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Pei Ran's heart was beating very fast, but he couldn't tell whether it was because Luo Qingshan was kissing someone or the hot temperature remaining on his eyelids.

     "What do you want to do?" Yan Zhun asked him when he pulled him to the wall, which was also a blind spot of Luo Qingshan's vision.

     Under the dim light, Pei Ran's face was very red, his skin was pale, and there would be obvious changes when he was hot or nervous.

     Pei Ran was startled: "What?"

     "You caught a cheater," Yan Zhun said, "Still wanna stay?"

     Pei Ran never thought that one day he would have something to do with the "catching a cheater".

     He finally recovered, opened his mouth stiffly, and said, "Forget it... let's go."

     Today is Luo Qingshan's birthday, with so many friends present, Pei Ran doesn't want to make trouble too ugly.

     Yan Zhun: "Okay."

     Back at the door of the room, Pei Ran lowered his head and just wanted to go in, Yan Zhun suddenly turned around: "Wait for me here, I will go in and talk to Lin Kang."

     Pei Ran looked at him blankly.

     Yan Zhun asked naturally, "Don't you want to leave?"

     So Pei Ran waited quietly outside the door, and he even thought about what he should say if he ran into Luo Qingshan and Su Nian head-on.

     But Luo Qingshan didn't come back until Yan Zhun got out of the room.

     Yan Zhun walked out, holding his coat in his hand: "Let's go."

     Stepping out of the KTV, Pei Ran recovered completely when the cold wind blew in the middle of the night.

     Pei Ran lowered his head and grabbed his hair, and let out a long sigh.

     Yan Zhun scanned his expression, pursing his lips several times before asking, "Do you want to cry?"

     Pei Ran said, "I don't want to."

     "You look like you are about to cry."

     Pei Ran didn't want to cry, but he was indeed a little confused.

     He said: "I'm fine, thank you for coming out with me, I'll buy you a cup of milk tea."

     There happened to be a milk tea shop next to them, Pei Ran thought that after buying milk tea, they could leave separately. The impact of tonight's events was not small, and he had to spend some time digesting it.

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     Yan Zhun said: "It's too sweet to drink."

     Pei Ran nodded: "Then I will go first..."

     "Change it to coffee," Yan Zhun said, "the ones across the street are handmade."


     Yan Zhun and the owner of the coffee shop seem to be friends, and the two have been chatting at the bar for a long time.

     Pei Ran sat alone, his eyes floating aimlessly out the window.

     The soft sound of the cup touching the tabletop drew his attention back.

     "I told him to not make it too sweet." Yan Zhun sat down.

     "Thank you." After Pei Ran finished speaking, he found that he seemed to have been saying thank you to Yan Zhun all this time. "You know the owner?"

     "Well, he's my friend, he is a few years older." Yan Zhun said, "I knew met him while playing games."

     Pei Ran didn't know if he listened carefully but just nodded.

     He took a sip of coffee, bitter and sweet, and it was indeed much better than those sweet milk tea.

     For a moment, he put down the cup: "You've known about this for a long time?"

     Yan Zhun stirred the coffee: "No, I'm not familiar with them."

     Unfamiliar but came to the birthday party?

     Pei Ran only regarded it as a cover-up between the brothers, he pulled the corner of his mouth: "Yeah."

     Pei Ran caught a glimpse of the tissue in his hand, which Yan Zhun had just brought, and pushed it towards him along with the coffee.

     Pei Ran couldn't help but say, "I don't want to cry."

     "Yeah." Yan Zhun asked, "Is the coffee bitter?"

     The topic changed too quickly, Pei Ran paused before responding: "It's kind of bitter, but it's delicious."

     Yan Zhun took out candy from his pocket and put it in front of Pei Ran.

     White Rabbit Toffee, Pei Ran's favorite toffee, he always keeps a few by his computer.

     "Your pocket has everything." Pei Ran peeled off the candy and put it in his mouth, without saying thank you. The moment the toffee touched his taste buds, Pei Ran's mood eased a lot.

     It's a pity that he didn't relax long before the phone rang, and it was Luo Qingshan's call.

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     Pei Ran looked down for a few seconds, then hung up. But Luo Qingshan didn't give up, and then made two more calls. Pei Ran still didn't answer. Finally, after the fifth call was declined, Luo Qingshan didn't call again.

     Pei Ran just wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, but the phone turned on again, this time it was Lin Kang.

     Pei Ran hesitated for a while, but still picked it up.

     "Pei Ran, where are you?" Lin Kang's voice was noisy, he should be in the room still, "Hey! Turn off the music first, I'm calling Pei Ran!"

     Pei Ran didn't answer the question: "Is there something wrong?"

     Lin Kang was stunned for a moment: "Ah, yes... Luo Qingshan is drunk and has been looking for you."

     At the other end, Luo Qingshan leaned on the sofa and fell asleep. He violently straightened his back and leaped on Lin Kang: "Pei Ran? My dear? Where is Pei Ran? Pei Ran... Why didn't he answer my call??"1

     Lin Kang smiled and cursed a swear word: "What am I doing? Here he's on the call, you speak to him yourself."

     Pei Ran was caught off guard when the phone was given to Luo Qingshan.

     "Baby? Babe?" Luo Qingshan yelled twice, then raised his phone and squinted to make sure the call was still running, "Pei Ran, you care about me."

     Luo Qingshan has always had a low tolerance to drinking, and listening to his tone he seemed to be very drunk.

