Jun You Ji Fou

Chapter 11

Yan Ye follows Qin Zhao into the Residence of the Grand Marshal, passing through the vermilion red corridor into the study.  He compliments the grandeur of the manor along the way, while trying to pull answers from Qin Zhao with a few subtle questions, but that black-robed man only gave him his back and a few vague “En”s. There is not much Yan Ye could do so he bitterly shuts his mouth. Following Qin Zhao’s steps to the study, he readjusts his expression before the door and watches it open slowly.

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Chu Mingyun raises his pen to scribble something on the map; When he hears the other’s footsteps, he raises his head and sees Yan Ye. “Why are you here?”

Yan Ye  bows and answers with a smile, “This humble subject knew that His Excellency is investigating matters pertaining to the Old Minister Chen. Since I know a little about it, I immediately came over to inform His Excellency.”

Chu Mingyun places his pen down and leans against the chair. “Do you know where Chen Xuanwen’s family is?”

“I only know a little bit of it.” Yan Ye says, “A few days ago, this humble subject set out for Lin’an for a gathering with the Governor. He mentioned that Old Minister Chen had sought his help to secure a manor outside of Lin’an city and deliver all his family there for reasons unknown. Old Minister Chen was reluctant to say much so the Governor didn’t question him further. Not a few days later, the manor caught fire in the middle of the night suddenly. When the Governor’s people finally arrived at the scene, it had already been burned down.”

“A fire in the middle of the night?” Chu Mingyun raises his eyebrows.

“Yes. How would the Governor dare dally in this case? He sent people out a few times to investigate. There are no signs of the fire resulting from deliberate human interference. Perhaps it’s because of lanterns within the manor.”

“Heh,” Chu Mingyun says, laughing with a cold snicker. “If the identity of the one who caused the fire could be unravelled so easily, then he should be too ashamed to murder Chen Xuanwen’s family.”

There are indeed many elements in the field of investigation; Chu Mingyun’s tone had been too mocking and Yan Ye could not help feeling cold sweat breaking out. He dares not look at Chu Mingyun, awkwardly smiling. “What His Excellency speaks is the truth.”

“What you meant is that Chen Xuanwen’s family has been burned into a crisp?”

“This…… might not be the case.” Yan Ye doubtfully ponders over it.

“Hm?” Chu Mingyun glares at him.

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Yan Ye couldn’t help uneasily wiping his cold sweat off with his sleeve. “The,  the Governor is only taking a guess, and this humble subject is only delivering his word. I am not so sure.”

Chu Mingyun laughs, then drawls: “Why are you so afraid of me?”

“How is that the case?” Yan Ye musters the courage to say with a smile. “Someone claimed that they saw a horse carriage stopping there in the middle of the night and saving someone. Perhaps it’s the lone grandson of Old Minister Chen. However, the night was too dark and it was not easy to see clearly.”

Chu Mingyun looks to Qin Zhao. Qin Zhao meets his eyes and acknowledges him with a nod, making a mental note to send someone to Lin’an after Yan Ye leaves.

Yet after Yan Ye has said all he wishes to say, he had no intention to leave just like that. He instead asks amiably, “Perhaps one could ask why is His Excellency so concerned over Old Minister Chen? Although this humble subject is incompetent, he might be able to share His Excellency’s worries.”

Chu Mingyun casts him a glare and naturally understands his desire to make use of the opportunity to earn himself a favour, and thus casually replies, “Nothing much. It’s just that the saying goes that Old Minister Chen’s grandson is quite handsome.”

“……” Yan Ye recalls that the man before his eyes is someone who so shamelessly claimed all of a sudden that he likes men. The words he’d intended to say are all swallowed back, replaced by a dry laugh.

Chu Mingyun takes his time saying, “Right. Aren’t you afraid of being discovered by Su Shiyu for coming to my residence?”

“Your Excellency may be at peace.” Yan Ye immediately says, “The Imperial Secretary is not at the Censorate at this moment. I followed behind him when he left.”

“Oh?” Interest rises in Chu Mingyun. “Where did Su Shiyu go?”

“Someone has impeached the Minister of Works, Tan Jing, for conducting illegal smuggling of firearms. You should know that presently, all the accounts within the Censorate have to go through His Excellency Su. This is indeed severe; if it’s a false accusation, the ability of the Censorate would be questioned for pinning such a severe crime on an official of the Imperial Court. If it’s true, one fears that it would alert the enemy in advance if the accounts were directly submitted to the desk of the Emperor. Hence, His Excellency Su retained the accounts and, taking his personality into consideration, this humble subject thinks he has gone to investigate in person.”

Chu Mingyun’s face grows ever so slightly cold . “Tan Jing’s smuggling of firearms?”

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Qin Zhao’s expression changes subtly, glaring intently as Yan Ye continues to speak.

“Yes.” Yan Ye cannot tell what he is thinking from his reaction, but continues. “Speaking of which, it’s strange. This Minister Tan hasn’t been smuggling only recently. He has been doing it discreetly and we have all turned a blind eye to it. However, it’s unknown why he subsequently smuggled huge shipments of firearms in.”

Chu Mingyun taps the desk with the tip of his finger, his gaze flickering.

His business of firearms with Tan Jing was done long ago. The western suburbs have been detonated and the torrential flood has buried that place cleanly. This incident was concluded, yet how did Tan Jing manage to create such a mess? Was someone meddling in his business in the capital?

