Chapter 51

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Her beauty really mesmerized him.

After a month of continuous filming, the crew of The Performer finally had their first vacation.

Their location shoot finished smoothly, and with a wave of his long arm, Director Zhao sent everyone off on a three day vacation.

The entire crew was elated, like a storm had finally come after a long drought. Song Nanchuan, on the other hand, immediately frowned upon hearing this news. He personally gave Director Zhao a call, to have a heart to heart talk, to convince him that three days wouldn’t be sufficient to resolve his troubles with his wife.

The result of his probing was that the crew’s three day vacation became a five day vacation.

Although it wasn’t entirely to his expectations, Song Nanchuan knew to quit while he was ahead. To welcome Pei Ying, he’d made a special order to have the restaurant send over a big meal.

His timing was spot on too. Just after the delivery person left, Pei Ying’s van stopped in front of the villa.

Song Nanchuan walked out to greet her, and all the cats were also battling to be the first to reach her.


As before, the cats circled around Pei Ying’s legs. Pei Ying put down her luggage and bent down to pet the black cat. “Blackie, you seem to have gotten fatter.”

Song Nanchuan helped her take in her luggage, and he said evenly, “If your shoot lasted a few days longer this time, Blackie would’ve had to give its name to you.”

Pei Ying, “….”

Was he picking on her for getting tanned? No manners!

Pei Ying pursed her lips and said, “I put on three layers of sunblock every day, but it didn’t help. The sun was just too strong.”

Song Nanchuan chuckled. He grabbed her luggage with one hand and Pei Ying’s hand with the other. Blackie and Flower followed them inside. Pei Ying lifted her hand up to see and uneasily asked, “Did I really get too dark?”

She thought it was okay. Though she’d gotten a bit darker, her skin was still a light skin-tone. She was still paler than a lot of people.

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Song Nanchuan turned his head to her. “It’s fine. But when we get back from the sea, you’ll definitely be even darker.”

Pei Ying was startled. “We’re going to the sea? I thought we were going to visit your parents in C City?”

“Mmh. After that, we’re going to the seaside. The tickets are already reserved.” Their plans were ruined previously by Pei Xiujuan, and while this vacation wouldn’t be as long, it would still be happening. Later on, when they went on their honeymoon, they’d have more fun.

Pei Ying wasn’t sure what Song Nanchuan’s plans were. She frowned, thinking that there wouldn’t be enough time. “We only get five days off. I want to have a good rest too.”

“You can rest by the sea. We’re only going to one place. You’ll be able to rest.”

“Oh, okay then.” At least the seaside sounded refreshing and cool.

Pei Ying was too lazy to unpack her things, so she went to shower first. Then they had dinner. Song Nanchuan had ordered all the things she liked eating. Pei Ying looked around at the table, not sure where to start.

Song Nanchuan peeled a shrimp and put it in front of Pei Ying. Then he wiped his hands. “We’ll see my parents tomorrow. We’ll have to make sure you look nice. I already prepared your clothes, so you can try them on later.”

“Oh, okay.” Pei Ying nodded. She asked him, “What do you parents like? I can’t go there empty-handed after all.”

Song Nanchuan responded, “I’ve already bought the gift. Don’t worry.” He paused here. Then he looked at Pei Ying and said, “But my parents rather prefer well-bred young ladies. So, tomorrow, try to act a bit more well-bred.”

Pei Ying frowned. “Well-bred? What’s that mean?”

“Like the daughters of aristocratic families that you see on TV. Refined, graceful.” He looked over at her dirty hands from peeling shrimp. “The way you’re eating right now definitely won’t do.”

Pei Ying, “….”

She put down her chopsticks and wiped her hands. “From the sound of it, you’re looking down on me. You should just go find a rich girl to go meet them with you.”

Song Nanchuan helplessly sighed. “You still don’t know that my heart’s already with you? If I look down on someone, it definitely won’t be you. I just don’t want any issues coming up with my parents.”

“Oh, so you’re telling me to pretend to be one of those rich girls?”

“Mmh… Just pretend it’s practice for your acting. You’re acting in The Performer right now, aren’t you? Tomorrow, your task is to act like a girl from a rich family.”

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“……” Pei Ying was quiet for awhile. Then she looked at him with some admiration, “Your reasoning’s not bad. But what happens after tomorrow?”

“We’ll talk about that later.” Song Nanchuan’s brows raised. “In any case, you won’t be spending much time with them. You’ll be spending the rest of your life with me.”

“…What a nice picture you’ve thought up,” Pei Ying said disdainfully. Her face quietly flushed. “But even if I can act like a well-bred young lady, that doesn’t mean your parents will like me.”

Her family and Song Nanchuan’s family were just too different. Song Nanchuan’s parents would definitely do a full background check on her. If that’s the case, no matter how good her performance was, what was the point?

