Jun You Ji Fou

Chapter 10

Within a single night, Chang’an becomes rowdy again.

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The young Emperor of Daxia, Li Yanzhen, has ascended the throne for eight years. The chaos with Xiongnu has long subsided. The nations no longer meddle with each other. The calamities of the year before have been weathered through. All under the Heavens now is similar to the name of its reign, Yonghe—an impression of peace. When he has shown enough love and care for the world, Li Yanzhen then wants to show love and care for himself.

The previous Emperor had few sons and many died young, hence Li Yanzhen succeeded before he came of age. During that time, Xiongnu assaults were often and times were in upheaval. The imperial concubines who were sent into the palace were just regular women hastily picked by families of nobility. They were quiet, law-abiding, and uninteresting. Yet, Li Yanzhen was born with literary pursuits. He held love for poetry, dance, and song, but when he composed works in his free time, no one could accompany him in admiring these arts. There are people who could appreciate such things among his literary officials, but once he mentioned them, all his subjects, as well as his harem, would unanimously agree: “Your Majesty, country affairs take priority.”

How heartbreaking.

This day, once everyone has reported their part in the Golden Hall, Li Yanzhen surveys his surroundings, his gaze falling on Su Shiyu. Li Yanzhen tactfully brings up the imperial selection1 event, hoping he could pick a few sharp and lively women to accompany him.

Su Shiyu gives an expressionless smile with his eyes low and answers, “These are events within the royal chambers; there is no need for His Majesty to ask us subjects.”

Chu Mingyun casts him a glance. He recalls one year, someone declined the selection event with such words of gentleness and sincerity that Li Yanzhen dare not ask again for many years.

The conclusion had been: His Majesty is still young and should hone his character; the country affairs take priority, so please wait.

At the time, Chu Mingyun mentioned it to Qin Zhao, shaking his head as he sighed. “He is unmarried himself and so demanded for others to hone their character along with him. If there comes a day when he retires from the Imperial Secretary, he’d go into secluded meditation.”

Qin Zhao, with an impassive face, did not pay him any attention.

Regardless, the selection has been decided. Women from good families will come to the capital awaiting selection by the Emperor.

In just a few days, many carriages enter the city. All the women of nobility were nervously getting prepared and many beauties from other lands were also delivered by their nobilities. All the gossips in taverns were fixated on these women, paying far more attention to details compared to when they had had their own weddings.

This atmosphere is indeed quite contagious, for even Qin Zhao cannot bear to just stand by and watch. He goes into the study to discuss this matter with Chu Mingyun.

Chu Mingyun slowly raises his eyes to look at him. “You’re envious now?”

“……” Qin Zhao’s face steels. “So many officials are in a hurry to deliver their people into the palace. Don’t you know what they’re up to?”

The harem and the court have been mutually affecting each other since the beginning of time.

Chu Mingyun holds a jade-green grape in his fingers. “Want one?”

“Shige,” Qin Zhao couldn’t help saying. “It’s a gone opportunity that we’ve yet to join the court when he ascended. But now there is a chance like this and you want to let it pass?”

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Chu Mingyun withstands Qin Zhao’s gaze, taking his time as he moves the tray of fruits to the side, then sorts out a few scrolls on his desk before meeting his eyes. “What opportunity?”

He snickers coldly. “Using women as assets, delivering them into the palace as spies? Only useless people would use such methods to reinforce their own position.”

Qin Zhao is left speechless. He did not agree to such methods, but Chu Mingyun has always placed himself where the winds and waves are the highest. If he did not take this opportunity, it’s hard to say that others wouldn’t use the same chance against Chu Mingyun. With his Shige’s pride, he would not take them seriously, but it was difficult for Qin Zhao not to worry.

As Chu Mingyun looks at Qin Zhao, he suddenly says, “If you are interested, it’s not impossible to……”

Qin Zhao looks at him strangely.

Chu Mingyun slowly says, “Think of it this way,there are no women under my service that I could dispatch], but Du Yue is quite a likeable person. Why don’t we send him into the palace? Would you be willing to?”


“Hey! What are you people saying about me?” Du Yue pushes the door open and enters.

