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Pei Ran returned to his bedroom, and the first thing he did was take a shower.

The restaurant had a light taste, but it was not good. Now he can feel the sourness of the plate of vinegar potatoes.

After the shower, he stood on the bedside and wiped his hair with one hand, holding the phone and clicking on Su Nian's moments again.

He and Su Nian added each other's WeChat when they first met, but they never talked.

He skipped the first moment, and saw the other one.

[The chili in this shop is perfect. [photo]】

Luo Qingshan mentioned it to him today that he found a restaurant with a strong spicy flavor. He also said that it was a pity that Pei Ran didn't like spicy food, otherwise he would take him to try it.

[Today's Sports (11) [Photo]]

The photo was of a basketball court. Pei Ran saw Luo Qingshan's jersey in the photo.

【One day trip to the library. 】


Most of Su Nian's moments in the past two months are related to Luo Qingshan.

Pei Ran frowned very lightly, and quickly let go.

Pei Ran didn't know why he suddenly came to see Su Nian's Moments. He scanned these pictures, but he had never cared before, and he didn't even click on the pictures.

It's just that his thoughts are all over the place, he can't just speculate something based on just one or two things, just a few photos.

He stayed on the photo for a few seconds, then turned off WeChat.

A week later, Pei Ran's calendar popped up with a notification reminding him that tomorrow is Luo Qingshan's birthday.

When he received Luo Qingshan's call, he was picking gifts in the store.

Luo Qingshan said: ", I want to talk with you."


"I want to go to KTV for my birthday, okay?"

Pei Ran said: "Your birthday, of course, is yours."

"The thing is that you have to be willing to come." Luo Qingshan said, "Don't you hate going to those places the most... This time it was those idiots who persuaded me, and they said that they met people, and there are preferential rooms, which are very cheap. But do you want to come? If you are not willing to come, I will change places."

Pei Ran: "I just want you to be happy."

So things are set.

The next night, Pei Ran looked at the mask on the table and hesitated.

Pei Ran didn't like going to KTV. It was noisy, messy, and dirty. The smell of everyone was mixed, and it smelled nauseous. Especially the smell of smoke, but there is only that little ground in the box... He couldn't help but wrinkle his face just thinking about it.

It might be better to wear a mask, but it's a little boring.

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The phone rang, it was Luo Qingshan's call. Luo Qingshan returned home today, and then went directly to the KTV from home, and the two have never had a chance to meet.

"Do you know the way, or should I pick you up?"

"No," Pei Ran picked up the mask and stuffed it into the cabinet. Everyone is open to playing in the bar, and a person wearing a mask suddenly comes in, he was afraid it will discourage other people. He said, "I will use navigation."

"Why are you here too?"

Yan Zhun raised his head, and sitting beside him was a classmate of the same major named Lin Kang. Lin Kang and him are in the same class. Although they are not close, they are still friends.

Lin Kang took off his thin coat and threw it directly on the sofa: "Luo Qingshan called you too then."

"He just happened to call me." Yan Zhun said.

"Lin Kang, what are you talking about, Yan Zhun and I are good buddies. What's so strange about him coming to celebrate my birthday?" Luo Qingshan took the microphone and heard their conversation, and said directly into the microphone. "Let's play a 4 player game to win."

"Pay attention to your words, it is Yan Zhun who's carrying us!" Lin Kang immediately retorted.


The two of them quarreled with each other. Yan Zhun only listened to two sentences before returning his attention to the phone.

Su Nian looked up from the song station, smiled, and said, "Yes, we can play."

Luo Qingshan: "Just forget it, I don't wanna play."

"Come on, you..." Lin Kang asked, "Didn't you say four players, us three, and who else?"

Luo Qingshan laughed: "Who else can there be? My wife."

Lin Kang: "Pei Ran can also play games?"

Luo Qingshan: "He has only played a few times, but he specifically accompanys me to play."

Yan Zhun has good hands but he doesn't play a lot.

He simply doesn't play a lot.

The room that Luo Qingshan rented was full in less than half an hour.

Luo Qingshan is also a well-known rich second-generation in the school.

Lin Kang sat beside Yan Zhun, took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, and handed one to Yan Zhun, "Come on."

Yan Zhun said: "I don't smoke, thank you."

Lin Kang was slightly surprised, he circled the cigarette in his hand and put it in his mouth: "What are you doing? You quit it?"

"No," Yan Zhun said lightly, "I won't smoke today."

Lin Kang smoked his cigarette and walked to the karaoke table, touched Luo Qingshan's leg, and motioned to him to get up: "If you don't want to sing a song, let me sing. How can anyone keep on occupying the karaoke table?"

