CH 21: Connections are Key

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Xu Zun, a lifelong believer in the law, also applied this philosophy when it came to educating his children. Everything had to be reasonable. If he made a mistake, he would take the initiative to admit his wrongdoings to his children, which paradoxically, established his authority as a father.

Indeed, as a father, the best method of education was to lead by example; there was really no other secret method.

Xu Zhiqian, who had been wrong from the beginning, could only honestly apologize to Xu Zun, not daring to further pursue the matter.

However, Xu Zhiqian’s personality was strikingly similar to Xu Zun’s —a clear distinction between love and hate. Although she believed the matter was her fault, she also thought that Zhang Fei was not a gentleman, because the first impression Zhang Fei gave her was extremely bad.

It has to be said that the expectations of gentlemanly conduct in this day and age was vastly different from Zhang Fei’s usual conduct.

“Miss Qian!”

Just as Xu Zhiqian stepped out of the hall, her personal maid, Qingmei, hurried over and said breathlessly, “Miss Qian, I just saw that lecher bring a woman back.”

Qingmei also thought Zhang Fei was a lecher. She was sober at the time and saw Zhang Fei holding her Miss Qian and not letting go, even in front of Xu Zun. He was the most arrogant lecher she had ever seen.


Xu Zhiqian couldn’t help but frown.

Qingmei nodded decisively, “There’s absolutely no mistake.”

“It’s outrageous that he doesn’t know to keep a low profile when living in someone else’s house.” Based on her impression of Zhang Fei, Xu Zhiqian immediately pictured the scene in her mind and asked, “Where is he now?”

“He’s in the guest room.”

“Let’s go! Let’s take a look.”

The mistress and servant quickly headed towards the guest room.


As they arrived at a turn in the corridor, Xu Zhiqian suddenly stopped Qingmei, her gaze looking forward to the left.

Following her gaze, Qingmei saw a slender man standing in front of the guest room door. It was that lecher, Zhang San.

“What is he doing outside the room?”

Xu Zhiqian murmured quietly, the scene was not matching her imagination. She asked Qingmei, “Didn’t you say he brought a woman back?”

Qingmei nodded.

“Where is the woman?”

Qingmei shook her head, “I don’t know.”

Suddenly, a faint creaking sound came from over there. They saw the door of the room open and a girl stepped out, with a scarf wrapped around her head, obviously having just bathed. The girl gave Zhang Fei a charming smile, they exchanged a few words, and then entered the room together, and the door was immediately closed.

This scene matched very well with what she had imagined.

Qingmei quickly said, “Miss Qian, see, I wasn’t wrong, was I?”

Xu Zhiqian stamped her foot angrily, “I really don’t understand why my father would associate with such a rascal, and he’s so biased towards him. It seems that my father has been corrupted in Dengzhou.”

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Zhang Fei was completely unaware that he was being watched. After he entered the room, he took a moment to look at Fang Yun in front of him. Her brows were curved, her eyes were large, and she looked like the girl next door, innocent and lovely. But having just been released from jail, her face was still pale, and her eyes slightly bruised.

“You’re much better off than I was when I first got out.” Zhang Fei smiled.

Upon hearing this, Fang Yun was about to say something, but Zhang Fei interjected, “Don’t apologize again. Spending a few months in jail is better than ending up in the river.”

Fang Yun gave an awkward smile, not knowing whether to nod or shake her head. Suddenly, she seemed to remember something. “Brother Zhang San, I…I have a request.”

Zhang Fei slightly furrowed his brows, seeming to guess what she was about to say, and sighed, “The Wei brothers left yesterday. I think it’s better for you not to see them again rather than to apologize to them.”

Although the Wei brothers came to the capital to testify for Ayun, they had done it to repay Zhang Fei. Even though they might have some sympathy for Ayun now, it didn’t mean that they could forgive her for what she’s done.

They didn’t want to see Ayun again. Knowing that Ayun was being released today, they left for Dengzhou yesterday. Zhang Fei also gave them ten strings of coins out of gratitude.

Hearing this, Fang Yun couldn’t hide her guilt and lowered her head, saying softly, “I understand.”

Seeing her full of guilt, Zhang Fei asked, “If you encountered such a situation again, would you do the same?”

Fang Yun hurriedly shook her head, “No, I won’t do it again.”

Zhang Fei said, “Why not?”

“Huh?” Fang Yun looked up at Zhang Fei in confusion.

Zhang Fei said, “Although it’s commendable to recognize and correct one’s mistakes, first, you must be clear about what you did wrong and what you didn’t do wrong. That way, you can ensure that you won’t overcorrect yourself.

Even though I don’t approve of the method you chose, and neither does the law, I admire your courage. You were wrong to choose to hurt an innocent person, not wrong to choose to resist. So if such a thing happens again, you should continue to fight, but find a smarter way.”

Fang Yun stared blankly at Zhang Fei.

