Aemia also won flawlessly with her skill.

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She ended the round in one go.



Guildmaster: “There’s still some time left…. but there’s not enough time for one more round…”


Then the warrior who was at the front raised his hand.


Warrior: “How about a rematch with only the winners of the mock battles where the victory will be obvious?”


Everyone: “”””Oooh! That’s nice!!””””


Guildmaster: “Wait a minute! Don’t decide that on your own!”


Everyone: “”””Shut up!!””””


It came. The strange feeling of solidarity and sense of accomplishment.

Alright, I will cherish this atmosphere.


Guildmaster: “You guys! How dare you say that-!”




Guildmaster: “……ugu!”


Alright, I have strangled him.


*Clap clap clap clap!*

*whistle!* *whistle!*

*Clap clap clap clap!*


Saachi: “Yes~ Thank you! Thank you!”


……He really has zero approval rating.


The mock battle…or rather, the match has been set without delay by the staffs who for some reason, are in high spirits after the guildmaster fell down.


Aemia and I were chosen. Honestly, I really don’t want to fight against Aemia~

Because, you see,


Teacher: “Now then, for the first match. It will be Aemia from Skill class and Daian from Offensive Magic class.”




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Daian: “Hehehehe…Lucky~!”



It is more fitting to say it’s a Buddha’s death day rather than Lucky day!

No, wait, It’s pig’s death day, I guess.

(TL Note: 大安 (daian) = The most luckiest day in the Buddhist calendar)


Saachi: “Aemia, turn him into grilled pork quickly!”


Adventurer A: “Pfft!”

Adventurer B: “*giggles*”

Adventurer C: “That’s rightー! Aemia-chan, do your bestー!”


Oh, there’s this strange feeling of solidarity and sense of accomplishment again.

Ah, Lucky-…no, Daian’s face is getting redder more and more.


Daian: “This shitty «beep»! I’ll «beeeeeeeeeeeep» you later!”


Uwah, he just said some words that cannot be written in R-15 novel!

……Wait, what am I talking about?


Aemia: “You! You dare say such things towards Saachi!? I can not forgive you!”


Aemia began to scrub around her body and it suddenly started to charge.


Teacher: “……Begin!”


Aemia: “Feel thy Earth, O’ Silent Thunder! Mow down that rude fellow!”


……the first one who is being rude was probably me, sorry.




The electric shock runs with the same sound every time.


Daian: “Hehe! Weak!”


Daian who has already finished chanting, casted his magic. And then, some rocks appeared and surrounded Daian.




……The electric shock was repelled!?


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Daian: “These are silica stones, a stone that does not conduct electricity, you see. It’s an easy thing for me who is good at Earth Magic!”


Are those insulator!?

Aemia, what are you going to do?


Aemia: “E-even I have another skill other than 《Battery Charge》!”

(TL Note: I’ll change 《Battery Storage》 Battery Charge to only this.)


Her skill class is indeed not a showoff, yes?

The skill class is not only developing one’s special skills but also learning other skills as well.

If I remember correctly, she said that she was training for 《Hand-to-hand Combat》 and 《Throwing Oneself》.


Aemia: “Haaaaaaaaa!!”


Aemia rushed in towards Daian.

She hit his elbow while putting up a feint!


Daian: “Guh! …I see, but tis just a scratch……!”


Daian’s magic power has increased! Dangerous!


Saachi: “Aemia! Step back!”


The moment I shouted.






Aemia was swallowed by a pillar of fire.


Saachi: “AEMIAAAーーー!!!”


That’s bad!

I got impatient and jumped into the arena regardless of my clothes.


Daian: “It’s my win!”


He said so and snapped his finger.



Aemia: “…*cough*”


The fire pillar disappeared.

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Aemia came out with only few injuries.

However, her clothes were the only one that got burnt…..




Aemia squatted on the spot immediately.

I felt relieved and borrowed a blanket to put it on her.

I rushed over to her side.



I lost myself in anger.

Not good.

When this happens, I can’t control myself.


No matter what.

I cannot stand it when,


Someone hurt a woman’s hair……!


Saachi: “Hey you.”


Daian: “Hmm? What?”




Daian: “Guha!”


I put a knee in his abdomen.

Daian, who is getting overwhelmed by severe pain, got kicked and rolled over.


Saachi: “Why did you burn her hair?”




Daian: “Gya!”


Saachi: “If you can do a feat of burning her clothes only,”




Daian: “Gubuh!”


Saachi: “Then, you can do so while not burning her hair, right?”

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Daian: “Gah!”


Saachi: “You were doing it on purpose, right? Right? aaaAAHH~?”





Daian: “S-stop! HEEELPー! GAAAAAAHH!”



Teacher A: “Hey! Stop it!”

Teacher B: “Pull them apart!”

Teacher C: “I understand your feeling, but you can’t kill him!”


I understand that some of the people are trying to pull us apart.

But my body does not want to stop. Neither does my head.


Now, my body and soul, from the bottom of my heart,…


…want to kill this guy.




Aemia: “Cut it-…”




Aemia: “OUTTTTTT!!”








For some reason, my body became extremely numb, and…




I lost consciousness.

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