His expression doesn’t waver as he says, “Investigating in person? How does Su Shiyu intend to investigate?”

Yan Ye thinks before saying, “This humble subject had seen those accounts before delivering them to the Censorate. They seem to have Tan Jing’s personal confession, saying that all the accounts of people within his network were kept in storage in the Western City. His Excellency Su might want to obtain those accounts.”

Chu Mingyun slaps the map closed, rising to his feet to adjust his robes and says, “Alright. Take your leave.”

“What?” Yan Ye stares at him, stunned.

From the corner of his eyes, Chu Mingyun shoots him a glare. “Are you waiting for me to escort you?”

“I dare not. I dare not.” Yan Ye stutters, “Only….. What does Your Excellency have in mind?”

“I’m missing Su Shiyu all of a sudden. I’m going to see him,” Chu Mingyun says.


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Didn’t you guys just meet in morning court?

Chu Mingyun looks at him with impatience. Yan Ye immediately takes his leave, knowing what’s best for himself. Chu Mingyun and Qin Zhao exchange glances before walking out of the residence to mount their horses, going immediately to the Western City.

Qin Zhao had always been the one to discuss business with Tan Jing. Naturally, he knows his way around. The warehouse is at the border of the Western City in Chang’an. One can see it from afar with wild grasses overgrown and abandoned, like it had been left desolate and soulless. However, they are aware of how heavily guarded it is.

Qin Zhao naturally offers to go in, yet he’s held back by Chu Mingyun who says, “Would you be able to deal with Su Shiyu?” Chu Mingyun equips himself with the knowledge of the warehouse’s layout and location of the accounting room. He orders Qin Zhao to lead the Shadow Guards and conceal themselves to avoid Su Shiyu leaving before him, then in a flash, he flips over the walls.

The warehouse is quiet, with only the occasional sound of patrolling guards walking past. Chu Mingyun skillfully avoids a few patrolling units as he assesses his surroundings.  Moving stealthily, he makes his way into the accounting room. A small brass lock still hangs perfectly from the fortune paulownia wood cabinet. Chu Mingyun studies it for a while before breaking the lock and tossing it aside. He pulls the drawer open but finds the inside to be empty.

Su Shiyu is indeed a step ahead of him.

Chu Mingyun straightens his body and pinches his brows. After leaving the accounting room, he ponders over it for a while before heading towards the vault. After no more than a hundred steps, he hears the sound of someone breathing and smiles. Laughing quietly, he follows along.

Su Shiyu pushes the vault’s door open and stops. He abruptly turns around, a sharp blade showing itself from his sleeve, yet it is hindered by someone gripping his wrist.. A vaguely familiar face comes into sight and smiles at him, half an inch away from the tip of his blade. “Yo, Your Excellency Su.”

Su Shiyu feels a little surprised. “……His Excellency Chu?” He withdraws his hand and presses the sword back into his hand, hiding it. However, he doesn’t let his guard down. “Just now, the person following behind me was you?”

“Other than me, who else do you wish to see?” Chu Mingyun’s eyes curves with his smile.

“How could His Excellency Chu have come here?” Su Shiyu asks.

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“Isn’t it because of you?” Chu Mingyun looks at him and sighs deliberately. Speaking casually he continues, “I ran into His Excellency Su on the street on my way here. Before I gave a greeting, you were already gone. Hence, my only choice was to follow. I’ve gone through so much looking for you, trying to make use of the opportunity to speak with you, but one couldn’t have thought you’d put your guard up like that.” He pauses for a while and his smile deepens. “If I had been slower just now, that sword would have pierced me through.”

“You are overly humble. Your Excellency Chu is a man who has experienced the throes of the battlefield. How would a small trick like mine be in your way? There is no need for ‘what if”s’.” Su Shiyu lightly smiles, putting his sword back into his sleeve. “However, was Your Excellency Chu’s motive for coming here really just to speak to me? It’s not very like you from the sound of it.”

“I yearn for you, so I’m  looking for an opportunity to get close to you; isn’t this the fact?”

“……” Su Shiyu furrows his eyebrows and can’t help saying: “Your Excellency Chu…… Don’t you feel strange teasing a man like me?”

Chu Mingyun raises his eyebrows faintly and says with humour in his tone, “I think it’s good. Additionally, with a heart filled with hot passion like mine, how could this be considered teasing……”

“I’ve misspoke.” Su Shiyu raises his hand to interrupt him as he turns around to walk into the vault. When the sound of footsteps follows behind him, Su Shiyu’s lips quiver and he couldn’t help spitting out two words silently: “Rebel1.”

“Right.“ Su Shiyu suddenly asks, “How is the wound on His Excellency’s shoulder?”

“Hasn’t been a problem for a long time.” Chu Mingyun closes the door to the vault room. He turns around and looks at him with a sly smile. “Want to come here and touch it?”

Su Shiyu turns around, his gaze brushing past Chu Mingyun’s shoulder, then falling onto his face. Suddenly, he laughs. “There is no need. It seems like fleshwounds are nothing to His Excellency Chu.”

After all, even the skin on his face is so thick.

Chu Mingyun somehow manages to hear the unvoiced part of Su Shiyu’s comment.

[1] 冤家 (yuan jia): the literal meaning of this word means ‘enemies’ but I think the author’s intention is on wordplay referring to enemies-to-lovers. Since 冤家 is sometimes used on bickering couples.

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