Jun You Ji Fou

Chapter 32

The full entourage of palace maids and imperial bodyguards had been dismissed from the antechamber of the Xuanshi Hall1, yet within this astronomically large hall the air seemed considerably dense. Li Yanzhen alone sat on the seat-of-honor while Chu Mingyun, Su Shiyu and the emissaries from Loulan stood at two opposing sides.

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  The imperial bodyguard who delivered the message had informed Su Shiyu of the situation’s details along the way: That day Loulan had arrived at the border town according to the arrangement to receive the princess but had discovered the inn to be dead silent. In all the guestrooms upstairs, the walls and floors were dripping with blood, and the thick stench of blood assaulting one’s nose would immediately make a person feel nauseated. And Loulan’s most beloved and respected princess had fallen face-down and hair disheveled on the ground, a fair-skinned arm stained with streaks of blood outstretched to the front, seeming to have once expended all energy trying to grab hold of something.

  The ruler of Loulan nearly fell unconscious upon receiving the news, angrily yelling out orders to dispatch the army at once, but only agreed to send emissaries after repeated and forceful persuasions from his subjects.

  After reporting this the imperial bodyguard asked urgently, “Grand Secretary, the land has only just achieved hard-earned peace, will war break out again because of this?”

  Su Shiyu furrowed his brow tightly, and didn’t answer. The carriage blinds flapped in the wind as it sped on. Flowers were in bloom all along the street outside the window, a painting-like scene of spring.


  In the hall, the Loulan emissary’s face sank, yet still made his greeting courteously, and went straight to the point: “The matter of our princess her royal Highness’ murder, (I) hope Daxia (dynasty name) will take responsibility for it!”

  Since Li Yanzhen did not reply after a while, Chu Mingyun spoke up: “Naturally, will Your Honor, the Emissary please remain calm and not be impatient, we have already sealed the border and are searching for the suspects, if there is any news we will surely inform you.”

  The emissary looked at Chu Mingyun, “Your Honor the Grand Marshall seems to avoid important matters and dwell on the trivial, surely speaking in such a manner isn’t too good?”

  ”Oh——?” Chu Mingyun turned to face his gaze, “What ‘avoiding important matters and dwelling on trivial’, I don’t quite understand what you mean.”

  ”A great and proud country such as Daxia, yet now our princess was killed within your borders, don’t tell me it can be resolved simply with an investigation?”

  ”Otherwise, what?” Chu Mingyun said, “Cracking the case and catching the evildoer is perfectly justified2, if even this is considered avoiding an important matter in favor of the trivial, then what would satisfy Your Honor the emissary’s intent?”

  ”Not being able to guarantee the safety of envoys within your country, and shirking off responsibility after something has happened, is this the way Daxia handles matters?” The emissary said, “The location of the princess’ lodgings is not something ordinary people would be able to find out. Her meeting misfortune at the hands of the wicked, is it really unrelated to your court?”

  ”You can’t say things like that ah,” Chu Mingyun said, “The whereabouts of her royal Highness the princess was not only made clear to us but also to the royal family of Loulan, since it was an ambush that occurred at the border, it’s hard to say who was the one that leaked the information.”

  Su Shiyu who was at his side froze as he heard those words.

  The emissary questioned coldly: “Your Honor the Grand Marshall has already spoken as such, and you still dare say you’re not shirking responsibility?!”

  Chu Mingyun said with no inflection: “I was merely stating the possible scenarios, what are you so agitated for?”


  ”Requesting Your Honor the emissary to calm down a bit,” Su Shiyu suddenly spoke up, “This is a shared pain between Daxia and Loulan, disputing is ultimately useless, and would merely add to ill-feelings. As of now, only by sincere cooperation between our two countries will the suspect be found as early as possible.”

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  The other party’s attitude was courteous and warm, such that even though the emissary still had fire in his heart (still irritated) he was ill-disposed to flare up again.

  Chu Mingyun tilted his head to look at Su Shiyu, “Has Master Su thought of something?”

  He indeed had thought of something. At that moment when those words of Chu Mingyun’s had sounded out, numerous and whirling disorderly thoughts abruptly stagnated and went still, and something had struggled free to surface distinctly.

  The messenger dispatched to visit should not have been too early, Mulahe with her position as princess should not have been visiting in person.

  It’s only……

  ——”I’ve found the person I like.”

  —— “King father has already agreed to let us marry, (the visit) this time is also because he asked me to let you know.”