     There is nothing to talk about with drunks, Pei Ran sighed lightly: "You are drunk."

     "I know..." Luo Qingshan said vaguely, "I know, I'm drunk, you're not happy, I won't drink next time... Baby, you come and take me back."

     In the background sound, Pei Ran heard the people around Luo Qingshan making a fuss, Lin Kang still yelled to record Luo Qingshan's drunken state.


     Pei Ran patiently said: "I won't go back, you let Lin Kang listen to the phone call."

     "Why?" Luo Qingshan said drunkenly, "No if you don't come back, I will die."

     The background sound became noisier and noisier, which gave Pei Ran a headache.

     He didn't want to let other people watch jokes, so he could only put a soft tone: "Are you obedient?"

     Yan Zhun put his hands in his pockets, leaning on the chair and looking at him.

     Luo Qingshan thought for a while: "Yes."

     "Then give Lin Kang the phone." Pei Ran said, "Good boy."

     Finally, Lin Kang got the phone back, and Pei Ran explained to him that he would not go back tonight, and hoped that Lin Kang could help bring him back to the bedroom.

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     When hanging up the phone, he also heard Luo Qingshan calling his name.

     "Good boy?" Yan Zhun raised the corner of his mouth sarcastically, "Are you coaxing a kid?"

     Pei Ran said: "Drunks are no different from children."

     "It's very different," said Yan Zhun, "children will not cheat."3

     Pei Ran frowned very lightly, wondering if it was an illusion. He felt that his tone changed after he was done with the phone call.

     Although Yan Zhun was right, saying this at this time was tantamount to tearing Pei Ran's wounds.

     Pei Ran twitched the corners of his mouth: "Yes."

     The phone on the table vibrated suddenly, and it was a voice message from Luo Qingshan.

     Pei Ran clicked on the voice because it was too late to put it to his ears, most of the words were released publicly, they were all illogical nonsense.

     The key is that behind Luo Qingshan's voice, Su Nian's voice is faintly mixed, and the lines of "brother" are intimate and sticky, and it sounds like the two are very close.

     "What is it now?" Yan Zhun said, "The kid can't find a toy to play with?"

     Many people who have been cheated on like to talk to their friends about their experiences, and are eager to hear their friends complain and help them.

     But Pei Ran is not like that. He doesn't like to show his wounds to others. He is used to digestion and relief by himself.

     And to be exact, he is a toy.

     He suddenly remembered that he was not familiar with Yan Zhun, and that they weren't even normal friends.

     "Perhaps." Pei Ran put away the phone and got up, "It's late, I'll go back first, and we can talk later, thank you for helping me tonight."

     Pei Ran went to the front desk to pay the bill, the boss handed him the invoice, and Pei Ran stuffed it into his pocket.

     He pushed open the door of the coffee shop and only took two steps before he heard the wind chime ringing on the door of the coffee shop again, following him closely, his arm was grabbed by someone.

     Yan Zhun's palm was very hot, and Pei Ran was taken aback by him.

     "I'm sorry." Yan Zhun still kept his face cold, but then admitted his mistake, "I said the wrong thing."

     Pei Ran blinked, and was a little dazed by him: "It's okay, don't apologize..."

     Yan Zhun grabbed all the white rabbit toffee from his pocket and put them into Pei Ran's palm.

     "All these are for you," he said. "Don't be angry."

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     Pei Ran returned to the dormitory and poured all the toffee in his pocket next to the computer.

     The roommate heard the sound, looked back, and laughed: "The white rabbit has fallen, are they all sold in bulk?"

     "No, someone else gave it."

     The roommate let out a long "Oh": "Why is Luo Qingshan so picky, he only bought a few for you?."

     Pei Ran is not keen on showing affection. Usually, his roommate mentions Luo Qingshan, and he is worried that the topic will extend infinitely.

     He walked to the bathroom with his pajamas and explained: "It wasn't him, it was another friend."

     "Oh well then, oh that's right, I'm going out tonight." The roommate's mouth was almost grinning, "Today is Luo Qingshan's birthday, I thought you would not be back."

     Pei Ran smiled and said nothing.

     After taking a shower, his roommate had already left, Pei Ran lay on the bed, only to find that his phone was filled with messages.

     Luo Qingshan sent him countless voices, long and short, and several emoticons.

     Luo Qingshan is different from others when he is drunk. Others fall asleep, but he becomes more and more energetic.

     Pei Ran swiped the screen at random and didn't want to click on the voice messages.

     He didn't want to hear Luo Qingshan's voice or Su Nian's voice, he just wanted to sleep peacefully tonight.

     Pei Ran exited the chatbox. Just about to turn off WeChat, when he saw a big "1" on the friend icon.

     [Acknowledged request to add you as a friend, additional message: Yan Zhun]

     As they are surrounded by friends who knew each other, Pei Ran directly pressed to confirm the request.

     [Yan Zhun: [voice message]]

     When the phone was lit bright, Pei Ran pursed his lips and clicked on this two-second voice message.

     "Don't be angry, go to bed early."

     Yan Zhun's voice was low and heavy, and there were some water sounds, which should mean he's taking a shower.

     Pei Ran suddenly felt amused. It was Luo Qingshan's mistake, why did Yan Zhun admit his mistakes.

     Besides... Yan Zhun didn't do anything wrong.

     [Pei Ran: I'm not angry, you should go to bed early.】

     On the other side Yan Zhun stood under the showerhead and read this message several times.

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