Song Nanchuan grabbed her hand on the table and held it in his own. “Even if they don’t like you, I’ll still like you. No, I’ll like you even more than before, to make up for them.”

…He really had a way with words. Pei Ying’s face went red.

“Don’t worry. My mom isn’t the kind of person who cares that much about family status. As long as you leave a good first impression, it will be easy to bring them onto your side.”

“Mmh, okay…” Making the parents of your partner like you was really a special skill.

“Then, hurry and finish eating. I’ll give you some special training.”

Pei Ying, “….”


And like he said, Song Nanchuan really had a crash course planned out. The first part was about the posture that a rich girl walked with.

That wasn’t difficult for Pei Ying. She was an actress after all. After several form classes, she didn’t have a problem with walking postures.

After Song Nanchuan gave her 101 points for posture, they started practicing dialogues.

“When you’re speaking to someone, you always have to maintain a smile on your face. My mother likes girls who smile.”

“Oh…” Pei Ying smiled at him. “Teacher Song, hello.”

“If you smile like that, I’m going to have to kiss you.”

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After saying that, Song Nanchuan made a move to kiss her, but Pei Ying dodged his attack. With a smile still on her face, she looked at him and said, “Mr Song, you’re a well-bred gentleman. Isn’t it too shameless of you to take kisses like that?”

Song Nanchuan wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her into his arms. “I think your performance is good enough. We don’t need to practice anymore. Today’s class will now conclude.”

As he spoke, he lowered his head to kiss her lips.

The so-called minor incidents that start a war always stem from a kiss. After they started kissing, they might as well continue. Song Nanchuan wished to continue, but Pei Ying pushed him away. With a frown, she said, “No. I’m meeting your parents tomorrow. I have to preserve my spirit tonight.”

“We haven’t seen each other in five days…”

“No. There’s a tough battle for me tomorrow.” No matter how pained and pitiful Song Nanchuan looked, Pei Ying remained resolute.

Song Nanchuan, “….”

Fine, I’ll just note down this debt for now. After we meet my parents, I’ll get it repaid.

“Ying Ying…”

“I already said no!”

“…I was just saying, you haven’t tried on the dresses I prepared for you yet.”

Pei Ying, “….”

“It’s all your fault!” She glared at him. “I’ll try them on in the morning.”

“Okay. I might not have been able to stop myself from taking them off anyway.”

Pei Ying, “….”

She really wanted to give him a good kick off the bed.

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Song Nanchuan had a very pleasant sleep that night. Pei Ying’s head was full of thoughts about meeting his parents, so her sleep wasn’t all that great. The next day, she woke up before the sky lit up, and she didn’t feel the desire to sleep at all. She got up and went to find the dresses that Song Nanchuan prepared, to try them on.

The milky-white dress looked ethereal. Not only did the skirt have three layers, the top was also embellished with exquisite lace and pearls.

The skirt was about 10cm above her knees, revealing Pei Ying’s long, elegant legs. There was also a pair of white heels, which Song Nanchuan must have bought to go with the dress.

Pei Ying usually wore red, and this was the first time that she’d be wearing a set of white clothes like this. She looked at herself in the mirror. Black and white really was such a classic combination.

Because Song Nanchuan was still asleep, she didn’t turn on the lights, just borrowing the light that passed through the windows. The sun was just rising, and as the rays of light hit her body, the silver threads shined like diamonds.

And this was the first image that Song Nanchuan saw upon opening his eyes. It was at this moment that Song Nanchuan truly believed in Cupid’s existence, because he genuinely felt like a love god had shot an arrow into his heart.


He got up and wrapped his arms around Pei Ying from behind, pulling him into her. “Baby, you really look like an angel.”

Her beauty really mesmerized him. His desire for her was so great that he couldn’t be away from her for even a second. He started to question whether he’d truly been living  before he met her.

Pei Ying was taken aback at suddenly being embraced. She turned to see his head resting on her shoulder. “If you’re up, go get ready. We have to leave soon.”

“There’s no rush…” Song Nanchuan’s right hand slipped under her skirt as he started kissing her neck. Pei Ying moved her head, and anxiously told him, “Stop messing around. If we’re late, I’ll leave a bad impression.”

“But I can’t stop myself right now…” Song Nanchuan stifled, his breathing becoming coarse. “Just once. It’s still early. We won’t be late.”

He was in a hurry as he pulled Pei Ying over to the bed. After some tossing and turning, Song Nanchuan was finally able to appease his restlessness.

After Song Nanchuan was done, the sky had already lit up. Pei Ying changed back into her clothes and redid her makeup. She huffed to him, “Song Nanchuan, look at the time! What are you going to do if we’re late?!”

Song Nanchuan smiled at her. “It’s okay. I’ll say that you woke up late because of me.”

Pei Ying, “….”

Get out! She was obviously awake even before the sun rose!

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