Chapter 50

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After the half hour break, the director’s attitude seemed to have improved greatly—Pei Ying felt that Song Nanchuan’s supervision at the side contributed to that a great deal as well.

Before the sky turned dark, the director called for the crew to pack up. At the same time, he organized the dinner plans for the night.

There’s a common saying that, where there are people, there will be food. This place often had filming crews coming in and out, so the restaurant industry moved in as well. Because of their geographical advantage, the restaurant prices were able to be set pretty high. So, at most, the director usually treated everyone to barbecue skewers. CEO Song, on the other hand, was able to make a restaurant reservation.

It was seriously that extravagant.

The lunchbox-eating crew rarely had such a chance to improve their meals, so all of them were excited with bright faces. Pei Ying didn’t take the company van, but instead rode with Song Nanchuan in his Maybach. Emperor Mo also pulled his wife into his beloved Bentley.

Without any way to guard against it, the director had two consecutive swords plunged into him. His heart hurt so that he nearly had trouble breathing.

The assistant director gave him a pat on his shoulders. “When you get home, do your best to make up with your wife.”

Director, “….”

The restaurant was about ten minutes away from the filming location, by car. The crew’s grandiose arrival naturally attracted lots of attention. The boss at the restaurant was a super big fan of Mo Zhen. When she heard that Emperor Mo would be dining at their restaurant that night, she hurried home to change her clothes. Then, she waited anxiously at the shop.

When Mo Zhen exited his Bentley, her eyes seemed to radiate. She rushed over and warmly welcomed him, “Emperor Mo, I’m so excited that you’ve come to my restaurant! I’ll give you guys a 20% discount tonight!”

Mo Zhen smiled at her. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” After speaking with Mo Zhen, the boss’ was so happy, she seemed to have floated up to heaven. Seeing her idol up close, she felt he was even more handsome in person than on the screen!

When Song Nanchuan heard the lady boss’ words to Mo Zhen, he chuckled and said, “I’m treating today. There’s no need for a discount.”

At his side, Pei Ying pursed her lips. “This boss is obviously Mo Zhen’s fan. What’s wrong with taking the discount?”

Song Nanchuan glanced over at Mo Zhen and said, “I don’t need him to help me save money.”

Mo Zhen laughed. “CEO Song really is imposing and rich.” Then, he helped his wife upstairs to the seating area.

Pei Ying followed Song Nanchuan up the stairs. She couldn’t help muttering, “You must have some kind of illness. They’re willing to give a 20% discount, so why wouldn’t you take it?”

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Song Nanchuan retorted, “I’m the one paying. Why would I take a 20% discount because she wanted to see his face?”

Pei Ying was quiet a moment. Then she said, “Chuan Chuan, your CEO demeanor is layered on pretty thickly.”

Song Nanchuan, “….”

A private room upstairs was prepared for the leading actors and the director. The food was delivered very quickly, and the lady boss even brought out the dishes herself. Pei Ying thought to herself that the boss was working pretty hard to catch a few more glimpses of Emperor Mo.

The entire dinner, Mo Zhen was busy helping his wife get food, which caught the eyes of everyone else at the table. Not to be outdone, Song Nanchuan also continuously helped serve Pei Ying food. The director was cruelly dealt another two blows.

He poured himself a cup of wine and stood up. “If I’ve offended anyone on set today, please don’t take it to heart. I’ll offer this first toast.”

The director downed his wine, and the rest of the table also toasted, though their drinks varied from red wine to juice.

Song Nanchuan took a sip of his red wine, and then he said to the director, “Director Zhao, take a lesson from Emperor Mo. I promise that you’ll be able to get back on your wife’s good side when you get home.”

Across the table, Mo Zhen said, “If you’re talking about coaxing wives, Song Nanchuan’s a better model. My wife here is pretty simple, and she doesn’t need much coaxing.”

The pure Mrs Mo looked at him unhappily, “What do you mean I’m simple?!”

Mo Zhen grabbed a piece of fish and put it into her bowl. “Have some fish.”

“Thank you, Zhen Zhen!” Mrs Mo said, before she ate away happily.

Director, “….”

As he contemplated things, the lady boss came in for the nth time to deliver another dish. Song Nanchuan looked at the plate on the table and raised his brow. “I don’t think we ordered this.”

The lady boss smiled and said, “These dishes are a gift for Emperor Mo!” Well, if she couldn’t give them a discount, she should at least give them a few extra dishes!

Song Nanchuan, “….”

At his side, Pei Ying tried to restrain herself from laughing.

After they finished their meal, the crew headed back to their hotel and went their own ways. Song Nanchuan was in a rush earlier, so he hadn’t reserved a hotel room. But that didn’t matter, since he didn’t need one.

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He followed Pei Ying back to the hotel and, without any sense of honor, he headed straight into her room.

Just as the door closed, he grabbed Pei Ying and pressed her against the door, kissing her. His kiss was a bit aggressive, as if he wanted to tear her open and eat her. His body was rigid against hers, rubbing slightly.

His actions were rough, and Pei Ying nearly ran out of breath from his continual kissing.

“Ca-can’t I take a shower first…” Pei Ying finally found a chance to push away Song Nanchuan. She’d been filming outside all day, so she really wanted to shower. She wasn’t sure how Song Nanchuan was able to keep kissing her…

Song Nanchuan kept kissing her, not yet satisfied. Then, he abruptly lifted her up and said, “Okay. It’s more exciting to do it in the bathroom.”