  ”Your Honor the emissary, may I ask if Her Highness the princess was about to get married to a Han merchant?” Su Shiyu asked.

  ”Your Honor the Grand Secretary is referring to Young Master Ji Heng?”

  ”Do you happen to know where he was after the incident occurred?”

  ”(I) didn’pay attention to this matter in particular, he……” The emissary’s words abruptly stopped, and his pallor changed.

  Seeing the emissary react this way, several people present soon understood. Li Yanzhen finally opened his mouth: “Since there is a lead, then quickly dispatch orders to arrest this person.”

  The emissary responded, several changes flitting through his expression before ultimately looking toward Su Shiyu: “But how did Your Honor the Grand Secretary come to suspect him? There was an ambush planned out by someone within the territory of Daxia, and Ji Heng is a Han merchant, I wonder if there is a link between these things?”

  Chu Mingyun narrowed his eyes slightly, laughing coldly to himself. (They) repeatedly emphasized since the start that Daxia was responsible, and now this emissary from Loulan had finally made his true intent apparent.

  It was impossible for the dead to return to life, instead of clinging to attachment why wouldn’t they plot to benefit from this; striking while the body was still warm to extort the last bit of value. Such was the nature of devising strategy and plotting against others, you could not blame (them) too much.

  Su Shiyu said blandly: “Does your honor the emissary believe there is a link between these things?”

  The emissary had yet to speak up, when Li Yanzhen raised a hand to halt their conversation, huffing a sigh, “We understand the Emissary’s intent, We will definitely order someone to investigate this clearly, yet this matter happened within our borders, Daxia indeed cannot escape blame for this.

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  The emissary turned his body, bowed his head in greeting to Li Yanzhen, “Since His Majesty the emperor has said so, this subject can be assured. However, although Loulan is a small country and its forces cannot rival Daxia’s, we still hope that His Majesty the emperor can be a bit more fair.”

  Li Yanzhen glanced at Chu Mingyun and Su Shiyu below him, and said as if considering: “That year the ruler of Loulan used three cities as dowry, then let’s use three cities as compensation, and may the ruler take it as having married the princess to Daxia.”

  There was no way three cities of the great Desert could be compared and considered on equal ground with three cities of the Central Plains, this opening bid in compensation far exceeded expectations. The emissary was shocked into disbelief, and the joy had yet time to surface on his features before he heard Chu Mingyun say coldly:

  ”Your Majesty, please speak prudently.”

  Su Shiyu added: “Your Majesty, the matter of the actual compensation still needs to be discussed at court before it can be set.”

  Li Yanzhen hence stopped talking and kept quiet.

  The emissary’s expression slightly distorted, what sort of state Daxia’s court was in, he understood; the only ones who had the power to make decisions were only these two Chu Mingyun and Su Shiyu. Since as witnessed they had already spoken their opinion, the so-called court discussion was merely an excuse to buy time.

  This person Chu Mingyun had too strong a sense of , so the emissary’s notice landed on Su Shiyu, “Grand Secretary, Your Honor, our princess sees you as an elder brother, now that she has been murdered within your borders and her corpse has yet grown cold, you still want to dispute over the matter of compensation?”

  Su Shiyu’s eyes darkened, not saying anything for a while.

  Chu Mingyun laughed a “Che” sound, “Doesn’t Your Honor the Emissary seem to be even more concerned about the compensation?”

  Under the current circumstances it seemed like they were heading towards another quarrel, so Su Shiyu lightly sighed, and said: “What His Honor the Emissary has said is not false, Her Highness the princess treats me with sincerity, and for that I am ceaselessly grateful.” He paused, “And that is exactly why, I hope to have a chat with Your Honor the Emissary one-on-one.”

  The emissary did not understand the intent for this, Su Shiyu made a greeting and asked Li Yanzhen, and after obtaining permission he raised his hand and made a posture of beckoning, “May I trouble Your Honor the Emissary to come talk with me in the side palace.”

  The emissary was somewhat doubtful, but after hesitating still followed him out.


  Without Li Yanzhen observing on the side, Su Shiyu’s re-negotiation with the emissary was without constraint, but even considering he was silver-tongued and had several tricks up his sleeve, regarding Mulahe’s demise Daxia was still unable to escape from blame.

  This round of negotiation was extremely difficult; it was only until the sun had set over a thousand households did they reach a grudging agreement, ceding some territory as compensation. The emissary’s expression was extremely displeased when he left, but after reporting back to Li Yanzhen he received approval, and now it only awaited a round of detailed discussion in court.

