CH 20: Seeing the Light of Day

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tuzhi-translations12-15 minutes 23.07.2023

After Sima Guang chose to compromise, it was clear that Emperor Zhao Xu and Wang Anshi were the victors of the political battle.

And the losing side naturally had to pay the price.

Emperor Zhao Xu could finally experience the thrill of implementing his own political agenda since his ascension to the throne.

Indeed, it was not easy for him to do so! He would cherish the feeling while he still could!

Consequently, Emperor Zhao Xu immediately made a series of personnel arrangements, dispatching those imperial censors, officials from the Court of Judicial Review, and officials from the Ministry of Punishments who were the most vocal in their opposition away from the capital and to the provinces.

Though it was said to be a dispatch, it was actually a demotion.

This also indirectly confirmed that this struggle also involved a conflict between the power of the emperor versus the power of the officials.

Those he demoted were all officials who had advocated for the rejection of Emperor’s judgment, not those who had called for severe punishment of Ayun.

The duty of the Court of Penal Review was to examine the judgments of the Court of Judicial Review. It was a supervisory institution, so the highest court in the land was still the Court of Judicial Review.

The Court of Penal Review could only confirm whether the judgments of the Court of Judicial Review were correct or not.

The final verdict must still be announced to the world in the name of the Court of Judicial Review.

Sima Guang resentfully handed over the relevant documents to Xu Zun, saying in annoyance, “Actually, we both know that this is not a fair verdict.”

Xu Zun took the documents and said frankly, “I admit that in this case, I did have personal feelings because I believe Ayun’s acts were somewhat excusable. She is not a wicked or ruthless person; she is also a victim in this case. Furthermore, Wei Ada is still alive, so I think her crime is not worthy of death.”

Sima Guang snorted at this, “But you are an official, you must handle this impartially, not act based on your emotions.”

Xu Zun responded, “First, I didn’t add any false evidence; second, I didn’t force anyone to provide false testimonies. And I even recommended you to be the one to preside over the case. Everything I did was in accordance with the law, with no illegal actions. Therefore, I feel no guilt about this result.”

In fact, there was a sense of procedural justice in what he did.

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Every official had their own values and subjective ideas. It was not easy to judge who is right and who is wrong. Xu Zun’s clear conscience stemmed from the fact that he didn’t commit any illegal or irregular actions. He used legal knowledge and just methods on a lawful basis to pursue the result he wanted, which was indeed just.

Clearly, Sima Guang did not see it this way, saying indifferently, “You feel no guilt, but I feel that this verdict is not honorable.”

Xu Zun chuckled twice and retorted, “Since you academicians from Hanlin Academy intervened in this case, any verdict would probably not be honorable.”

Sima Guang frowned and said, “That’s why I will find a way to erase this stain.”

He also thought his loss was political in nature, so he agreed with Xu Zun’s point of view. He considered this to be a stain in his life.

At the same time, he had to take responsibility for the officials who were demoted because of the case.

There was no way Sima Guang would admit defeat easily.

After Sima Guang left, Xu Zun asked an official nearby, “Do you believe that there are geniuses in this world?”

The official was stunned for a moment, and then said, “Of course I do.”

Xu Zun sighed, “But this genius is truly extraordinary!”

At this point, he completely understood.

He had been making predictions of the case from the perspective of the law. He thought that Zhang Fei’s evidence was not perfect, and Sima Guang would definitely start an investigation.

But he overlooked one point.

Why was this case be delayed for so long? The real reason was the political struggle in the imperial government. If the political situation was not at such a critical juncture, could his objections delay the case for several months?

The likelihood was very low.

And now, why was the verdict given immediately? The reason was also political struggle.

From this, it could be seen that the case was no longer a legal issue, but a political issue.

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That Zhang Fei was sure that the verdict would be given within ten days showed that he was analyzing the situation from a political perspective.

The funny thing was that Xu Zun was the official, while Zhang Fei was just a commoner. This left Xu Zun quite disheartened!

Little did he know that this was not talent but experience and insight. Although Zhang Fei had never litigated in his past life, he had read a lot of cases. In many international cases, many top lawyers relied on political correctness to lessen their clients’ charges.

Nevertheless, Xu Zun also kept his promise. After returning to the manor, he took out thirty strings of cash to give to Zhang Fei.

Zhang Fei accepted it all and said to Xu Zun, “Benefactor, there is no need to be disheartened. As the saying goes, those in the thick of things are blinded, while bystanders see clearly.”

The originally dejected Xu Zun couldn’t help but laugh a few times after hearing this, but then he asked seriously, “Now that this case is over, what are your plans?”

Zhang Fei said, “I plan to stay in Bianjing.”

“Oh. Why?”

Zhang Fei said very straightforwardly, “Because I’m afraid of being retaliated against. If I stay in Bianjing, I can have your protection. If I go back to Dengzhou, who knows if I will suddenly disappear.”

Xu Zun looked at Zhang Fei in surprise, then laughed and said, “It seems that you haven’t forgotten yourself in your triumph!”

Zhang Fei gave a wry smile, “That’s why I say that a debt of gratitude is the hardest to repay.”

