Chapter 46

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(Filming starts on The Performer)

Pei Ying was wearing her headphones when she listened to the recording, so it felt like someone whispering right into her ear. It even carried Song Nanchuan’s breathing.

Her face grew a bit red, and she pulled out her earbuds.

Seriously! Even when he was reading lines, he had to be so flirty! But… Chuan Chuan’s voice was really very soft and melty. Hearing it made her girlish heart pound.

When Song Nanchuan returned, he saw a flushed Pei Ying standing at the side. His gaze moved from her hands to her phone, and he quickly realized that she must have heard his recording.

The corners of his lips raised up. Song Nanchuan feigned ignorance as he walked over. Looking at Pei Ying, he asked, “Ying Ying, why is your face so red? Are you hot? Should I turn the air conditioner lower?”

Pei Ying, “….”

He was clearly doing this on purpose!

She lifted up the phone in her hand and looked at him. “I just listened to your recording, but there seems to be an extra line. What did you say in the last sentence?”

“The last sentence…” Song Nanchuan blinked at her. “Were the words I wanted to say to you.”

Pei Ying gave a troubled frown. “But I didn’t understand it. You know that my English is really bad.”

Song Nanchuan, “….”

It couldn’t be so bad that you didn’t understand that sentence, could it?! Even an elementary school child would have zero difficulty understanding!

Seeing Song Nanchuan’s expression change from flirty to depressed left Pei Ying feeling quite refreshed. But he quickly put away his dark expression and then provocatively wrapped his arms around her waist. “It’s okay if you didn’t understand it. I’ll use my actions to show you.”

Before Pei Ying could make a sound, he’d already lifted her up and tossed her onto the bed. Startled, she frowned at him. “Song Nanchuan, what are you doing?!”

Song Nanchuan smiled at her. “Loving you.”

Pei Ying, “….”

Song Nanchuan’s love for her was always so fiery and passionate that it left Pei Ying burnt out. After they’d immersed themselves sufficiently in love, Pei Ying laid wearily in Song Nanchuan’s arms.

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“Tired?” Song Nanchuan pulled away the hair on her sweaty forehead and kissed her. Pei Ying closed her eyes and sounded softly, “Mmh.”

Song Nanchuan looked at her teasingly. “We only did it once and you’re already so tired. Your physical condition really isn’t good.”

Pei Ying’s brows twitched, and then she opened her eyes. “Once for you, not for me.”

Song Nanchuan chortled, and, realizing what she’d just said, Pei Ying’s face turned red.

Oh god, Song Nanchuan had led her astray. When she spoke, she sounded more and more shameless!

Song Nanchuan kissed her red cheek and laughed. “You just keep getting cuter.”

Pei Ying, “….”

Our understanding of cute seem to be a bit different, Mr Song.

“After you’re rested, let’s go again. You need to get more exercise.” Song Nanchuan spoke very respectably.

Pei Ying pursed her lips and then wrapped herself up in a towel before heading to the bathroom. “I’m going to take a shower.”

Song Nanchuan got up and followed her, squeezing into the bathroom. “Let’s take one together. To save on water costs.”

Pei Ying, “….”

Even in the bathroom, she couldn’t escape his claws.


After this warm and lust-filled end of the month, Pei Ying grew busy again. With the start of filming for The Performer, Pei Ying was whisked away by her assistant in the morning before the sky even lit up.

Just as before, with Season of Love, they had their booting ceremony on the first day. The ceremony was particularly grand this time. In addition to the cast of the film, Teacher Xing Xin would also be attending. Of course the media wouldn’t pass up on such an opportunity, and they arrived to the filming location early.

Pei Ying was rather nervous that day. Although she debuted more than three years ago, her qualifications still made her a relative newbie. She hadn’t filmed many TV dramas, and of them, she’d only had one leading role. When it came to collaborations… The most famous person she’d worked with was probably Zhang Chengyi, on her last series.

Thinking about how she’d be properly meeting Mo Zhen today, she had to adjust her breathing and take a deep breath.

Mo Zhen stood at the apex of the acting world. He was an academy award-winning actor, a well deserved on. Even his marriage hadn’t affected his popularity—Pei Ying actually admired him on that respect. At the peak of his fame, he decided to get married. Not every male celebrity was so daring.

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When Pei Ying arrived to the filming site, Mo Zhen had yet to arrive, but Yu Kaize was already present. When he saw Pei Ying’s van approaching, Yu Kaize headed over to greet her. “Pei Ying, it’s been a long time.”

Pei Ying smiled and nodded. “Yeah, it’s been a long time.”

“Oh yeah, I kept forgetting to congratulate you on getting the leading role.”

“Thank you.”

When the director saw the two of them chatting, he walked over to join in. Not long after, the crowd started getting loud. Pei Ying looked around and then saw a Bentley driving up to them.

“That’s Mo Zhen’s car.” After taking a look, the director turned to Pei Ying. “You have a lot of scenes with Mo Zhen, so you should make sure to learn from him.”

Pei Ying nodded. “Mmh, I understand.”

And then the director turned to Yu Kaize. “Young Mr Yu, you should also learn a few things from Emperor Mo when you can. Hone up your acting skills.”

Yu Kaize pursed his lips, but still responded, “I understand.”

