Jun You Ji Fou

Chapter 3

The gentle voices of songstresses fill the tavern as they lightly float into the room on the second floor. A pity that the two sitting inside of it carry no mood to admire refined pleasures at this moment. Their hearts are not here to indulge in it.

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Chu Mingyun opens and closes the glittering gold fan in his grasp a few times before finally putting it aside on the table impatiently, shattering the inherent silence. “After six years of not meeting each other, we convene here instead of my residence. What is Du Yue playing at?” He idly grabs a white ceramic cup and plays with it with his fingertips before asking Qin Zhao, who sits next to him, “Could a person whose brain lacks a tendon1 like him find his way around the capital?”

Qin Zhao doesn’t talk back—a rare sight to behold—and coldly states, “The first person he meets upon arriving in the capital isn’t us, but his cousin brother. After a while, his cousin brother would accompany him here, so why wouldn’t he be able to find his way?”

Chu Mingyun cannot help but to turn and study Qin Zhao’s expression closely. Although he has never carried much of an expression, those tightly pursed lips would be enough to give away a hint of nervousness.

Six years ago, when he bid his Master farewell at Mount Cangwu, he hadn’t expected this shidi2 of his to stubbornly insist on following him. After all, Chu Mingyun had always felt that whether it was hatred or aspiration, they were all his private concerns. He had never mentioned them, neither did he want someone else’s interference.

However, Qin Zhao is a person with a cold facade but a warm heart. He obviously knew nothing, yet packed his belongings and waited for him at the gates at dawn. Qin Zhao said nothing, but regardless of how Chu Mingyun tried to chase him off, it had been unsuccessful. In the end, when Chu Mingyun was about to be enraged, he only quietly said, “Shige, Master says the path you chose is a bitter one.”

And then Qin Zhao followed him. From the battlefields beyond the walls, to the halls of the Imperial Court filled with jades and gold. Step by step, Chu Mingyun ascended on the path paved with corpses and wandering souls, becoming the Grand Marshal of supreme power and arrogance, and turning into the nefarious scheming subject of the Emperor who curried favours.

This is something Chu Mingyun hasn’t anticipated: After all, there was someone in Mount Cangwu whom Qin Zhao constantly had on his mind.

Qin Zhao tolerates his arrogance and wayward behaviour, has taken beatings and blame in his stead. Qin Zhao carefully spoils him, yet Du Yue feels nothing in his stupidity. Only Chu Mingyun, who watches as a spectator, sees everything clearly.

These years, the most Qin Zhao could do is to visit when he has nothing to do. A few days ago Du Yue’s Master passed, and he sent a letter saying that after he had taken care of everything, he would come to Chang’an and look for them. These days, Chu Mingyun caught Qin Zhao occasionally drifting off, and now he’s feeling anxious from seeing someone close to home.

Oh, there is even a very thick scent of jealousy.

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Chu Mingyun feels a spark of interest. He places the cup down and gives a pensive “Oh” before saying, “It’s that cousin brother he often talks about who is always smiling with a gentle exterior, looks intelligent and smart while being peerlessly skilled in the five arts?” He sneers out loud. “I have always thought that he’s just using every character he knows to string that description out.”

Qin Zhao glares, but doesn’t say anything.

Chu Mingyun takes pleasure in his misfortune and only holds himself back when Qin Zhao’s expression darkens. He taps on Qin Zhao’s shoulder with his fan, taking his time to say, “It’s good to meet. Half of this capital is under my control, and you are the leader of my three thousand Shadow Guards. Who else would you lose to?”

Qin Zhao’s expression softens before saying “Yes,” and nothing more.

After a while, Du Yue arrives. A joyful voice saying “It’s here,” followed by the sound of a door being pushed open. The doors with flower-engravings open, and as they meet, other than Du Yue, the other three people were stunned.

“How long since we met!” The young man is at his coming of age and still carries a bit of childishness between his brows. The azure robes he wears made him appear a few years younger. Du Yue’s greetings come warmly, yet no one responds to him.

When Qin Zhao catches sight of the people who came, he immediately gets to his feet and retreats behind Chu Mingyun, holding his gaze low and saying nothing. Chu Mingyun’s gaze drifts pass Du Yue to fall on the person behind him, an unfathomable smile slowly showing itself at the corners of his lips.

Du Yue follows his line of sight and turn around to look. Su Shiyu meets Chu Mingyun’s gaze as he returns the smile, “Couldn’t have guessed to meet Your Excellency Chu here.”

Chu Mingyun supports his chin with a hand, his smile deepening. “That’s to say Your Excellency Su and I truly share fate.”

“The talk of fate would better be left alone.”

“Ah? Both of you know each other?” Du Yue interrupts.