She was not an evil person. During her time in jail, she regretted her actions and was ready to atone for her sins, with no complaints about it.

Now, someone suddenly tells her that she wasn’t entirely wrong. This left her a little bewildered.

Zhang Fei smiled and said, “The main reason I helped Wei Ada was that I hoped to compensate for the harm you caused him, so that when you get out of jail, you would not carry too much of a burden and can continue to be yourself.

If you become a timid, passive woman because of this, maybe I have harmed you instead.”

In fact, when he was studying this case, he quite admired Ayun. In this era, a woman who dared to resist was indeed a rarity, very unusual indeed!

For example, his idol Li Qingzhao,[1] not only did she remarry, but she also sued her second husband and brought him to court.

This was unimaginable in the present era!

Fang Yun furrowed her brow, “But…but I’ve hurt a lot of people by doing this.”

Zhang Fei said, “What did I say? That was because you chose the wrong method. But choosing to protect yourself is not wrong, but praiseworthy.

In the future, if you encounter any difficulties and don’t know how to handle them, you can come to me. I will definitely help you.”

Fang Yun couldn’t help but show a change in expression, asking dumbly, “Brother Zhang San, why are you so kind to me? You have already saved my life, you owe me nothing.”

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Zhang Fei hesitated for a moment, saying, “Because… you might not understand my explanation. Let’s just say, you didn’t just save my life, you gave me a new one.”

Indeed, Fang Yun didn’t quite understand.

Was there a difference between the two?

Zhang Fei didn’t know how to explain, only saying, “It’s okay if you don’t understand. If you don’t mind, you can consider me as your family. No matter what difficulties you encounter, I will help you.”

Tears welled up in Fang Yun’s eyes. The successive departure of her parents, and everything her uncles had done to her, made her yearn for a relative who could protect her.

Zhang Fei asked, “Do you disagree?”

In his heart, he had already regarded Ayun as his only relative here.

“No, I agree! I agree!”

Fang Yun nodded vigorously, wiping the teardrops from the corners of her eyes, looked at Zhang Fei, and said, “Brother San.”

Zhang Fei smiled and nodded, then said, “But you have to leave here soon and go home to continue mourning for your mother.”

Fang Yun had already established a persona in court, and she had to carry on this image perfectly. If Fang Yun did not hurry back, it would raise many questions.

Fang Yun nodded, and then asked nervously, “Brother San, will you go back with me?”

Zhang Fei shook his head, “I have to stay here to thank my benefactor for his help.”

Disappointment flashed in Fang Yun’s eyes.

She had just acknowledged this relative, yet it was now time to part ways.

Zhang Fei said, “Don’t worry, when you go back, no one would dare to bully you, including your uncles. I will also give you fifteen strings of coins, so you can mourn for your mother at home without worries. After your mourning period, you can come to Bianjing to look for me.”

Fang Yun hurriedly said, “I can’t take your money, you’ve already helped me a lot.”

Zhang Fei laughed, “If you really consider me as your relative, you wouldn’t stand on such ceremony.”

“So the woman Zhang San brought back is Ayun, who has just been released from prison.”

Xu Zhiqian seemed deep in thought.

The housekeeper, Uncle Rong nodded and said, “Yes.”

Xu Zhiqian’s expression softened slightly. Although she was confined to her room, she was well aware of what was happening outside. She then asked, “Did Zhang San really come to Bianjing and bring this lawsuit just to repay a life-saving favor?”

Uncle Rong said, “That’s what is said, but I don’t know for sure.”

Xu Zhiqian said, “You go ahead with your work.”

“I’ll take my leave.”


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Xu Zhiqian called Uncle Rong and said, “Keep an eye on Zhang San. If he brings some unscrupulous people to the manor, stop him immediately. I don’t want my father’s reputation ruined by this scoundrel.”



Meanwhile, Zhang Fei seemed to have forgotten about Miss Xu. In fact, he didn’t have a very good impression of Xu Zhiqian. He had been accompanying Ayun these two days, helping her adjust mentally.

Because for Ayun, the torment in her heart was far worse than any physical torment.

Two days later, Ayun left for Dengzhou.

Fortunately, Xu Zun was in a hurry to return to the capital, and he had left some things back in Dengzhou. So, he arranged for people to escort Ayun back.

What was unexpected was that the imperial court also sent people to escort Ayun. Now Ayun was not just an ordinary offender. If something happened to her on the way, it would be a problem, because now Ayun had the buff of a filial daughter.

This was very important in the Northern Song dynasty.

So, Zhang Fei felt that it was safe to let Ayun go back by herself, because he knew that no one would dare to cause trouble for her.


In the eastern suburbs of the capital.

Seeing Ayun, who had already walked far away, Zhang Fei quickly waved to signal her. It took Ayun a while to turn around and continue on her way.

This time Ayun didn’t look back. In a short while, she disappeared around the corner of the mountain foot.


