Jun You Ji Fou

Chapter 4

What they didn’t know is that the moment both of them leave, Chu Mingyun and Su Shiyu unanimously stop talking about business, taxes, and state affairs—issues that were not their part to worry about even after eight generations had gone.

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Two great foxes stare at each other with a smile. Su Shiyu is the first to speak. “Your Excellency Chu, what is the meaning of this?”

“What?” Chu Mingyun asks, canting his head to the side.

“On the road, A-Yue said that this time he came to the capital to assume a post through a friend. That friend is you, Your Excellency Chu?”

“Yes.” Chu Mingyun says without haste, “If I knew he could allow me to meet Your Excellency Su in private, I would have called him here earlier.”

Su Shiyu faintly smiles, yet his voice turns more serious: “I know his ability with medicine clearly; it would not disappoint. However, he is still young and could not tell the good apart from evil. Hopefully Your Excellency Chu will provide some guidance.”

“If Your Excellency Su agrees to my proposition, then Du Yue and I will be of one family. Naturally, I will guide him properly.” Chu Mingyun smiles.

“Leave these jokes aside.” Su Shiyu glares at him. “I can tell you have no intention of letting A-Yue misunderstand our relationship.”

Chu Mingyun meets his eyes and raises a brow. “Are you blaming me for not telling him?” He bargains with a serious look, “Am I not just afraid that you would be shy? In this case, once Du Yue comes back, I will tell him. How about it?”

Su Shiyu looks downwards and gives a light laugh, emotions indiscernible through the calmness of his tone. “It seems like Your Excellency Chu has no intentions to face my question head-on?”

Chu Mingyun sighs lightly and raises his teacup to say, “Obviously, every word comes from my heart.”

Su Shiyu takes a sip of tea as he looks out the window at the long street lit with lanterns outside.

Very good. Now, they could not even continue the banter.

After a while, he hears the sound of opening doors; only then does Su Shiyu’s gaze turn back. He speaks to Du Yue, who is behind Qin Zhao: “The sky is turning dark. A-Yue, we should go back.”

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Qin Zhao instinctively grabs Du Yue’s arm, staring at Su Shiyu warningly.

Du Yue gives Qin Zhao a curious look before bewilderedly telling Su Shiyu, “Cousin brother, do you mean I should go back with you?”

“Yes.” Su Shiyu and Qin Zhao stare at each other before coming to an understanding. Then he heedlessly turns away and continues: “If you want something to do, I could arrange it for you. Why bother His Excellency Chu?”

“I don’t think it’s troublesome.” Chu Mingyun glares at Su Shiyu with a smile sitting on his brows and drawls, “His Excellency Su, are you feeling heartache for me?”

Su Shiyu turns a deaf ear to it.

Du Yue scratches his head. “There is no need. I have already discussed it with them. I couldn’t go back on my words.” After he finished speaking, he’s afraid that Su Shiyu would be displeased and adds, “Although I also want to search for you, but…… if my Mom knew about it she’d scold me, saying I’ve been giving you trouble all the time.”

Su Shiyu remains silent for a while, but after seeing that Du Yue truly looks torn, he could only give a low laugh. “All right, then.” He glares at Chu Mingyun before reminding Du Yue again, “But if anything is difficult for you, don’t hesitate to look for me.”

“If there is anything difficult for him, Qin Zhao would rush to help him. Most of the time, there would be no need to bother His Excellency Su,” Chu Mingyun says slowly.

“……” Su Shiyu turns around to look at Chu Mingyun and smiles. “With His Excellency Chu here, naturally I am reassured. Since this is the case, this humble one will take his leave. Excuse me.”

Chu Mingyun smiles. “See you tomorrow.”

Su Shiyu answers him in tranquillity.

It could be seen that the Imperial Secretary’s will is unlike normal people.

The decorations and placement of everything inside and outside the medicine house in the Residence of the Grand Marshal were done by Qin Zhao personally. Du Yue excitedly walks around the place and feels incredibly pleased. Chu Mingyun crosses his arms and looks at him for a while. Then he greets him before turning away to return to the main residence. Du Yue immediately follows suit until they arrive in the main hall.

Chu Mingyun turns his head to look at Du Yue who is following him, then looks at Qin Zhao who is following Du Yue, and impatiently says, “What?”

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“There is something I need to tell you both,” Du Yue says.

Qin Zhao feels surprised. “What?”

Du Yue hesitates for a long time before saying quietly, “Master Baili has also passed away. On the day my Master was buried.”

Chu Mingyun is taken aback. He catches sight of Qin Zhao’s similarly panic-stricken look before taking a seat. “En, what else?”

“Master Baili allowed me to bury him with my Master. He said there was no need to inform you people to go back, but he wanted me to bring some words to you.” Du Yue looks at Chu Mingyun as he speaks.

Chu Mingyun supports the side of his face with a hand, his gazing downwards as he answers quietly, “Hm?”