Luo Qingshan smiled and cursed: "Shouldn't you be nice to the birthday star? OK, OK, sit down."

Lin Kang sat down and asked, "Where is your wife? Why didn't you pick him up?"

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"What can't a big boy do," Su Nian interjected with a smile, "Brother Pei Ran can't get lost, right?"

"He's coming soon." Luo Qingshan took out his cell phone, "I told him i can pick him up, but he refused. I will send a message to ask..."

The room's door was pushed open, Luo Qingshan saw the person who came, and directly threw away the microphone and walked over quickly.

Pei Ran wears the same as usual, dark jeans lining his slender legs. Luo Qingshan embraced his waist and kissed the corner of his mouth: "Why are you late? I planned to pick you up."

There was the smell of cigarettes in Luo Qingshan's mouth, Pei Ran wanted to hide but thought that today was Luo Qingshan's birthday, so he held back.


He was not used to being intimate in front of so many people. He pursed his lips and said, "I thought that it's close. I didn't take a car and came over walking."

"It's not so close, Brother Pei Ran," Su Nian smiled, "It seems that it took you more than ten minutes to walk over? You could've asked Luo Qingshan to send a taxi for you."

Su Nian wanted to say something, Pei Ran suddenly glanced over.

Pei Ran has thick eyelashes and long and narrow eyes, making him look gentle and soft, but there is no emotion in this eye, so Su Nian subconsciously shuts up.

When Pei Ran took a seat on the sofa, he came back to his senses.

"Happy birthday." Pei Ran didn't look at Su Nian who was sitting on his right again. He handed the gift to Luo Qingshan. "I think the screen of your phone is broken. Let's change it."

Luo Qingshan took the gift from him, and couldn't help kissing him again: "It's nice baby."

"Pei Ran, you all are rich right?" Lin Kang, who was next to him, saw it and wondered, "You guys have the same mobile phone. Do you guys use Luo Qingshan's phone, or do you guys share them?"

Pei Ran looked at Luo Qingshan suspiciously.

"Ah, yes, I also have the same mobile phone." Su Nian smiled indifferently, the KTV light was not bright, occasionally one or two lights hit his face, reflecting his dark eyes, "The model is the same, haha, it's not a coincidence, Is it?"

Before Pei Ran could react, Luo Qingshan's face changed slightly.

"I'll pay you back in a while, Su Nian." Luo Qingshan said, "I just used Pei Ran's to send. The two mobile phones are too heavy to hold, and I can't use them."

Su Nian picked up the wine bottle on the table, took a big gulp into his mouth, and then shrugged, "It's up to you."

"Baby, what song do you sing? I will ask Lin Kang to help you." Luo Qingshan lowered his head and asked.

Pei Ran shook his head: "I won't sing, you also drink less wine."

Luo Qingshan: "Don't worry, I'm not willing to let you carry me back."

The two chatted for a few words, but they were interrupted by the people around them.

"Lin Kang, let's change positions." Su Nian said, "I want to smoke, I'm afraid Brother Pei Ran can't stand the smell of smoke."

Lin Kang said: "Wait a minute, I will choose a song..."

"I'll change with you."

Su Nian turned his head subconsciously, Yan Zhun didn't know when to walk to him and stared at him with his eyes down.

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Yan Zhun's face is too handsome that it makes people's hearts move, Su Nian's heart started beating quickly, but soon became calm again.

He was different from Luo Qingshan, who recently figured out he was gay. He was gay since his youth, and he spent much longer on this road than Luo Qingshan, he was very good at seeing the situation. Just one look at the boy with this kind of personality, and you can't get close to him.

It wasn't until Su Nian sat in Yan Zhun's original position that he suddenly remembered-doesn't Yan Zhun also smoke?

Luo Qingshan was so active that he couldn't sit still. Without saying a word to Pei Ran, he sat in front of him and sang with all his heart.

Pei Ran lowered his head to play on his mobile phone. There was nothing fun. He had cleared all the stand-alone games downloaded on the mobile phone. He just wanted to avoid communication. Although he knew all the people in this room, most of them only knew him through Luo Qingshan and were not familiar with them.


Pei Ran slowly raised his head after he lost in the game Happy Bean. He had a dry mouth and wanted to find a glass of water to drink, only to find that there was only wine on the table, no juice, and no water.

Pei Ran hesitated for a moment, and just as he stretched out his hand to take the full glass of wine, the hem of his clothes was tugged.

Yan Zhun sat next to him. Although he hadn't made a sound, he had a strong sense of presence. Pei Ran could even smell the scent of cold pine wood, which washed away some of the surrounding smoky smell.