  Su Shiyu stepped across the setting sun spilled across the floor (T/N: probably a reflection in rain puddles), he lowered his eyes and looked at the flowing glow of the sunset on the limestone, and it seemed like fresh blood meandering into the distance.

  Who knows if that jade-eyed young girl also saw such a scene when she shut her eyes. Who knows what she felt when she was killed by her special person, who knows whether that wedding Su Shiyu agreed that he would definitely attend, that wedding destined for ruin.

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  That sort of silly maiden, perhaps it was her who personally told the other party of the route.

  In fact Su Shiyu understood it clearly, with Mulahe’s position in the ruler of Loulan’s heart, unfortunately three cities would be useless to even eliminate a bit of his sorrow, but even as that may be, he could not agree to the Loulan emissary’s demands.

  His home country came first, his personal feelings were of little importance, and were not worth mention.

  But if Mulahe was able to sense it from beneath the Nine Springs (the underworld), and knew he was acting like this, would she also regret calling him Gege, just like……Su Xing who cursed at him bitterly in the water prison that day.

  Thinking of this, Su Shiyu laughed lightly, and a bit of fatigue showed between his brows, disappearing in the next instant.


  It was not even a day later when the news arrived, Ji Heng fell into the net (was caught). He’d admitted to all of his crimes, and was currently being escorted to Chang’an from Zhenjiang.

  After hearing this Su Shiyu only lowered his head and ordered everyone to be dismissed, not expressing much. He continued leafing through the documents one at a time, and he had picked up one leaflet when suddenly there was something that also landed onto the desk along with it.

  A yellowed letter sealed in a red envelope, and a corner of it had been ripped open at the seal.

  Su Shiyu silently stared at it for a while, stunned, then slowly reached out his hand. He was uncharacteristically hesitant, opening the letter bit by bit.

  Although the letter was thick, it was exactly because Mulahe’s words were large and crooked, so the contents could not be considered long. Su Shiyu recognised word by word and read over it, and could not help smiling a little.

  The letter did not have even a bit of the Han literati’s usual norm, it entirely seemed to be written according to Mulahe’s whims. She started off writing about what she felt was delicious and where was fun within these days she spent within the city of Chang’an, then abruptly cut in about the new and odd flowers that had bloomed a few days ago in Loulan.

  Su Shiyu flipped over a page, and the smile at the corner of his mouth faded.


  ”Anyi’ruo tells lies without even blushing4! After that I remembered the pronunciation and asked a lot of Han people, they all said that is exactly the names of you two. That day that group of people were talking bad things about you guys and you still said they weren’t!”

  ”I’d only then realised not all Han people are that good, (I) don’t know why these days I’m constantly hearing people talking bad about you, but I remembered you seemed to not be happy letting me know about it, so I held it in and didn’t go fight with them.”

  ”Have you ever heard that our Loulan women can read hearts, the Han people are all silly so they can’t see it, but I just know you’re especially especially good.”

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  ”Anyi’ruo has the world’s best gentleness.”


  Anyi’ruo has the world’s best gentleness.

  A phrase so senseless in meaning, perhaps only Mulahe could write it out.

  The hand Su Shiyu gripped the letter in suddenly tightened, trembling lightly. He closed his eyes, taking in a deep breath extremely slowly, and then relaxed again. Su Shiyu lowered his eyes to stare at that line of words, and after a long long while, he finally let out an extremely soft embittered laugh.

  Su Shiyu flipped to the last page, but the moment the traces of ink entered his sight5, he was completely stunned.


  ”The question that Anyi’ruo didn’t reply to that day, I seem to know the answer to it already.”

  ”That’s why……”

T/N: Hmm, I’m sorry that it’s been(?) nearly a month(?) since the last update hahah oops =/ I’ll try to make up for the difference.

1. 宣室殿 – I’ve seen several interpretations of this name. This could either refer to a building in the ancient imperial city that serves as a discussion hall where the Emperor receives distinguished subjects for private audience (sensitive matters related to the throne or imperial family). I’ve also seen it being referred to as the front hall of the palace where the emperor stays. It is also mentioned in the Shiji under the 《贾生传》and the Tales of the Sanfu, 《三辅故事》

2.天经地义 – to follow the principles of heaven and earth; be so unquestionably moral that it is natural.

3. 千家落照时 – From the Tang Dynasty poem《题苏公林亭》

4. 说谎都不脸红 – literally ‘face does not redden even when lying’.

5. 跃入眼帘 – ‘jumping into one’s eyes’

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