Jun You Ji Fou

Chapter 9

Early morning on the following day, someone came to report a case. At the outskirts of the capital, a body was discovered. His face was torn away, his flesh and meat an indistinguishable mess; it was so gruesome that it was a difficult sight to behold. The governor immediately sent people over to examine the body. The deceased was finally identified as the present Zhuangyuan, Song Heng. Quickly following that, a man came forward to own up to the crime, claiming that he is a candidate who failed the examination. Plagued with jealousy, he murdered Song Heng out of impulse. Other candidates came forward to testify, saying that this is the person who gifted Song Heng the lavish residence. They originally thought that it was an act of justice, but who could have guessed he was so evil?

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Due to the solid evidence, the judge arranged for him to be beheaded. The case is then swiftly closed. In the end, when the report is brought to the Emperor’s desk, although a Zhuangyuan was murdered, it was after all a crime out of personal grudges between folks of the same hometown. It had nothing to do with country affairs. To this, the Emperor and his subjects sigh, and those who admired Song Heng for his talents felt pity in his stead, and then put it behind them. Just like a small pebble that fell into a lake, creating faint ripples.

As worldly matters pass, even the gossip in teahouses would change every day. Discussions pertaining to a scholar with weak interpersonal relationships like Song Heng, who had not even assumed his post yet, would not last. The case is closed, just like sawdust and sand settling down in peace.

The people who cared were only two in total.

Listening to the report in the Golden Hall, Su Shiyu and Chu Mingyun exchange glances, harbouring different thoughts within themselves. Both of them coincidentally mention nothing about the underground prison from that night. Naturally, they both understand that the “Song Heng” who had  invited people to the feast that night had been someone else using his face. After that, once he sees that something has gone wrong, he quickly uses the death of the Zhuangyuan to cover up everything else. After all, there is no testimony if the conspirator died.

When the court is dismissed, Chu Mingyun calls after Su Shiyu, asking deliberately, “Your Excellency Su, why didn’t you report the underground prison to His Majesty?”

“His Majesty is young yet, his heart is fickle, so why the need to bother him with empty guesses?” Su Shiyu emotionlessly says, glancing at Chu Mingyun. “Didn’t Your Excellency Chu neglect to mention it as well? Then what did you deduce from this incident?”

Chu Mingyun curls his lips into a smile, meeting Su Shiyu’s gaze. “Is what Your Excellency Su thinks different from me?”

Su Shiyu lightly laughs, looking away to gaze at the green tiles on a far building. “……A single swaying yellow leaf would show that autumn is coming.”

From a small clue, one could see where it’s coming from; this is the first move of a player on their board of chess, the beginning of their flight of ambition.

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A few dozen li outside of Chang’an, in the western suburbs are many meandering mountains and ranged hills blanket by verdure. The birds and beasts snake their way through trees, between branches, and the chirping of birds answers. It is a place brimming with life.It is a secluded place, rarely visited by people.

On a cliff two men are reining in their horses, observing the countryside from above. The leading man is wearing an ink-blue robe billowing in the wind. On his sleeves are layers and layers of blood-red lotus patterns. He turns to ask the person behind him, “Are you sure this is the place?”

Qin Zhao answers, “Yes, but the exact location couldn’t be determined at this time.”

Chu Mingyun turns his head back, raising his hand to smooth down his ink-black hair that had been tousled by the wind. His tone has unhidden disgust. “Such a desolate place.”

That day in the underground prison, Chu Mingyun noticed that a complicated structure like this could not have been built overnight, and the heavy scent of blood in the air implied that there were prisoners there not long ago. It was obvious that the owner emptied out the prison just to capture Su Shiyu and himself. Yet, when they walked deeper, they came across those patrolling guards. Judging by how their movements in the underground prison, those patrolling guards were probably only moving around that area, so Chu Mingyun guessed that someone was still inside the prison and could not be moved out in time.

When he left expressionlessly that night, he ordered the Shadow Guards to keep an eye, and truly, a few horse carriages filled with goods left the residence before dawn. The Shadow Guard followed them quietly along the way, but their opponent was incredibly alert. Once they entered the western suburb, they traveled in a strange manner. The geography here is complicated to begin with, and not even a ray of light could pierce through the covers of trees that shielded the heavens. Finally, the Shadow Guard could only vaguely determine their location in the mountains.

Qin Zhao says, “It’s difficult to investigate in a place like that to begin with. To avoid detection by the enemy, we need to take the utmost precautions.”

“You meant that I should mobilize more people and wait up to ten days or half a month?” Chu Mingyun asks.