The implication was that if it were not for repaying Ayun for saving his life, he wouldn’t be so foolish as to get involved with this political tussle. Even now, he did not dare be complacent. His personal safety was still at risk.

Admiration flashed in Xu Zun’s eyes. When this youngster gets audacious, he can truly make everyone feel scared. But that’s just a strategy, not his character. In fact, he’s very careful and cautious.

His fondness for talent began to overflow. Xu Zun stroked his beard and sighed, “Actually, this case is not thoroughly concluded yet! In the course of the case, I used loopholes in the law to defend Ayun, and many people believe that I have used public office for a personal agenda. Although I believe myself blameless, if I don’t perfect these regulations, that would be using public office for private gains. Would you be willing to help me?”

Through this case, he appreciated Zhang Fei even more and thus hoped to recruit him to his side.

Zhang Fei pondered for a moment and said, “Benefactor, you have recognized and appreciated me, so of course I am willing to assist you. However, if you want to perfect the law, you might need a pen-in-cap who is good at finding loopholes in the law to redress injustices for the people. Because only when it rains can you know if the roof is leaking.”

Xu Zun chuckled, “It seems you don’t think highly of my advisors!”

Zhang Fei awkwardly said, “Benefactor, you misunderstand, that’s not what I mean.”

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Xu Zun smiled, saying, “So you’re saying that you’re planning to be a pen-in-cap in Bianjing.”

Zhang Fei nodded, “That’s the plan for now.”

Actually, he had been thinking about this issue for the past two days. What should he do in the future? Before this, he had never thought about it because he was focused on rescuing Ayun. Now that the dust had settled, he also had to consider his own future.

He also considered sticking with Xu Zun. In fact, right now, he had no way to leave Xu Zun, especially after he had caused Sima Guang and other top officials of the Song dynasty to lose face. Who could guarantee that they wouldn’t retaliate against him?

However, he believed that the Court of Judicial Review currently had many people who were opposed to Xu Zun. If he went there, he would definitely be targeted by these people. The key point was that Xu Zun could only give him the status of a clerk, not an official.[1] He would be at the mercy of any official and any official would be able to boss him around.

After careful consideration, he decided to first become a pen-in-cap, observe for a while, and then make plans. At least this was his area of expertise, and at the same time, he wouldn’t be under anyone’s control.


Two days later.

The Court of Judicial Review.

The heavy door of the prison slowly opened. Inside the gate stood a frail young girl, looking at the street outside. Her clear eyes gradually moistened, showing a hint of disbelief. She slowly lifted her foot, but her weak body found it difficult to cross the high threshold.

“Be careful!”

A man came forward and helped her.

“Thank you…thank… Oh, it’s you.”

The girl recognized the man and couldn’t help but feel both surprised and happy.

The man was Zhang Fei, and this girl was Fang Ayun, who had just been released.

“It’s me,” Zhang Fei nodded and smiled.

Fang Ayun seemed to suddenly remember something. She bent her knees to kneel, but she couldn’t kneel down.

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Zhang Fei held her up strongly, reminding her, “I am the one who should be grateful.”

At the same time, Xu Zhiqian, who had been on a “hunger strike” for several days, finally came out of her room and saw the light of day again.

“Father,” Xu Zhiqian knelt in front of Xu Zun and said, “Your daughter knows that she was wrong, and I hope Father can forgive me.”

“You!” Xu Zun had long stopped being angry. He had grounded his daughter because he was  worried that Xu Zhiqian would disturb Zhang Fei. After all, he knew his daughter’s personality very well. She was even more nitpicky than he was. He pulled his daughter up, “When can you change this temperament of yours? It’s not appropriate for a lady of a big family to come back drunk from outside.”

Xu Zhiqian blushed and was silent.

Xu Zun said, “I’ll let it go this time. If this happens again, don’t blame me for being strict.”

“Father, rest assured, I will never make the same mistake again.”

Xu Zhiqian quickly stepped forward, her hand gently holding Xu Zun’s arm.

Xu Zun shook his head, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

Xu Zhiqian suddenly asked, “Father, why don’t I see that Zhang San?”

Xu Zun was taken aback and cautiously asked, “Why are you asking about him?”

Xu Zhiqian said, “I want to thank him. Qingmei told me that I almost fell that day, but fortunately Zhang San caught me in time.”

Thinking of that incident, Xu Zun felt incredibly awkward and said, “Don’t mention that incident again, aren’t you embarrassed?”

Xu Zhiqin’s cheeks flushed, but she continued, “We can’t just ignore it. But although I want to thank him, I also believe that Zhang San is a cunning and despicable person, not a gentleman. How could you bring such a person into the house?”

Of course, Xu Zun knew what his daughter was referring to. He had seen it with his own eyes, but he still believed in Zhang Fei, thinking that the incident was just a misunderstanding. So he said, “I know Zhang San’s character better than you. Besides, how have I educated you since you were young? Before blaming others, you should first look at yourself. You should be strict with yourself and tolerant to others. At that time, you did not behave like a proper lady from a respectable. You misbehaved in the first place, how can you blame others?”

Xu Zhiqin looked frustrated, “Father, am I really your daughter?”

Xu Zun chuckled, “So, you want me to support family regardless of right and wrong?”

Xu Zhiqin said, “I wouldn’t dare.”

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