Qin Zhao: “……”

Chu Mingyun: “Wanted to give you some dowry, Qin Zhao wants to marry……”

“Bullshit.” Du Yue casually sits on a chair. “It’s just you and your lack of morals. Qin Zhao wouldn’t talk of what dowry.”

The last few words of Chu Mingyun is drowned by Du Yue’s loud and clear voice. However, Qin Zhao nervously shoots Chu Mingyun with a glare, his lips pursed into a thin line.

Chu Mingyun tips his head to the side and laughs. He teasingly sighs a long breath, taking a stack of documents before getting up and heading in the direction of the study alone.

Du Yue calls after him from behind, “Weh! Where are you going? I just came!”

Although Chu Mingyun has already gone ahead, his voice still slowly floats back: “The oblivious energy in this room is too dense. I am taking a breather.”

“This bastard.” Du Yue scrunches his brows. “Would you believe I would poison you?”

In reality, he’s encouraged by the fact that Chu Mingyun couldn’t hear him before saying that.

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“…..Du Yue,” Qin Zhao suddenly says.

“What?” Du Yue turns to look at him.

Qin Zhao becomes tongue-tied once he meets those bright eyes of Du Yue’s. Chu Mingyun’s words from just now are hammering clearly in Qin Zhao’s chest, making him so nervous that he doesn’t know what to do. Luckily, he was born with an inexpressive face, and Du Yue isn’t someone who pays attention to details, Du Yue sees nothing.

Qin Zhao is left with nothing to say for half a beat before he speaks again with a dry throat: “Want a grape?”

Du Yue looks to the grapes on the desk, still with beads of water on them. He nods. “Yes!”

As Qin Zhao and Du Yue sit next to each other eating grapes, Chu Mingyun brings those documents into the palace.

It’s a common rule that the Grand Marshal and the Grand Secretary should report all the tasks in their hands to the Emperor on a monthly basis.

When Chu Mingyun reaches the Imperial Study Room guided by a maid of honour, Su Shiyu is already there. He is holding a few manuscripts in his hand similar to Chu Mingyun, glancing at the desk with unknown thoughts in his head. Li Yanzhen, who is sitting on the host’s seat with a carving knife in his hand, lowers his head as he scrapes patiently. There is a wooden block as tall as a person next to him, with a faint s fragrance; it was obviously an high grade material. Perhaps it was a rare type of wood delivered into the palace as a tribute.

Other than managing country affairs, the present Emperor is skilled in every other thing, especially painting and woodcarving. 

Chu Mingyun bows at Li Yanzhen and is given a noncommittal reply. The Emperor doesn’t even look up from his work as he says, “Place those documents on the table.”

There are a few half-opened scrolls of drawings of women from the selection and a few carving knives scatter over those scrolls. Chu Mingyun realizes what Su Shiyu is pondering. He is looking for a place to put his reports down. Chu Mingyun walks forward to place his reports on top of a painting immediately. Su Shiyu glares at him before following his lead.

Su Shiyu adjusts his sleeves as he remains watching Li Yanzhen, who is immersed in his woodwork. He gives a light cough. The Su family had assisted him since he was the Crown Prince, and Su Shiyu is older than him. Li Yanzhen holds respect for him, and so immediately raises his head and smiles. “I am listening. Go ahead with your reports.”

Chu Mingyun and Su Shiyu are used to this. They allow Li Yanzhen to look at his woodwork while he listens to them finish their reports, before he shifts his attention to them with a sigh and a smile. “To have two beloved subjects assisting me, the world is at peace and the seas and oceans are clear; how truly fortunate.”

Chu Mingyun and Su Shiyu answer with a smile, harbouring different thoughts in their hearts.

Li Yanzhen mutters to himself for a while, then says, “There is something else I wish to ask both beloved subjects.”

“There is no harm in asking, Your Majesty.”

“This piece of wood is truly a brilliant specimen. I thought that only by carving a worldly beauty can one not betray this gift from the Heavens. Do my beloved subjects have any candidates?”


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After a moment of silence, Su Shiyu opens his mouth: “The selection is going on, beauties from all around gather here, His Majesty may just pick any one of them.”

Li Yanzhen shakes his head. “Naturally, I have taken a look at them. All the beauties could not surpass Beloved Subject Su, and so not one satisfies me.”