Zhang Fei took a long breath, his expression seemed much more relaxed, and he said to himself, “Now the only thing to worry about is myself. I don’t know where to find a lawsuit to fight. After I go back, I will ask the Benefactor about the market conditions to see how pen-in-caps in Bianjing do business.”

“A scriptorium?”

Zhang Fei looked at Xu Zun in surprise.

Xu Zun nodded and said, “Because many scriptoriums[2] wrote complaint documents for people. Later the government licensed these scriptoriums to specifically allow them to write complaint documents and represent people in lawsuits.”

“So there is a need for a license?!” Zhang Fei wrinkled his brow nervously.

Xu Zun saw his nervousness, smiled, and nodded, “Yes! But your situation is different. You were one of the parties in this case, and then I specially allowed you to appeal on Ayun’s behalf. It is not against the rules.”

The main difference between a pen-in-cap and a solicitor was that the former had a license from the government and was allowed to argue in court, while the latter could only write complaint documents and could not argue in court.

Zhang Fei’s advantage was in arguing in court. This license was very important to him, so he asked, “I wonder if it’s easy to get this license?”

Xu Zun stroked his goatee and said, “It’s not too easy, but not too difficult either. But ultimately, the government doesn’t want to encourage lawsuits.”

Hearing this, it was clear that if Zhang Fei wanted to get a lawyer’s license in the Northern Song Dynasty, he didn’t need to take an exam, but he had to rely on connections with government officials. Now he knew Xu Zun, so he eagerly looked at Xu Zun.

Xu Zun understood, hesitated a little, was about to speak when he heard someone at the door say, “Sorry, my father can’t help you with this.”

It was Xu Zhiqian who came in.

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“Miss Xu.”

Zhang Fei quickly stood up.

Since the hug that day, this was the first time the two had met, although Xu manor was not very big.

Zhang Fei took a brief look at her. She had phoenix eyes, willow eyebrows, was wearing a light green long dress, and her slender, white neck was exposed. She was graceful and dignified. However, compared to the drunken Xu Zhiqian from the first meeting, today’s Xu Zhiqian was less charming and amiable, appearing less approachable.

Xu Zhiqian expressed her acknowledgement with a subtle nod before uttering, “I’m sorry but my father has remained steadfastly principled throughout his life, refraining from engaging in any form of nepotism. I trust you understand.”

A blush crept onto Zhang Fei’s face, and he quickly defended, “Miss Xu, you have misunderstood. I was just asking your father how to apply, not trying to rely on him to get the license.”

Xu Zhiqian immediately apologized, “I see that I misunderstood, I apologize.”

“It’s okay!”

Zhang Fei then said to Xu Zun, “If there is nothing else, sir, I will go back to my room.”

Xu Zun nodded awkwardly, “You may go.”

After Zhang Fei left, Xu Zun frowned at his daughter, “What are you doing? It’s just a license, how would it be nepotism?”

Xu Zhiqian replied, “Why wouldn’t it be? If he has the ability to apply, then let him apply. Why should he ask you for help?”

“But nearly all the other pen-in-caps are like that!”

Xu Zun wanted to say that most pen-in-caps obtained their license through connections, because there were no formal exams in this process. In fact, many pen-in-caps served as assistants to government officials, with the majority being retired clerks from governmental offices.

However, Xu Zun thought that strictly speaking, this could indeed be considered nepotism. After all, the issuance of license was not within his authority, and he would have to rely on his connections. He waved his hand and said, “Fine! Fine! I won’t argue with you. With his ability, he does not need my help to get a license from the government.”


Xu Zhiqian smirked, “I don’t believe it. He has offended the officials of the Ministry of Punishments, the Court of Judicial Review, and the Court of Penal Review. Who would dare to approve a license for him?”

Xu Zun suddenly realized, “So you knew about the situation.”

Xu Zhiqian said, “It was because I knew, that I stopped you from helping him. Because the opposition would surely use this to attack you. Your reputation may be ruined.”

Xu Zun frowned.

To be honest, there was indeed such a possibility. Zhang Fei was certainly the focus of those senior officials at the moment. However, even if he were to be criticized for this, it would not matter to him, and it would not harm his career.

Because he had always been the one supporting Zhang Fei, or rather, Zhang Fei was the one supporting him.

Xu Zhiqian looked at Xu Zun and laughed, “Do you have no confidence in him?”

Xu Zun glanced at his daughter and said, “You underestimate him too much. Is obtaining this license more difficult than winning Ayun’s appeal? Don’t worry, I won’t help him, but I believe he would still be able to get the license.”

Xu Zhiqian snorted, “As long as you don’t help him, he wouldn’t be able to get it.”

[1] This was the female poet that Zhang Fei took the style name Yi An from, back in CH 13.

[2] The Chinese term can also be translated simply as “bookshop”, so it’s essentially a bookshop that provides writing services (eg, if you were illiterate and wanted to write a letter), and then eventually legal services as well. The term scriptorium is used to emphasize on the writing services part.

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