Pei Ying, “….”

It’d been too long since he’d seen her. All of the passion that had been piling up inside of Song Nanchuan suddenly poured out when he touched Pei Ying.

The two of them continued on into the night, for who knows how long. In any case, Pei Ying finally did get to sleep, or more accurately, she passed out for the rest of the night. But, the next day, she still had to continue filming, and so, her alarm clock rang in a timely manner.

After a night of passion, Pei Ying woke up completely sore. Song Nanchuan was still asleep beside her, his arms wrapped tightly around her. He looked so very content with life then.


His arms were wrapped too tightly around her, so Pei Ying was unable to get up without waking him. She called to him, “Chuan Chuan?”

Song Nanchuan’s brows twitched, and then there was no more reaction.

Pei Ying patiently called, “Chuan Chuan, I have to get to the set.”

This time, Song Nanchuan unwillingly opened his eyes a bit. In a lazy voice, he said, “The sky’s not even lit yet. Why are you going to the set?”

“I have to get there for them to do my makeup.” She tugged at his hands and tried sitting up, but Song Nanchuan’s arms were like metal rings around her.

Pei Ying said helplessly, “Chuan Chuan, don’t mess around. If I’m late, the director will scold me again.”

“Hah. If he scolds you again, I’ll take away his budget.”

Pei Ying, “….”

“Hubby…” She used her trump card and tried calling him.

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Song Nanchuan’s eyes trembled slightly. He suddenly moved so that she was pinned under him, allowing him to more easily touch her. After a short, but heated, kissing session, he finally let go of Pei Ying’s lips. He leaned over her, his breath still unstable, as he said, “I’ll wait five more days for you. After that, let’s visit my parents, mmh?”


“No more delays this time.”


He kissed her once more on the lips, and then Song Nanchuan finally released her.

Pei Ying dragged her sore body to the bathroom and started washing up and getting ready. Song Nanchuan slowly slunk into the bathroom, and then started brushing his teeth behind her.

The two of them washed up, and then Song Nanchuan changed into a suit, before heading out the hotel with Pei Ying.

“Did you have breakfast yet?” Song Nanchuan asked Pei Ying.

She responded, “There’s no time. I’ll have my assistant bring something for me to eat when I get onto set.”

Song Nanchuan’s brows furrowed slightly, but he didn’t say anymore. He was the one to coin the phrase ‘there’s no time’ after all.

He drove Pei Ying to the set, and he kissed her before she got out of the car. “I’m heading back to A City, so take care of yourself here.”

“Okay.” Pei Ying hugged him and then suddenly recalled something. “Where’s Xiao Zhang?” She hadn’t seen him since dinner last night.

“He’s waiting for me at the hotel. I’ll pick him up on the way back.”

“Which hotel is he staying at? The hotels around here are always full. You can never get a room.”

Song Nanchuan thought for a moment. “I’ll find out when I ask the driver later.”

Pei Ying, “….”

Can’t CEO Song treat his assistant a little better?

It was seriously terrible.

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In the end, Xiao Zhang didn’t wait for Song Nanchuan to pick him up. Instead, he’d personally gone to the set—he knew that CEO Song would definitely drop Pei Ying off there first.

After he met back up with Song Nanchuan, the driver headed back to A City.

When Song Nanchuan left, the director finally let out his breath. With a major investor on the set, he’d really felt extremely pressured. And because of his poor condition the previous day, they were behind on the filming schedule, so everyone really had to work quickly.

While the crew was battling against time, rushing to finish their shoot, episode six of Pei Ying and Song Nanchuan’s Weibo series was being updated.


“Breaking! CEO Song made a visit to the far-off Performer set, spotted spending romantic night in same room with Pei Ying!”

The dirty headline naturally attracted many netizen’s eyes, but after they finished reading the article, everyone was left with a feeling of having been cheated.

“That’s all you have? I already had my pants off. Where’s the romantic night you talked about? It’s just a photo of them going into and exiting the hotel! (bye)”

“Bro, that’s not right. I already had tissues ready (smile)”

“Posting a pic without any seeds… I’ll leave the second half for you to figure out :)” (t/n: I think this is referencing some screenshot of a comment chain. Someone posted an adult photo/video torrent, but there was no one seeding it, which means no one could download it. One person left the comment ‘posting without any seeds,’ and other’s joined the comment chain to make a “poem.”)

“You didn’t even put a hidden camera into the hotel room, and you call yourselves paparazzi? (doge)”

“Ah ah ah, I want to see Pei Pei and CEO Song’s steamy night! I’m on my knees, begging for a writer to post a fanfic!!!”

“There was nothing in this post, but a little imagination got my blood racing anyway. Goddess Pei’s long legs (perv)”

“CEO Song’s such a perv, I can’t even look at him (doge) Signed, the party that despises your headline (doge)”

“I just have one thing to say. When are you getting married?!”

“Whoever mentioned marriage, quit playing. I really don’t believe that Song Nanchuan’s actually going to marry Pei Ying (picks nose)”

Sitting in the car, swiping through the comments on his tablet, Song Nanchuan couldn’t help laughing after reading that comment.

Didn’t believe that he’s marry Pei Ying…?

Then he’ll just have to show you by marrying her.

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