Du Yue hesitates for a moment, In the shade, he couldn’t see Chu Mingyun’s eyes, so he could only carefully say, “He said: You are on your own now.”

Chu Mingyun closes his eyes and chuckles briefly, saying nothing at all.

Du Yue doesn’t know what to do all of a sudden. He is only here to pass the  message, but he doesn’t understand the meaning of it. He didn’t know how to respond to this reaction of Chu Mingyun’s. Qin Zhao finally comes back to his senses. He places a hand on Du Yue’s shoulder, trying to make his voice sound gentle. “Are you the only person on Mount Cangwu?”

As he hears this, there is a twinge in his heart. The sobs he’d held inside could no longer be held. He musters the strength to nod his head. “Master Baili didn’t like people making noise. Neither do I want someone to go up the mountain.”

Qin Zhao pats his head and says quietly, “You did very well.”

Realizing the warmness of his touch, Du Yue rubs the tears that fell and musters up a smile. “Master liked fir trees, so I planted one next to his grave. So even if the three of us aren’t there, it could shield them from the winds and rains.”

Qin Zhao lowers his head to look at him, unaware of the gentleness in his gaze. Du Yue doesn’t catch it; he only discovers that Chu Mingyun hasn’t uttered a word for a long time, and so quickly finds a subject to talk about. “Oh, yes—you, the one surnamed Chu, I’m calling you. Do you both have a bad relationship with my cousin brother?” After all, he isn’t a complete fool. After their return, he could feel something wasn’t right.

Chu Mingyun lazily opens his eyes. “Is that so? I think we are quite well off.”

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Du Yue suddenly recalls the words Qin Zhao said that he didn’t understand, and so tested him: “Is it because the identities between you and my cousin brother contradict?”

Chu Mingyun laughs quietly and pays him no attention.

“If this is the case……” Du Yue gives a conflicting look and says, “Both of you are my best friends. My cousin brother took care of me since I was little, so I cannot choose. Even if both of you fought, I would most definitely serve both sides……” His voice becomes softer and softer. It is rare to see Du Yue feeling awkward, and so he gives up. “I best return to take another look at the medical house!” After he finishes, he turns and leaves.

Within the hall, everything quietens down. Qin Zhao’s gaze follows Du Yue’s figure until it disappears before turning back around. “Shige, then should we still scheme after Su Shiyu in the future?”

“Why not?” Chu Mingyun asks instead, “They are relatives, but would it be a hindrance?”

“But Du Yue……”

“At most, we keep Su Shiyu alive so it would be fair to Du Yue.” Chu Mingyun watches him, his gaze cold. “Otherwise, are you convincing me to give up?”

Qin Zhao shakes his head silently. What he knew was just a little bit more than Du Yue. He didn’t understand the conversations between Master and Shige. Even though Qin Zhao has known Chu Mingyun for years, he couldn’t tell what he is thinking about. Just like how at this moment, he could tell that something is going on with Chu Mingyun, but he doesn’t know what he’s thinking about, and hence is in no place to console him.


“Did you hear what Du Yue said yesterday?” Chu Mingyun suddenly asks.

Qin Zhao looks at him worriedly. There is nothing he could say, so he just replies flatly, “Yes.”

Chu Mingyun puts his hand down. “‘Both of you are my best friends’. You are his best friend.” Chu Mingyun glares at Qin Zhao straight in the eye. “Du Yue’s best friend. When are you telling that rascal that you don’t want to be his friend?”

“……” Qin Zhao has never thought of this question. He lowers his eyes and peacefully says, “I don’t want to force him. Once he realizes it, he can make his choice.”

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“You want that brain that lacks a tendon to understand, I wager his son could call you ‘Uncle’ when that time comes.”

Qin Zhao’s hands grip into tight fists. He pauses for a moment before insisting on saying, “I don’t want to force him.”

Chu Mingyun quietly looks at him. Suddenly, he gives him a half-smile. “Do you know what I am thinking of just now?”

“What?” Qin Zhao abruptly lifts his head.

He only sees Chu Mingyun being incredibly serious as he says, “You are a tendon1; Du Yue lacks one. Between the both of you, who do you think is more helpless?”

Qin Zhao: “……”

Why was he worried over this kind of person just now? Qin Zhao turns around to leave. Behind him, Chu Mingyun laughs to his heart’s content.

Until Qin Zhao’s shadow vanishes from sight and not a linger of breath from him is left, Chu Mingyun’s laugh blends into the night lightly before dissipating into the air.

“……You are on your own?” Chu Mingyuan spreads his hands open, looking at his palms, then raises his gaze to look at the endless chilly expanse of stars outside. “I have always known this very clearly.”

Author’s Notes:

Only with the CP stable we can see some fluff.

Chu Mingyun x Su Shiyu.

Qin Zhao x Du Yue.

Don’t think too much. The ones remaining are all platonic love.

[1] 一根筋: Meaning someone who is single-tracked mind.

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