Jun You Ji Fou

Chapter 31

Having eaten her fill, Mulahe excitedly pulled them to roam the streets and alleys, as if posed to cover the entirety of Chang’an on foot.

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  Along this street there were several entertainers peddling a mix of entertainer skills, their cries calling the surrounding pedestrians to observe. The sounds of shouts and cheers incessantly rang out. Mulahe turned direction and immediately squeezed in there, only to see that there was a thick and heavy stone slab on the ground in the space on-site. There was a burly fellow who spread open his horse stance1 after rubbing his fists and palms once over. With a low shout he chopped downward, and the stone slab let out a dull creak, splitting apart in that instant.

  The people surrounding loudly shouted in praise, Mulahe also followed them to shout. She’s pushed aside the person blocking her side and was intending to walk up there when she was pulled back by Su Shiyu, “What are you trying to do by going in there?”

  Mulahe excitedly said: “He looks like he’s also very good at martial arts ah! I’m going to compare with him!”

  “The man is a street performer in order to earn a living, if you go up there and compete with him you’ll make trouble for him.”

  Mulahe’s enthusiasm immediately flagged, “Is that so ah, but I really wanted to try it out ah.”

  Su Shiyu’s gaze landed on Chu Mingyun next to him, who had presently lowered his head to tear at a bag of sweets that Mulahe had just bought. While pinching a piece between his fingers and putting it in his mouth he looked up and returned the gaze, “En?”

  Su Shiyu softly laughed, pointed at Chu Mingyun, and said to Mulahe: “You don’t need to be troubled, he also knows the gongfu skill from just now.”

  ”……” Chu Mingyun swept a look over that stone slab that had shattered into fragments all over the floor. He realised it was something he really could do, and even do a much prettier job of it than that fellow just now.

  There were many peddling acts along the street, each time Mulahe wanted to rush over and figure it out for herself, she would be plainly informed by Su Shiyu, “He also knows (how to do) this.”

  Thanks to the Grand Secretary, Grand Martial Chu only realised today that he actually had so many talents and skills.

  Chu Mingyun, who had all this while wordlessly been finishing off the sweet, looked ahead of him. As if he finally could no longer take it, he pulled Mulahe in front of a stall selling headpieces and jewelry, “You take a look at whichever, I’ll gift (it to) you.” After saying this he turned his head to meet Su Shiyu’s gaze, and faintly sighed, “That one…..I truly don’t know how to do it.”

  Su Shiyu turned back, and across the partition of bobbing heads could barely make out an entertainer performing sword-eating and fire-breathing performance. He again looked back at Chu Mingyun’s extremely helpless expression, and suddenly couldn’t help but laugh. Among the profane and noisy populace, he alone was gentle and progressive2.

  It felt like there was something that jumped abruptly in his chest, Chu Mingyun attentively looked at him. He picked out a jade hairpin from the stall, then mimicking the speaking manner of people from rich families laughed: “Come, lil’ beauty (Meiren’er), this Young Master will also gift you one, how about you follow3 me?”

  Su Shiyu blocked the hand he outstretched, and said faintly smiling: “Young Master’s looks surpass others’, this jade hairpin suits you a bit better.”

  ”Alright,” Chu Mingyun replied straightforwardly, “Then you put it on for me, it’s also okay if I follow3 you ah.”

  The stall owner maiden blushed and after much deliberation, spoke up: “These two young masters…… this place of mine, sells only lady’s accessories.”

  Chu Mingyun shrugged his shoulders and put down the thing. Su Shiyu smiled while shaking his head, and unconsciously caught a glint of humor flashing across Mulahe’s pupils, “What is it?”

  Mulahe moved away her line of sight, slyly smiling and said: “I’ll tell Anyi’ruo later.”

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  Once it reached noon, the three of them found an inn to rest and have a meal. Mulahe tore at the things they bought in high spirits. Chu Mingyun absent-mindedly helped her tear open the food wrappings, whereas Su Shiyu looked at them quietly.

  It was unknown what the people a few tables behind them were talking about, but their voices suddenly got louder.

  ”Old brother4 (laoxiong), that is an appointed official of the court (you’re talking about), you need to be careful when talking. With no proof or reason, are you trying to fool us?”

  ”Heh, really, what good would I get out of tricking you guys? I’d just passed by Fufeng County on my return, it was my relative in the county yamen who told me himself!”

  Another person from a different table interrupted, “What’s this about? Isn’t everyone well aware who’s behind that case with the Right Fufeng, how come Su Shiyu’s business gets dragged in again*?”

  Chu Mingyun exchanged a look with Su Shiyu, not batting an eyelid.

  ”You think about it, what sort of figure is Su Shiyu, if we all can guess who it is don’t tell me he can’t tell? That must be another ulterior motive involved,” The man’s words paused, and lowered his voice as if to tempt the peoples’ appetites (curiosity), “This is him taking the opportunity to get rid of Su Xing for his own sake!”

  ”You really take us for fools ah? Su Xing is Su Shiyu’s blood-related uncle.”