Pei Ran leaned back subconsciously, turning his head, and said: "What's the matter?"

Yanzhun reached into the pocket under his clothes and took out a bottle of mineral water from it.

Pei Ran: "..."

"I bought it on the road. I forgot to drink it. I haven't opened it." Yan Zhun asked, "Drink or not?"

It's just a bottle of water, Pei Ran politely reached out to take it: "Thank you."

He unscrewed the cap before handing it to him.

Pei Ran took a sip of water and felt alive again. He turned his head to say thank you again but found that Yan Zhun was looking at him motionlessly.

To be precise, he was looking at his mouth.

Pei Ran blinked, and subconsciously reached out and wiped the corner of his mouth: "What's the something dirty?"

Yan Zhun didn't respond, he faintly opened his eyes then turned to the other side.

Pei Ran was confused, before he had time to think about it, someone hugged his neck.

Luo Qingshan sang enough, returned to Pei Ran, and formed a four-person gaming round with Lin Kang and the others.

Lin Kang shook the dice: "The rule is that if you lose then you have to drink one cup without leaving a single drop, there is no preferential treatment for birthday stars! Pei Ran will you play or not?"

"He doesn't play, and he doesn't drink," Luo Qingshan remembered after speaking, and asked hurriedly, "Baby, are you thirsty? Should I get you a glass of juice?"

"No, I have mineral water." Pei Ran broke free from Luo Qingshan's arm without showing a trace. He was uncomfortable in this position.

Luo Qingshan is the protagonist of this party, and he is always targeted in the game no matter what he says other people will target him.

"Lin Kang, are you ill, do you want to change the limit?" Luo Qingshan laughed angrily and drank the wine as he said.

Lin Kang: "Why didn't you treat me like this last time on my birthday? I have grudges and grievances now..."

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Pei Ran leaned on the sofa, watching Luo Qingshan blush as he drank.

On the other side, Yan Zhun had barely drunk much. His legs spread loosely, his elbows on his knees, and his hands holding the dice were clean and slender, which made him even a little bit more vigorous than others when he shook the dice.

"Why don't you let Pei Ran help you play, your skills are too bad, you can't hold the game at all." Lin Kang sneered at him.

Luo Qingshan scolded him with a smile, and the phone on the table suddenly lit up, telling him that he had received a new message.

Luo Qingshan picked up the phone and unlocked it. After seeing the content clearly, the smile on his lips froze, and he moved the phone screen a few centimeters in front of his face.

A few seconds later, he put down his phone and turned to Lin Kang and told him: "No one...It's okay, keep playing."

After playing another round, Luo Qingshan put the dice upside down on the table.

"Wait first, I'll go to the toilet."

Lin Kang: "What are you doing? I'm afraid, do you want to pee?"

"Go away, I'm going to fill some water, and by the way, ask the waiter to serve some juice," he touched Lin Kang with his foot, "let me go out."

Luo Qingshan hurriedly left the room, and Lin Kang sneered: "Look at him being so anxious, his pace so fast, he definitely isn't going to get water!"

As soon as Lin Kang sat back in his original position, he was patted on the shoulder again.

Pei Ran: "I'm going out to make a call."

In the KTV corridor, Pei Ran has his head down, walking slowly.

After going through Su Nian's moments that day, Pei Ran reflected on himself.

First of all, he shouldn't suspect his boyfriend because of small things; secondly, he shouldn't make any malicious speculations about Su Nian just because the two have a good friendship.

It is very normal to have same-sex friends who you play with. Girls are called girlfriends, and boys are called brothers. He can't deprive him of the right to make friends just because he likes men.

Besides, homosexuality is rare.

But after Luo Qingshan hurriedly left, his first reaction was still to find Su Nian, because Su Nian had also left the room sometime ago.

When Pei Ran came back to his senses, he was already close to the toilet door.

He rubbed his temples, couldn't help but smile, and finally decided to go back. But when he raised his head, the smile on his lips stopped.

Not far away, he saw Luo Qingshan.

Luo Qingshan stood straight on the edge of the corridor, his hands hanging on both of his sides, motionless.

Su Nian is holding him.

It was a hug between lovers, and the two were close to each other. Su Nian's head rested on Luo Qingshan's shoulders as if talking.

After ten seconds, Su Nian raised his head and kissed Luo Qingshan's chin.7

Pei Ran was stunned in place, and he hadn't figured out what to do, when suddenly it was completely dark in front of him.

A big hand covered Pei Ran's eyes, and the smell of pine wood furiously rushed into all his senses.

"Don't look, you don't need to dirty your eyes." It was a specific voice.

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