Chapter 47

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When you get your break, come with me to C City.

After the booting ceremony concluded, the crew quickly headed into filming. Because Wu Yang opened an internet bar after he left the police, the crew had to prepare an internet bar set.

Pei Ying went to admire the famous Enron Internet Bar from the novel. The set was designed with a lot of detail, and it looked just as the book had described. She couldn’t help snapping a photo and posting it to her Weibo.

[Pei Ying] (Official)
Enron Internet Bar (cool) [photo]

After the fans saw her post, they came to leave their impressions.

“Pei Pei, what are you doing photographing the bar? You should photograph Emperor Mo!”

“Ah ah ah, Wu Yang’s den! Pei Pei revealed it!”

“Users that don’t post selfies are all rogues (bye)”

“Pei Pei, have you seen Emperor Mo?! Is he even more handsome in real life?!”

Before Pei Ying even got through one page of comments, the assistant director called to her, “Pei Ying, let’s go!”

“Oh, okay!” Pei Ying quickly packed her things and got into her van to follow the rest of the cast and crew.

Because the early part of the film didn’t have scenes where the hero and heroine interact, the director split the crew into two teams to film separately and work more efficiently.

The first few days of filming went very smoothly. Even though they filmed for long hours each day, Pei Ying still felt really good at the end of the day. But after the two teams joined back up under Director Zhao, the problems started to slowly leak out.

Pei Ying’s previous roles in TV dramas were mostly supporting roles or cameos. She didn’t have much experience with scenes between the lead male and female characters, let alone have experience working with such famous people. She’d prepared a lot in advance because she would be working with Mo Zhen, and yet, Mo Zhen’s strong aura totally crushed her.

“Cut,” the director called out, frowning at Pei Ying. “Pei Ying, what are you doing? Where’s the loftiness from your audition? Why do you seem like a quail in front of Mo Zhen?!”

“….” Pei Ying bit her lip as she listened to the director scold her.

“Zhao Yue’s a very imposing character. She’s smart. When she’s together with Wu Yang, their colors should match. The way you are now, he could just send you straight to jail! What’s left to act? We should just wrap filming now!”

After Director Zhao’s string of reprimanding, he picked up a bottle of water to drink. “Take a ten minute break. Fix up your condition!”

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Pei Ying listlessly walked back to her rest station and her assistant handed her a bottle of water.

“Thanks.” Pei Ying took a sip and then started thinking about filming.

It’s reasonable that an experienced actor like Mo Zhen would be able to slip into character relatively easily. But Pei Ying had insufficient experience for that. Meeting such an imposing actor as Mo Zhen, it was easy for her acting to slip up, to become subpar.

“That’s just how Director Zhao’s scolding goes. There’s no standard, and it’s just about how loud he can be. You’ve already been initiated by Qiao Yichen, so you can’t possibly be affected by this level of scolding,” Mo Zhen said casually, having walked up to her at some point.

Pei Ying was taken aback. She quickly stood up. “It’s not the director’s fault. I just didn’t do a good enough job.” As she spoke, she seemed to realize something. With a chuckle, she looked at Mo Zhen, “But Producer Qiao really is more vicious compared to Director Zhao.”

Mo Zhen nodded in agreement. “Being able to come out of his recording studio alive makes you a warrior.”

Pei Ying grew curious at his words. “Has he scolded you before too?”

“Of course. He didn’t give me any face at all. But when I heard that he even scolds his wife about her singing, I felt much better.”

Pei Ying chuckled lightly again. Mo Zhen looked at her and said, “You sound a lot more natural talking to me now, don’t you think?”

“Oh…” Actually, she was still a bit nervous. Otherwise, she wouldn’t be standing so straight and stiff.

“An actor’s aura is built up over time. You don’t have enough experience yet, so it’s only natural that you’d be affected by me. But you’ll have to take care of that yourself.”

“I understand.”

“You know, you have your own aura as well. You’re just not putting enough confidence in yourself right now. That’s why it feels like I’m completely taking over the shot.”

“Mmh… I’ll work hard to adjust myself.”

Mo Zhen was precisely right. She wasn’t confident enough. Although she’d earned the director and Xing Xin’s approval to land this role, when she faced Mo Zhen, she really felt too weak. An actor’s confidence was probably built from positive audience reception and winning awards. She didn’t have a prolific work history, and she’d never won any awards. Even the audience only knew one or two of her roles…

As she thought about it, her confidence seemed to tank even more…

“According to psychological studies, mental suggestion can bring out a very positive effect for people. Why don’t you try telling yourself ‘I’m the best, I’m the greatest.'”

“…Okay, I’ll try.” No matter how outlandish, she still have to give Emperor Mo’s suggestion a try. That was how hopeless she was.

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“Alright, let’s continue! Continue!” the director yelled. And then everyone got back to work. This time, Pei Ying was better able to express her character, but the director was still not satisfied. “Looks like your talk with Emperor Mo was a bit useful, but this take still doesn’t cut it.”

Pei Ying, “….”


And so, the day’s filming continued in this bumpy manner. After going through constant fumbles and receiving constant scoldings, Pei Ying finally got better and gradually found her own rhythm.

Filming continued into the night before concluding for the day. The director started to pack up as he told Pei Ying, “You made a lot of progress today. I hope to see an even better performance tomorrow.”

