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When Luo Qingshan woke up, the sky was bright.

He squinted his eyes for a long time, and then sat up struggling to prop up on the bed, his head seemed to have been violently stirred by a wooden stick, and his teeth grinned in pain.

Luo Qingshan looked around and found that he was lying in a hotel room. He was topless, wearing only a piece of underwear underneath. He didn't feel the stickiness of a hangover. Someone must have cleaned it up for him.

There was a slight sound of something falling from the bathroom, and Luo Qingshan grinned with difficulty: "Baby, what are you doing? My head hurts... Damn, the damn KTV must sell strong wine."

Luo Qingshan ruffled his hair casually, and as soon as he opened the quilt, he heard footsteps from the bathroom.

"Gege, are you awake? Are you feeling uncomfortable, I will pour you a glass of water?"

Luo Qingshan paused, then turned his head in a daze, "Why are you here?"

Su Nian held the freshly washed cup in his hand: "Who would it be otherwise?"

"My God... Where's Pei Ran?"

"He left last night." Su Nian smiled, "I'll pour you some water first. Get up quickly. We have a class this afternoon."

Luo Qingshan sat with his legs bent, his forehead knocked on his knees for a long time before vaguely remembering what happened last night.

After he came back from the toilet, Pei Ran was no longer in the box, and he couldn't coax him back no matter what.

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The thing is......

Luo Qingshan couldn't help but glance in the direction of the bathroom again, raised his hand, and rubbed his face severely twice.

He seems to have kissed Su Nian.

Strong alcohol harms people.

This incident was an accident in Luo Qingshan's eyes, and he forgot about it after being annoyed for a while. The phone that had been charged for a long time finally turned on, and he quickly picked it up and looked at it.

As soon as he opened WeChat, he couldn't help laughing-he sent Pei Ran more than 30 voice recordings last night, two or three seconds short, and a full 40-50 seconds long.

Pei Ran must be annoyed by him.

Luo Qingshan crossed his legs to type.

[Luo Qingshan: Hahaha, baby, are you annoyed because of me?】

[Luo Qingshan: Why didn't you send me back to the hotel last night? [crying face]

[Luo Qingshan: You are so ruthless, so many messages, you haven't returned a single one to me.】

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Su Nian brought the glass of water, and Luo Qingshan picked it up and took a sip: "Thank you, how about your leg? Didn't you hurt it when you carried me yesterday?"

"It's okay, it's almost healed early." Su Nian laughed, with a dimple showing up beside his mouth.

Luo Qingshan looked at the phone again after washing, but still did not receive a reply, he couldn't help frowning.

When Luo Qingshan opened the bathroom door, Su Nian stood beside him, fiddling with his bangs in the mirror.

Luo Qingshan asked, "You didn't leave all night? Where did you sleep..."

He swallowed the latter words abruptly because Su Nian suddenly leaned over and raised his head to approach him.

Luo Qingshan took a few steps back quickly: "What are you doing?"

Su Nian thought for a moment: "Good morning kiss?"

Luo Qingshan opened his eyes slightly, his expression changed from stunned to shocked, and it took him a long time to say: "Su Nian, are you still drunk?"
The phone's ringtone rang in the room for nearly twenty seconds, and the people in the bed were moving.

Pei Ran opened his eyes, and it took a few seconds to get out of his dream.

He picked up the phone for two seconds before answering it because he was sleepy, he only uttered one syllable: "Yeah."

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"Baby, it's me... are you still sleeping? Oh, you don't have class today, do you?" Luo Qingshan's voice sounded very energetic, "I only have class in the afternoon. What do you want to eat? I will send it to you."

Pei Ran said, "No."

"If you want, I will give it to you myself. What do you want to eat?" Luo Qingshan looked at the shops around, "Did you read my messages? Why didn't you message me back, you are cruel. Dont you have remorse for your boyfriend at all..."

"Luo Qingshan." Pei Ran interrupted him.


Pei Ran paused for two seconds before saying, "Bring me a wonton, thank you."

"Thank you for what?" Luo Qingshan laughed, "Isn't it just right for me to bring you food..."

Pei Ran directly hung up the phone.

He rubbed his face and couldn't help thinking back to his dream last night.

It is a very inexplicable dream. In the dream, he and Luo Qingshan were climbing a mountain. They met a landslide. He hid in the cave. When he turned around, Luo Qingshan became Yanzhun.

Yan Zhun in the dream was as cold as in reality, telling him not to be afraid, and then they lasted till dawn.

Maybe he said something else, but he couldn't remember it.

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When Pei Ran finished washing his face, the door of the bedroom just happened to be knocked.

As soon as he opened the door, Luo Qingshan raised the plastic bag in his hand: "Shrimp wonton, slightly spicy with sesame oil, not satisfied?"

Pei Ran wiped his face and turned back to the washstand: "Come in and sit, I'll wash the towel."

After everything was cleaned up, Luo Qingshan pulled another the chair to sit next to Pei Ran and watched him eat.

Luo Qingshan likes to watch Pei Ran eat. Pei Ran's tutor is very good. Even if he played ball all afternoon before, his chest was up straight and his back was up straight. His eating is still clean and elegant, and he looks comfortable.

So when Pei Ran put down his spoon and proposed to break up, Luo Qingshan smiled and said "um".

A few seconds later, Luo Qingshan's smile froze on his face, and asked incredulously: "What?"

"I said," Pei Ran said again, "Let's break up."

"Why?" Luo Qingshan couldn't laugh at all. He gradually straightened his back, a little flustered, "Baby, are you kidding me?"

Pei Ran said, "I won't make a joke about this."

Luo Qingshan's Adam's apple rolled, and it took a long time to find his voice: "Why? Where did I go wrong? Did I make you upset... because I didn't listen to you last night, and I drank too much? Or did I send too many messages? I'm bothering you..."

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