitation message immediately popped up.

Pei Ran hurriedly entered the team, and then turned on the microphone, "I was busy packing my things and forgot. I'm sorry."

Yan Zhun said, "It's alright, no need to apologize."

Pei Ran was just relieved when he saw the small speaker in front of the "111GOD" ID light up again.

There was silence for two seconds. Yan Zhuan said in a low voice, "I thought you weren't coming."

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