  ”That’s why I say you guys don’t know ba, how could the kinship relations of large clans and noble families be the same as us common folks’, how do you think those internal struggles come about? Su Xing was someone who’d just returned to Chang’an by himself, where would he get the ability to commit such a large murder case, not to mention he had friendly relations with those victim officials.”

  ”Since you’re so clear on it, then you say how all that came about?”

  The man coughed once to change his accent and pitch, saying: “You all think carefully, since Su Shiyu was in charge of that murder case, put plainly the culprit is Chu Mingyun. The Chu faction and Su faction have also been at odds for so many years, such a good opportunity, yet Su Shiyu didn’t capture Chu Mingyun but rather ran to investigate some case together with him, what does this mean?” Not waiting for a reply, he continued to speak on by himself, “Obviously they’ve reached an agreement of sorts! Su Shiyu helps Chu Mingyun cover up the case, Chu Mingyun helps Su Shiyu kill Su Xing, then simply pushes the case aside, isn’t this a win-win for both sides? The more wealthy and high-ranking a person, the more vicious they’ll be when dealing with blood relatives!”

  The others all didn’t continue arguing, and felt that the man’s words held a bit of reason, and had become uncertain and wavering.

  Chu Mingyun propped up his lower jaw, lowly laughing, “Really well said, even I almost believe it.”

  Su Shiyu shook his head and laughed lightly, drinking his tea wordlessly.

  Mulahe’s doubtful gaze went landed back and forth on the two of them, then turned her head to look at the people who were whispering to themselves, and unhappily asked Su Shiyu: “Are they talking about you?”

  ”You heard wrongly.” Su Shiyu said flatly.

  ”I didn’t! I heard your names!” Mulahe abruptly stood up.

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  ”But you can’t remember Han names correctly, how come you’re so sure it’s us?”

  ”I……” Mulahe was at a loss for words, and looked towards Chu Mingyun, “Pretty Gege, you say, were they talking about you?!”

  Chu Mingyun smiled, looking at Su Shiyu and leisurely saying: “He said it’s not so naturally it’s not.”

  These words went in twists and turns, Mulahe couldn’t understand them.

  On another side the waiter had keen eyes, seeing the situation was heading in an unfavorable direction he quickly came over to mediate: “Honored patrons, while eating let’s not talk about government affairs, not talk about government affairs!”

(T/N: That’s not a typo, he repeated it.)

  Su Shiyu tilted his head to look at her, “Sit down ba.”

  Mulahe glared at the people behind them who still didn’t know what had happened, and only then begrudgingly sat down.

  Chu Mingyun’s fingertips traced over the pattern on the porcelain cup, his words intent with humor, “I’d already told you previously, these people have never cared what the truth is, they’re only thinking of using it as a conversation topic, what’s there to explain to them.”

  ”How the matter truly is, is how it is. Even if there are others who maliciously conjecture, there’s no need to steal away the chance for everyone to understand the truth.” Su Shiyu said, “If one persistently thinks explaining is beneath them, then all that’s left is rumors.”

  Chu Mingyun laughed as if taking exception to that, and didn’t carry on the conversation.

  Loulan didn’t actually have any official business for this visit, after sticking around in Chang’an for a few days they chartered their return, and they were sent off from Chang’an to Baling5 by the Grand Marshall and Grand Secretary.

  This just happened to coincide with early spring, so the ancient roadways were luxuriant with green grass, vast and torrential currents flowed beneath the bridge, the poplar and willow trees on the riverbanks had their first green leaves, like drooping ribbons of jade.

  They stopped at a pavilion to say their farewells, Mulahe waved her hand to chase her retainers off to the side, and only then taking out a letter from the breast of her robes, stuffing it into Su Shiyu’s hands, “For Anyi’ruo!”

  Su Shiyu studied the tightly-sealed letter, asking, “Was this written by you?”

  ”Of course, I’ve learned Han words for a long time! But you can’t open it to read now!” Mulahe thought about it then urged again: “Even after you return you can’t open, en—— wait for me to return to Loulan before you’re allowed to look!”

  Su Shiyu laughed: “Don’t tell me you wrote something in here that you’re afraid I’ll come after you for?”

  ”Definitely not, anyway (you) have to wait for me to return before you can look!”

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  Su Shiyu smiled and promised. Mulahe then also pulled out a oil-paper bag, tossing it to Chu Mingyun: “For Pretty Gege!”

  Chu Mingyun was slightly surprised, and as he caught it he asked, “What’s this thing?”

  ”Doesn’t Pretty Gege seem to like eating sweets a lot, it’s pine nut brittle ah!”

  Chu Mingyun darted a quick glance at Su Shiyu next to him whose smile had grown deeper, and frowned while looking at Mulahe who had the mannerism of having presented a treasure. He could not help but also laugh lowly, “Okay, many thanks.”

  Having finished presenting the gifts, she was still not in a hurry to leave, and instead became a little hesitant, glancing at Chu Mingyun, summoning up the courage to pull Su Shiyu to one side, “(I) still have something to tell Anyi’ruo.“

  ”What’s the matter?