“It’s too troublesome.” Chu Mingyun shakes his head. He looks at the lush green forests on top of the mountains. “A waste of energy, and it hinders the Shadow Guards freedom in coordination.”

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“Is Shige going to let them roam as they please?” Qin Zhao asks.

Chu Mingyun sneers lightly. “How unhappy it would make me to give them that privilege.”

“Then what should we do?”

“Qin Zhao.” Chu Mingyun narrows his eyes. The sunlight is thin; white clouds overlap one another heavily in the sky. “Even in the day, such is the weather. I fear a stormy rain will come soon enough.”

“What?” Qin Zhao is taken by surprise.

“A torrential flood.” Chu Mingyun says plainly, “Since we couldn’t find it, why don’t we detonate the mountaintop? The sky is in favour of us at the right time, and when that time comes, the rainwater washes down carrying sand and pebbles. Nothing can escape. If they want to hide in this place, then let them be buried.”

“But……” Qin Zhao hesitantly asks, “The person they imprisoned is most likely here as well.”

“What does it have to do with me?” he asks instead, withdrawing his gaze to look at Qin Zhao. “Who knows what sort of person they have imprisoned? Moreover, from Song Heng’s case, even if they’re found imprisoning hostages, they will be killed before we could rescue them. None of them could be saved.”

Qin Zhao remains silent.

Chu Mingyun turns away and continues saying, “Although the Ministry of War heeds my orders, if we overdo it, we will draw suspicion. I remember that Tan Jing made use of his Ministry of Works to conduct illegal trades, so why not talk business with him?”

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“Yes,” Qin Zhao says.

Chu Mingyun casts him a glance and smiles. “Ice-block face, have opinions of me now?”

“No.” Qin Zhao shakes his head.

Chu Mingyun’s smile fades away. He knows his Shidi’s nature of character, hence turning the horse around to go back and change the subject. “Right. How is the investigation on Su Shiyu going?”

Qin Zhao immediately urges his horse to follow, saying as he rides behind Chu Mingyun, “Nothing was found.”

“Hm?” Chu Mingyun raises a brow.

Qin Zhao gathers his words and says clearly, “The Ministry of War’s register had no records of Su Shiyu’s name. After asking relevant people, none of them said they had seen him on the battlefield.”

“Have you investigated clearly?” Chu Mingyun says, “Su Shiyu and I are the same age. Twelve years ago, when he was fifteen , it would have been the same year that Xiongnu attacked Daxia. In fact, he had gone with Su Jue. Even without the register, it makes sense.”

“It’s been looked into. During that time, the general was Su Jue, but neither expedition, big or small, mentioned Su Shiyu. As the only son of the General, he wouldn’t have been just  a common soldier.”

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Chu Mingyue ponders over it and says, “With Su Shiyu’s tone, could it have been that something happened during that time? With Su Jue’s authority, it’s not impossible for him to erase Su Shiyu’s name from the register.”

“Even so, the army under Su Shiyu during that time would have still been recorded. But there is nothing.”

“If there is nothing in the register and nobody else knew, then why haven’t you gone to ask Du Yue?”

“I’ve asked before. But Du Yue was only eight years old at the time. In fact, Jinling  and Chang’an are far away from each other. How could he know what happened at that time? From the way he reacted, his family seems to have never mentioned it to him either.” Qin Zhao says, “Shige, Su Shiyu may be lying.”

Chu Mingyun remains silent. He could still recall Su Shiyu’s expression during that time, like a thousand thoughts were falling silently into the water, blending into a light rippling smile. He slowly turns his head and says with absolute certainty, “They are not lies.”

“How would you know?” Qin Zhao asks.

Chu Mingyun ponders for a moment and slowly says, “If it’s false, this lie of Su Shiyu is too easy to expose. Why not just say that he knew we would find nothing, and so answer my question without hesitation?”

Beneath those words are implications of numerous schemes. Someone else would have needed half a day to decrypt what they mean. For a moment, Qin Zhao doesn’t know how he could comment on these two people. He could only expressionless say, “Oh.”

“Although I do not know what is happening at the moment, but—”

The tall walls of Chang’an are already in the distance, its banners waving in the air. The yellowish walls could not hide the flourishing city within them. This is a place in the dreams of scholars in poverty, the capital of gold and jade for people in pursuit of ambitions, and the slaughterhouse of people in positions of power.

Chu Mingyun curls his lips up, and the sound that follows has an undertone of eagerness. “More days are to come for him and me.”

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