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“We just see each other often.” Su  Shiyu smiles and says, “This morning after the court was dismissed, he pulled me aside and said many things without a clear mind; we aren’t considered close.”

“Without a clear mind? What did he say?” Du Yue asks curiously.

“Speaking of the matter, it does make one feel surprised. Are they the friends you talk about?” Su Shiyu asks.

“Yeah. Our Masters are the best of friends who all live up on Mount Cangwu. On the mountain, we were the only three apprentices. I’ve known them since I began learning the medical arts. They’re my best brothers!” Du Yue asks again, “Cousin brother, what did he say in the morning?”

Su Shiyu turns his gaze back onto Chu Mingyun. “Since that is the case, I should thank His Excellency Chu for looking after him.”

“There is no need for His Excellency Su to be so polite.” Chu Mingyun replies with good humour.

“……Cousin brother, there’s no point in thanking that fellow.” Du Yue walks forward a few steps and puts a hand on Qin Zhao’s shoulder. “He is the one who is nice to me. Every time Chu Mingyun bullies me, he is the one who helps me. He should be the one to thank.”

Qin Zhao lowers his head and glares at him helplessly. Du Yue realizes belatedly and looks around before asking, “Qin Zhao, why are you standing here?”

Qin Zhao keeps his head low and his mouth silent. Su Shiyu sweeps his robes aside and sits down calmly at the table. He raises his hand and smiles. “There is no need for customs at a private banquet, and you are A-Yue’s friend as well. No harm in sitting down.”

Qin Zhao furrows his brows when he hears how he addresses Du Yue. He looks at Chu Mingyun hesitantly. Chu Mingyun opens and folds his fan a few times, snickering impassively. “Since His Excellency Su has spoken, then it wouldn’t cost you your life to take a seat.” 

Qin Zhao obeys and returns to his seat. Su Shiyu gives a slight smile and says nothing. It is instead Du Yue who is displeased. “Ei, the one surnamed Chu, what do you mean by those few sentences? Speaking as if my cousin brother would devour humans!”

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Chu Mingyun casts him a glance. Du Yue instinctively wants to take a step back, but before he opens his mouth Su Shiyu interrupts. “A-Yue.”

Du Yue immediately shuts his mouth and quietly sits next to Su Shiyu.

“I recall a question.” Su Shiyu calmly changes the subject. “A-Yue was sent to learn the medical arts from a young age, far away from home and was never disciplined. Once he was discovered to have learned inappropriate things, it was already beyond saving. Originally, one thought that the school of the Medical Sage was mixed with good and bad, but seeing His Excellency Chu and this gentlemanly person, what is this all about?”

“Because his Master was disrespectful as an elder,” Chu Mingyun leisurely says.

“Ei—” Du Yue is displeased again, but forcibly swallows his words upon being reminded by his wisdom that Su Shiyu is sitting just next to him. “How can that be? Didn’t he just lecture you with a few words? That was just my Master being ‘lively’.”

Qin Zhao looks at Du Yue, yet doesn’t feel that his word choice is accurate.

Chu Mingyun coldly gives him a squint.

“Cousin brother, let me tell you, this one surnamed Chu isn’t a good person.” Du Yue turns his head around and tells Su Shiyu in all seriousness, “My Master said before: This person Chu Mingyun is a lunatic when he’s happy and a pervert when he is not.”

Chu Mingyun: “……”

“The Medical Sage truly is different from the norm.” Su Shiyu laughs softly. “However, there is no need to take this to heart, Your Excellency Chu. My humble opinion knows what sort of a person you are.”

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Chu Mingyun twitches his lips. For a moment, he can’t tell whether Su Shiyu’s words were of solace or mockery.

Only Du Yue takes them at face value. He smiles and says, “Isn’t it so? I too think my Master is a lively fellow.” He scratches his head and says again, “However, cousin brother, I think that when it comes to being mean to others, my Master is beneath you.”

The other three people present’s gazes on Du Yue become more conflicted.

Whose side is he on?

Chu Mingyun and Su Shiyu are not people who cannot have a talk. With Du Yue present, the atmosphere at their table is considerably peaceful. As the banquet progresses halfway, Chu Mingyun and Su Shiyu exchange words and start talking about state affairs. Qin Zhao finally finds an excuse to take Du Yue away to talk in private.

“Do you know what your cousin brother does for a living?” he asks.

Du Yue nods his head. “I know. He’s an imperial official.”

“……Then do you know what shige does for a living?” he asks again.

Du Yue nods his head. “I know. He’s an imperial official.”

“……” Qin Zhao suddenly gives him a dull and sunken gaze. “Nevermind; let us return home.”

[1] 缺根筋的脑袋 (lit. someone whose brain lacks a tendon) refers to people who are single-tracked minded or incredibly stubborn.
[2] 师弟 (shidi): younger apprentice brother.

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