  ”I found the person I like, ” Mulahe lowered her head slightly, blushing crimson, showing some rare maidenly disposition, “He is a Han man doing business in Loulan, he saved me during an incident of unrest, his personality is very good and his martial art is also awesome. It was him who taught me how to write the Han words, among the people in the Central Plains apart from you I like him the most. King father has already agreed to let us marry, this time (visiting) it is also because he asked me to let you know.”

  ”En,” Su Shiyu’s eyes held a smile, “Then I really do congratulate you.”

  ”When I get married will Anyi’ruo come?” She lifted her head to look at Su Shiyu, eyes filled with anticipation.

  ”Of course (I) will come to congratulate you.”

  ”Even if you have other things to do you’ll still come?”

  Su Shiyu thought about it, “Of course.”

  Mulahe smiled, “Then you must come together with Pretty Gege!”

  ”You’re really hoping for him to come as well?”

  ”Because Pretty Gege is really good-looking ah, what’s more——” She winked, “When Pretty Gege is around the fog disappears!”

  Su Shiyu said uncomprehendingly, “What fog will disappear?”

  But Mulahe no longer replied, her dimpled smiling face resplendent like a flower as she said goodbye to the two, then ran towards the carriage that had been waiting for a long while. She suddenly turned around in front of the carriage, her skirt billowing as she waved goodbye, the silver bells on her wrist crisply chiming.

  A few days flashed past since their parting, and spring gradually overtook the land.

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  In the study, Su Shiyu put down his brush, placing the documents to one side and sorting them out, his gaze by chance sweeping past a letter placed on the side. He counted in his heart (mind), these few days should be sufficient for the carriage to have reached Loulan already, then he reached out to retrieve the letter.

  Mulahe had sealed the envelope very tightly, obviously still worrying he might sneak a peek, pinching it in his hand he could feel that the letter inside was considerably thick, but didn’t know what could possibly be written in it.

  Su Shiyu had just torn open the corner of the envelope, when he suddenly heard sounds of running steps from outside. The door to the study was abruptly pushed open, Su Bai rushed into the room with a face full of anxiety, and opened his mouth to yell:

  ”Young Master, it’s gone wrong! The Loulan princess met with an ambush at our border city, the whole procession has been massacred. The ruler of Loulan is furious, and has already sent an emissary over to demand an explanation from Daxia (the dynasty/country name right now), His Majesty the Emperor has an urgent summon for you to enter the palace to negotiate!”

T/N: Happy Qixi (7th day of the 7th month on the lunar calendar, aka. Chinese Valentines’ Day) you guys! I know by the time I upload this it will have passed, but probably few who would read this translation would be actually celebrating Qixi,…so. You guys might have heard the myth of Cowherd and Weaving Maiden, which is the traditional folktale associated with Qixi. I’m not too sure where the bridge of magpies came about from, but the popularization of the tale is perhaps because it provided comfort during the chaotic period of the Northern and Southern Dynasties. The land was split with the Qinling mountain range and the Huai He river as the border, with Henan Nanyang and Xinyang etc. bordering areas being the most badly affected. Hope you’re spending time with your beloved, or that you find your Cowherd/Weaving Maiden soon. Here’s a Qixi poem for you guys:

Far away twinkles the Herd-Boy star (Altair), Brightly shines the Lady of the Silver River.Fair and elegant is her extended hand, Chiming the loom as she weaves.Unable to form coherent writing all day long, Anguished tears falling like rain.How shallow flows the current of the Milky Way, How much to meet and return.Over crystalline waters, Eyes tell what words cannot.- A non-expert translation of《古诗十九首·迢迢牵牛星》

1.马步 – horse stance, a very common posture for martial arts where you stand with your feet apart, almost like a squat position. Here’s to aid your mental image of the scene.

2.眉目温柔 – if translated completely literally, it means his brows and eyes were gentle. Bu ‘眉目’ means progress, and because of the words preceding it as well as context from the later chapters that is what I have chosen to translate it as.

3. 从了(我 / 你)- meaning that you’re willing to get married to the person (as a wife or concubine). Same phrase used by Chu Mingyun in Chapter 23.

4.老兄 – friendly/joking address for a friend of similar age (even though it literally means ‘old brother’). It means ‘ol’ fellow/chap/buddy/pal’. Sometimes it can be used very informally by older brothers to refer to themselves when speaking to siblings

5.Baling – this is where the tomb of Emperor Xiaowen is, located 57 kilometres away from Chang’an. Which means this has to be after his death in CE 499. By the end of the novel I’ll have figured out what time period the author is taking as reference lol.

Also, I just want to say, if you’re not already reading this after having read Qiang Jin Jiu, then you should really check it out, because it has very similar themes to this novel. Despite both shous being martially-skilled civil officials and both gongs being generals (well not quite for XCA but you know the type) I’m startled by how different the relationship dynamics of these two pairs are.

Image from the 猫儿FM (www.missevan.com) QJJ Audio Drama Season 3

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