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Saachi: “Waah! Waah!”


Not good! This is really not good!

I withdrew with the best 《Quickstep》 so far. Yeah, now we can update the world record-…not that!

I need to hurry up and check where the broken part is. The strap…all fine. The front…fine as well.

Behind… Ah, the thread snapped. This is it!

Let’s see….

…Uwaah…there’s only one thread left that is still connected. I can’t even see if it snaps as well.

……it can’t be helped. I don’t want to do this because it will cost my MP and reduce my ability to concentrate, but…let’s fasten it with 《Imitation》.


……Imagine strengthening the thread……



Let’s resume the match……!

……wait what?


Lille: “Oh, is it okay now?”


She was sitting down while being completely calm.


Saachi: “T-thank you…”


Lille: “Don’t mind it~ that was something that can’t be helped, right…?”


Saachi: “It’s okay now. Let’s resume it!”


Lille: “Alright, let’s do it!”


I prepared my Anti-kill while transferring my magic power to the thread.


Lille: “Here I come!”


Lille rushed in with 《Cat Foot》 again.

But I know that was only a feint……!


Saachi: “I won’t for this a second time!”


I dodged with my black sword.



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Kyaa! It will snap!


Lille: “ORAA!!”


Not good!!




Saachi: “Kufuh!!”



I barely received Lille’s roundhouse kick with my chest armor.

That was dangerous……! If it hits my solar plexus, it would be a one-hit KO for sure……!


Saachi: “……?”



Lille stopped her foot and is currently thinking about something…?


Lille: “Saachi…was it?”


Saachi: “Y-yes. That’s right.”


Lille: “Did you put something in your chest area?”


Saachi: “More than that is a taboo!”

Lille: “Aah my bad! That was my bad!”


D-dangerous, dangerous….

If I don’t end this quickly, it would be bad for my heart.


Saachi: “Now then, let’s go back to square one.”


It’s my turn to attack this time!

I threw a series of slashes with my black sword while holding it in an underhand grip!


Lille: “Gah……! Kh……!”


I’m superior if it comes to sword speed.

Let’s decide the match with this!


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Lille: “Kuhh!”


Lille tried to make a distance with a backflip as she cannot stand it.

Naive! You will be very much defenseless while you’re doing that!

I aimed for her foot at the landing point.



Lille: “Don’t underestimate me!!”


She bent her body by force to dodge it.

Then, she recovered and made a posture that can make the best use of her cat’s flexibility.

However, my past attacks were just opening moves.

I dashed towards one of Lille’s knee and kicked it.


Lille: “Wha!……Gugehh!”


It was a perfect knee burst kick! Alright!

Lille got blown off and fell face first!


Saachi: “Did you see that!? This is my admired master, 『The Grenade Monta』’s special move, Lightning Sorcerer!”


Kuuh~ I wanted to do that once, you know!


Lille: “Owowow…… W-what are you talking about!? Wasn’t that just a knee kick!?”


I shook my finger and said “Tsk, tsk, tsk!”.


Saachi: “It’s bad if you care too much about that, you know? That’s what pro wrestling is. Do you understand?”


Lille: “Like I know that! Or rather! What is a pro wrestling!?”



This is a different world.


Saachi: “……hmm……don’t mind it.”


Lille: “That’s impossible! If you said it like that, it makes me more curious about it!”


Saachi: “Like I said…”




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Saachi: “!…Uwaa, oops…!”


Not good!

The thread snapped!

I managed to hold it with both hands, though…


Lille: “Ah? Arara… did it snap?”


Lille noticed about it.



Lille: “I had waited last time… but I won’t do that again now.”


Uwaah! She got a glassy look in her eyes!

Was it not good to directly said it to her face?


Lille: “It’s against the rules to kick a girl’s face, right?”


Saachi: “That’s~…..A-aren’t we women!?”


Lille: “That’s not the problem!!”



W-what to do? I need to block this with both hands, no, one hand no matter what.

Uuu…is there any way instead of…releasing my bra…?


Lille: “It’s over!”


It cameeeee!!

Not good! Seriously not good!

Uuu, help me Master Montaaa!

……Hmm? Master Monta?


I see, there was something like that!


I also rushed to Lille!

Then, I did a frontflip with the same momentum.


Lille: “Wha!?”


Lille’s movement faltered for a moment due to my unexpected action.

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Saachi: “Now!”


I entwined my legs with Lille’s neck and put her face between my thighs.

It looks like someone giving a shoulder ride but in opposite position and I let my body fall down.

Using the recoil…and fling her!


Saachi: “Frankensteiner!!!”

(TL Note: Frankensteinaaaaaa!)


Lille: “U-uwaah!!”



Extremely loud noise and a slight tremor reverberated from the crowds.



Lille stuck to the ground in a state like Inu○○ke.

(TL Note: Inugamike.)

……You’re still alive, right?

Ah, her feet twitched. She’s alive.


Staff: “The battle’s over!”


The guild official ended the match.

Alright, I won!


Saachi: “ーDAAAHH!!!”


Omitting 1, 2 and 3, I raised my right arm for my victory pose!





I forgot I was holding down my bra.


*Drop drop*


……The stuffing also fell.



At this time.

I have realized that I was also selected to be someone in charge of sex appeal like Aemia.

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