Saachi: “Uu~……my muscles are still acting strangely.”

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Seems like I fainted because of Aemia’s 《Battery Charge》.

And Aemia was puffing in anger next to me.


Aemia: “You reap what you sow!”


Saachi: “No, I don’t know what was that for, though…?”


Aemia: “Certainly I lost to Diane and was put in shame! I might also did some things that had to be blamed!”


No, there were too many things, you know….


Aemia: “But! Saachi didn’t have to get that upset! I can’t bear it if something malicious comes for Saachi!”




Saachi: “What? So you’re saying that you hate it if I got inflicted by some kind of danger and resentment?”


Aemia: “Yes that’s right! I am a noblewoman! It’s Donovan family’s obligation and responsibility to defend and lead the citizens as nobles!”


Saachi: “…even though you disinherited it?”




Oh dear.

It seems that I have said something that should not be said….


Aemia: “Uuu…*sniff*…certainly I have disinherited it…*sniff* *sniff*…but I also still have my pride…HWEEEEEE!”


Ah, she cried.


Saachi: “I’m sorry, but I can’t afford to forgive someone who burns a girl’s hair…”


Aemia: “…it will be fixed with recovery magic, you know?”


Ehh!? Is that true?

I looked at the children from the Recovery Magic class who were nearby.


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*Nod nod*


Everyone nodded.



Saachi: “Still…… I cannot forgive him!”


My words somehow turned bad so I made a forced cut off.

……Honestly, I cannot say that I have done too much with Daian.

Or rather, I didn’t kill him enough.

……Ah, I made a mistake with the letter.

(TL Note: a word play of “Yarimasu” which means do something and also kill something if the Ya part is a kanji)


Guild Staff: “Ah, you have woken up, I see.”


The guild staff came while saying so to me.

She’s the receptionist from before.


Receptionist: “If you find your physical condition still looks strange, would you like to withdraw from the battle?”


……It’s already my turn, I see.


Saachi: “It’s fine, I will go.”


Receptionist: “I understand. However…”




Receptionist: “Please refrain from…. breaking your opponent’s mind like Daian-san, yes…?”


Saachi: “Aahh~…yeah, sure. I will be gentle as much as possible.”


Receptionist: “A-as much as possible…?”


The receptionist has an awful complexion suddenly so let’s stop.

……Oh, speaking of which.


Saachi: “…How’s Daian-kun?”

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Receptionist: “For some reason, I feel like only Saachi-san is calling Daian-san differently, though…”

(TL Note: Yet again, Saachi calls him in kanji while the receptionist calls him in katakana)




Receptionist: “He’s secluding himself on his room after the treatment was over.”


……Well I can’t say for sure if I feel sorry or it was a suitable punishment for him.



Guild Staff: “Now then, on to the next match.”


It’s already been completely decided that this is a match, I see.


Guild Staff: “It’s Saachi from Support Magic class and… Lille from Skill class.”


My opponent made an appearance in front of me as soon as I appeared as well.




Lille: “Let’s start it quickly.”




She’s beyond me…..


A popular cosplay that can’t be defeated even for bikini armor.


……A cat person.


Saachi: “Umm~”


Lille: “……what?”


Saachi: “Could you say 『Nyaa』 at the end of your word?”


Lille: “Oh I see now! It’s because there’s someone who you really want to hear it from, right!?….I won’t say 『Yes, nyaa!』 in every single word, you know!”


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Ah, I see.


Lille: “『I also want to hear it!』 Listen here! Would a dog person always says 『Woof』!? Would a rat person always says 『Chuu』!? Would a rabbit person says 『Pyon』!?!”


No, I don’t think there is 『Pyon』 though……

It looks like she had some traumatic experience.


Saachi: “Somehow… I’m really sorry for that.”


Lille: “Haah… Haah… Well, be careful next time, okay…?”


…What exactly happened to her?


Guild Staff: “Hmm, you two have talked a lot so…let’s begin!……shall we?”


……Like I said, why in question form?


Lille: “Well, let’s start this.”


Saying so, Lille stood ready. It seems like she’s a martial artist as she’s not holding any weapons.

I also pulled out my Anti Kill and hold it in a backhand grip.

And we were standing off against each other for a while.


Lille: “…I’m going!”


Lille took a head start.



Saachi: “Kuh!!”



She slashed and grazed my bikini armor using her claws with a cat-characteristic skill, 《Cat Foot》.

《Cat Foot》 is a skill that combines 《Quickstep》 and 《Presence Isolation》. What a nuisance!

It’s difficult to strike a hit due to 《Cat Foot》 even if I try to counterattack.

……This is bad. I’m completely in Lille’s pace.

What should I do……?

Uwaah, a bloodlust from behind! I have no time to think!

I won’t make it in time to guard it as well!

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Lille: “I got you!”


Lille tried to strike a single hit with all her might!

Eeii! It’s all or nothing!


Lille: “How’s this!?”




Lille: “!? Oww?”


Conversely, Lille jumped back while holding her painful hand.

Alright, it worked!


Lille: “H-how come? It felt like I was hitting a steel plate….owowow…”


You did hit an iron plate, you know?

Although it was a sudden idea, I tried to create an iron plate on my back with  《Imitation》 but… I did it!

I can turn my situation around with this strategy!




At that time.

A tragedy was advancing.


Saachi: “haaaAAAHH!”


It’s my turn to attack now.

I advanced using 《Quickstep》 with all my might!


It seems that the bikini armor was scratched by Lille’s slashes a while ago, so…




Saachi: “……he?”



……The bra broke.

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