“I’ll do my best.”

“When Mo Zhen first started acting, the media called him a flower vase too. (t/n: A person is called a flower vase when they look pretty/handsome, but aren’t very good at their trade) Don’t put him up on an alter. Relax and act naturally. This film is called The Performer, and it’s in reference to Zhao Yue. You are the true main character, and this is your home field.”

“I understand.” Pei Ying repeated to herself in her head, I’m the best. I’m the greatest. I’m the master on my playing field.

By the time she returned home, it was already past 1 in the morning. Pei Ying walked inside, making sure to keep her steps and movements light so that she wouldn’t wake Song Nanchuan. But when she opened the door to the bedroom, she found that he wasn’t sleeping.

“…Why are you still awake?”

Song Nanchuan glanced at her and responded, “You weren’t home yet. How could I fall asleep? You really are busier than a CEO.”

Recently, Pei Ying was returning home later and later each day. As he sat at home alone, he suddenly started to feel some regret that she’d accepted the role of Zhao Yue. Seeing how unhappy he was, Pei Ying walked over and wrapped her arms around him. “Chuan Chuan, you know that this film is really important to Universe. Everyone’s working really hard. But filming won’t go on for too long. We’ll be done in two or three months.”

Song Nanchuan found he couldn’t get angry at her. He looked at her, and furrowed his brows slightly. “What’s wrong? Something on your mind?”

He was obviously the one who was sitting home alone, so why did she seem a bit depressed?

Pei Ying sighed. “I had my first scene with Mo Zhen today, but I didn’t perform very well, so the director scolded me all day long.”

Song Nanchuan replied, “Ah. Director Zhao has quite the temper.”

“It’s not his fault though. I’m the one who slowed down the filming progress.”

Song Nanchuan hugged her and asked, “Weren’t you acting well before?”

“Mmh. But acting with Mo Zhen puts a lot of pressure on me.”

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Song Nanchuan thought for a moment. “Should we change the male lead then?”

Pei Ying’s eyes suddenly widened. “To who?”

Song Nanchuan blinked at her. “What do you think about me? If you’re acting with me, you definitely won’t be nervous.”

Pei Ying stared at him and then laughed. “The director would feel pressured then.”

Seeing her laugh, Song Nanchuan relaxed a bit. “Mo Zhen’s a regular person too. Don’t be scared off by his halo. In my eyes, you’re much better than him.”

“Mmh,” Pei Ying responded with a smile.

Song Nanchuan pulled her up and pushed her to the bathroom. “Go shower, and then get to sleep earlier.”

“Alright.” Pei Ying showered quickly and then laid down in bed. She was really tired, and once her head hit her pillow, she fell asleep.


Song Nanchuan, on the other hand, kissed her and then reached his hand over to her collar.

“Oh…” Pei Ying frowned and stopped his hand. “Stop messing around. After filming all day, I’m really tired.”

Although Song Nanchuan wasn’t very willing, he pulled his hand back. “You say that every day…”

His tone sounded like a bullied child. Pei Ying opened her eyes and turned to him. She said, “We’ll have a break in two days. I’ll spend time with you then.”

Song Nanchuan wrapped hands around her waist and kissed her on the lips. “Stay with me in bed all day then.”

Pei Ying, “….”

She ignored him.

When he saw her close her eyes, Song Nanchuan called out sadly, “Pei Xiujuan.”

“…Bastard Song, why are you so annoying?!” Pei Ying’s eyelids swiped open.

Song Nanchuan was a bit startled. He asked her, “Who’s Bastard Song?”

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“Who else? You! If you call be Pei Xiujuan again, I’m going to call you Bastard Song!”

Song Nanchuan, “….”

What fierce revenge.

He smiled and bopped his nose to hers. Gently, he said, “When you get your break, come with me to C City.”

Pei Ying’s mind was blank for a moment. Taken aback, she asked him, “Why would we go to C City?”

“To meet my parents,” Song Nanchuan responded. He bit her lip lightly.

After a long while, Pei Ying finally came back to her senses. She grew more nervous than when she was acting with Mo Zhen. “Meet your parents?”

“Mmh. Were you planning to just live with me like this for the rest of your life?” Song Nanchuan’s pretty lips lifted up in a smile. “After you meet my parents, we can start thinking about the wedding.”

Pei Ying’s lips closed and her eyes widened. She looked at Song Nanchuan lying so close to her.

Song Nanchuan took advantage of Pei Ying, while she was zoning out a bit. Pei Ying finally said, “Ah ah ah, if you spring that on me so suddenly, how am I supposed to prepare?”

Song Nanchuan smiled and responded, “Don’t worry. I’ve prepared everything there is to prepare.”

“But I’m still nervous. What do your parents like? What if they don’t like me?”

“Your legs are so long. They’ll surely like you.”

Pei Ying, “….”

You think your parents are like you?!

“Alright, I’ll take care of this. You should go to sleep. You have to wake up early tomorrow.”

“Okay…” Pei Ying’s heart jumped in her chest. She was thinking that she wasn’t going to be able to fall asleep, but she must have been extremely tired because she still fell asleep in less than two minutes.

Hearing her long and uniform breathing, Song Nanchuan gently kissed her forehead. “Goodnight.”

He pulled her into his arms and soon fell asleep as well.

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