The director said, “When we’re filming, I don’t care who you are. If you’re acting sucks, you’re getting scolded.”

“…Mmh.” Yu Kaize had heard of Director Zhao’s reputation. Under normal circumstances, you could have friendly chats with him, about the sky, the earth, the stars. But once he becomes enraged, he’ll scold you until you start to question your entire life.

As the three of them were chatting, Mo Zhen had walked up to them. There was a pair of sunglasses on his face, but it couldn’t hide his powerful aura. Even as he walked on an ordinary road as this, it started to look like a red carpet, with him shining brightly on it.

After he arrived, he took of his sunglasses and first greeted the director. Then his gaze landed onto Yu Kaize and Pei Ying.

The director started to make introductions. “This is Yu Kaize. He’ll be playing one of your juniors.”

Mo Zhen smiled and nodded. “I recognize him. Universe’s young prince.”

“Hello, I’m very happy to be able to work with you.” Yu Kaize extended his right hand. Mo Zhen shook his hand and then looked over to Pei Ying. The director quickly introduced her. “This is Pei Ying, and she’ll be playing Zhao Yue.”

Once again, Mo Zhen smiled and nodded. “I know her too.”

Hearing Emperor Mo say that he knew who she was, Pei Ying felt extremely overwhelmed and humbled. For the past two years, Mo Zhen had been focusing on overseas activities. She was just a small, little-known actress. And yet, he recognized her?!

As if seeing through her thoughts, Mo Zhen said, “All things said and done, you’re still the female lead that was selected with a lot of consideration. I look forward to working with you.”

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Pei Ying was stunned momentarily, before she quickly said, “I’m also very happy to be working with you. Please take care of me!”

“Let’s all help each other out.” After his greetings with Mo Zhen, someone else approached to speak to him. Taking advantage of this time, Pei Ying whispered to Yu Kaize, “Are your sunglasses the same as Emperor Mo’s?”

“…Mmh.” Yu Kaize spoke a bit awkwardly. “Actually, I’m a pretty big fan of his.”

Pei Ying couldn’t help chuckle. Who would have thought that the dignified Universe’s prince was also a fan of Mo Zhen’s? But honestly, it wasn’t strange. Mo Zhen debuted when he was 16 years old, and Yu Kaize would have been starting junior high at the time.


Mo Zhen’s presence had the entire crew in a flurry of excitement. But as the time passed and Xing Xin still hadn’t arrived at the scene, the director started to worry. The assistant director (AD) walked over and apprehensively asked, “Teacher Xing Xin couldn’t have lost his way again, could he?”

Director, “….”

He pulled out his phone and gave a call to Xing Xin. After three rings, he finally answered. “What is it? I’m driving right now.”

The director slightly pursed his dry lips. He asked, “Teacher, where are you right now?”

“I should be there soon.”

“…Um, did you turn on your navigation?”

Xing Xin was quiet for a moment before responding, “I’ve lived in A City for twenty something years. Do you think I’d get lost?”

“No, no, that’s not it. It’s just that there’s always construction happening around the city, so it’s not strange to get lost…”

“I’ve never gotten lost before in my life,” Xing Xin said firmly.

“Mmh, I believe you.” The director’s lips grew drier. “But the opening ceremony is going to start in fifteen minutes. Are you going to be able to make it?”

“Of course. That is, as long as you don’t continue disturbing me.”

“…Okay, then. Bye.” The director hung up. Beside him, the AD asked, “What is it? Where is Teacher Xing Xin?”

“I don’t know,” he responded expressionlessly. “Let’s just trust in his directional sense for now.”

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AD, “….”

Don’t be so down, Director Zhao!

Pei Ying looked at them and asked curiously, “What is it? Did Teacher Xing Xin get lost?”

The director turned to her and said, “Promise me now that you won’t ever mention the words ‘directionally challenged’ in front of Teacher Xing Xin, or else no one can protect your lead role.”

Pei Ying, “….”

The AD added, “You should do your best never to mention ‘lost’ and ‘direction’ at the same time either.”

Pei Ying, “….”

So, Teacher Xing Xin was directionally challenged?

…That didn’t seem to match up with the image of a top detective novelist!

While the director and AD were praying, Teacher Xing Xin finally made it to the filming location. When he arrived, the crowd stirred again.

The crew lit a firecracker, and then everyone bowed to the roasted pig. Pei Ying had originally intended to discuss some things about her role with Teacher Xing Xin after the ceremony, but when the ceremony concluded, he slinked away. (t/n: From Wiki— …A tradition is to offer one or several whole roast pigs to the Jade Emperor to celebrate a Chinese film’s opening with a roast pig; the pig is sacrificed to ward off evils in return to pray for the film’s success.)

“Teacher Xing Xin won’t be staying for the filming?” Pei Ying asked the director.

He told her, “Oh, he’s busy preparing for his marriage. No time.”

Pei Ying, “!!!!”

“Wedding? Teacher Xing Xin is getting married?!” Why were all her male idols getting married, one after another?!

The director said, “Yes. I heard that it will take place on National Day.” (t/n: National Day is in early October.)

Pei Ying took a moment to digest this information. Then she asked, “Who’s the bride?”

“His editor.”

…The editor who was the reason for his famous “That’s what my editor said” line?!

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