“How could a man like this humble subject be on the same level?” Su Shiyu smiles. “Additionally, when it comes to appearance, His Excellency Chu could be considered the zenith of beauty.”

Chu Mingyun, who has been quiet all along, turns his gaze over to raise a brow. “I am also a man.”

Su Shiyu meets his eyes and smiles faintly. “Since when have I said otherwise? Why is His Excellency Chu in a hurry to emphasize that?”

“……” Chu Mingyun pretends as if he didn’t hear that. Turning his head around, he met Li Yanzhen’s scrutinizing gaze. He couldn’t help feeling taken aback. 

Before he could speak, Li Yanzhen bitterly shakes his head. “Although Beloved Subject Chu is also beautiful, his eyes are too devilish. His beauty’s not the sort I like.”

Su Shiyu descends into silence.

Chu Mingyun wriggles his brows. He gives a cold snort and mocks: “Since this humble subject’s looks do not meet His Majesty’s standards, he is truly…… ashamed.”

Li Yanzhen lifts his hand. “There is no harm.” Then he turns to look at Su Shiyu. “Did you laugh just now?”

Su Shiyu calmly raises his gaze. “No.”

“Then, would Beloved Subject Su like this type?” Just as he finishes speaking, Li Yanzhen shakes his head. “Ah, I’ve forgotten. There is nothing you’d ever like.”


There are countless beauties in this world. Other than those gathered in palaces or houses of nobility, there are also those in the Pleasure Streets3. Whispers like the chirps of birds and the scent of fragrance in the wind, it is a place of paradise in the mortal realm.

A lavished sedan chair stops in front of the richly ornamented building of the Red-Sleeve Beckons2. The bawd who is welcoming guests at the entrance rushes up quickly to the man who got down from the carriage. She smiles. “Ah, why did you come in person? If you have any needs, just send a messenger, this hurry……”

The man waves his hand and interrupts her. “Where is she?”

“Resting in her room. I’ll call for her.”

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“There is no need.” The man walks up the stairs. The rumbles of chatter and laughter down below gets faint. A servant girl opens the door for him and bows before stepping aside. This room is decorated in a quiet, gentle manner, without a lick of ostentation. It makes one feel as if they have stepped into an entirely different place. The silk curtains overlap one another, swaying in the wind, its shadows drawing near. A smooth shapely hand lifts the curtain and a woman smiles at him, her brows beautiful and gentle.

Jingshu bows in front of the man before raising her eyes. “Why didn’t you send word earlier that you’re coming in person?”

The man sits down and smiles. “Nothing. I just want to see you.”

Jingshu walks forward to pour him a cup of tea, her smile faint. Just as she parts her mouth to speak, there comes a dull ringing from afar that freezes the faces of all the people present. It’s incredibly light, surpassed even by the laughter from down below. If not for people with a strong foundation of martial arts, it would be difficult for them to notice it. The man turns towards the window. They couldn’t help feeling both doubt and surprise as they exchange glances, their instincts in alarm.

Chaotic footsteps reach them. A servant in his urgency disregards custom as his head pokes into the room and shouts: “Young Lord! Not good. Something’s happened in the western suburbs!”

“What happened?” The man abruptly stands up.

A deafening boom explodes on the horizon. Jingshu quickly walks to the window and sees in the distance,  snake-like lightning flashing in the clouds. The rumble of thunder is like the sound of drums reverberating in the sky. The heavy clouds finally collapse under their own weight and the rain crashes down like an overturned water jug. 

Author’s Notes:

Su Shiyu: Forgive me for being forward. I’m not prejudiced against you, Chu Mingyun, I am just saying that everyone present is just as similarly sick.

Qin Zhao: →_→

Du Yue: =口=

Li Yanzhen: Then does Beloved Subject Su take a fancy to these types?

Chu Mingyun: There’s no need to ask. He likes it. That is why he likes me later on.

Li Yanzhen: →_→

Su Shiyu: →_→

[1] 采选: event in the Imperial Palace where the Emperor picks women for his harem.
[2] 花街柳巷: Streets filled with brothels.
[3] 红袖招: translated literally, but this is a brothel.

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