In any case, I need to borrow a towel and wrap it around my chest first.

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……Ha~aah……I was seen.

I was very much seen.

To be honest, I didn’t think that I could get this shocked up until now.

I seriously endured it…..

……When I think about it now…Aemia whose naked body were seen a lot more than me and still think of someone else without showing any shocked gesture is…strong.

I really got to know a very good girl. And we even become friends, yes……


Aemia: “Saachi! Are you all right?”


When I thought about her just a moment ago, see?

Aemia started to worry about me immediately.


Saachi: “Ah, yeah. I’m fine. I don’t have any injuries.”


Aemia: “But…”


Aemia took a glance at my towel.


Saachi: “Well, a shock is still a shock, though…”


Uhhhh, what should I say about this?

But then.




Aemia gently hugged my head.

And said this.


Aemia: “It’s alright, Saachi…”


Saachi: “Aemia…”


Aemia: “It’s alright, everything’s fine…”

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Saachi: “……”


Aemia: “Shape is a lot better than size.”


……That’s not it!

I reflexively released a fist to Aemia’s solar plexus with the intention of retorting her.


Aemia: “Ughh! Fuuh!”


Aemia fainted with a strange cry.


Saachi: “Geh! My bad! Aemia, are you all right!? Aemiaaa?”



Aemia: “Why did you punch me…?”


Aemia woke up in the next few minutes and I’m currently in the middle of being preached by her.


Saachi: “……sorry.”


Aemia: “It was so painful, you know?…even though I was worried about you, that was awful.”


Saachi: “The words that Aemia nonchalantly said was awful too.”


Aemia: “………?”


Aemia is a natural airhead!

She’s not saying anything and just tilts her head!


Saachi: “It’s nothing. I’m really sorry for what I did. It’s something like an impulse.”


Aemia: “?…haa…I understand?”


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I said this every time but, why in question form?


Receptionist: “Umm~……”


I got called and looked back. Turns out, miss receptionist was standing behind us.


Receptionist: “Can you…help me for a bit?”


She pointed while saying so.

And beyond that is…


Saachi: “Ah… I forgot.”


Lille who was still stuck to the ground in Inu○○ke position, began twitching.



The mock battle finally came to an end as well as today’s training.

It’s almost time for dinner and everyone dispersed doing their own stuff, such as going out to a diner or heading out as a group.

And I’m eating skewer in a stall with Aemia.


Aemia: “Fuwaa~”


Saachi: “What? You don’t like this atmosphere?”


Aemia: “Ah, no. It has a noisy atmosphere, so I was just a bit surprised due to my lack of experience. It’s lively and colorful… it’s a scene that I will never have experienced if I was still a noble.”


Aemia emotionally talked while narrowing her eyes.


Aemia: “…I’m glad I said that. It was worth taking out.”


She laughed and stuffed her cheeks with the orc meat.


Aemia: “If it’s the me from before…I might say something like….what an uncivilized people…. But the current me is different. The world that I have not yet known so much is apparently near me.”


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Aemia also bit the lizard meat.

When we were laughing while having such a conversation.


???: “Is this place empty?”


There lies a shadow standing while twitching its cat ears.


Aemia: “Lille! When did you come here?”


Aemia addressed the shadow.

Huh? You know Lille?


Saachi: “……Acquaintance?”


Lille: “We’re classmate.”


Oh, now that you mentioned it, she said something about skill class.

Well, I have no reason to refuse.


Saachi: “Please ♪”


She brought her body to the left side and got a seat.


Saachi: “Uncle, 5 Orcs and 5 Lizards”


Uncle: “A’ight.”


I got the skewers that have just been roasted.


Saachi: “You want some, Lille?”


Lille: “Ah, thank you.”


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Lille took one skewer from my plate.

……Instead of eating it immediately, we continued having no conversation at all.

Somehow…… It seems like she wants to say something.

……We won’t make any progress if we stay like this… Should I start talking to her now?


Saachi: “Do you have something to say?”


Lille: “……Yeah”


She went silent for a while…and replied with a nod…

She finally made up her mind and began to get the story straight.


Lille: “If it’s fine for you… can you form a party with me?”


……Party request?


Saachi & Aemia: “” …….””


I and Aemia instinctively exchanged glances.

Tentatively, we planned to form a party after graduating from the training school.

However, to the last, it was going to be a two-man party consisting of me and Aemia.

……I didn’t think that there will be a party request.

Now then, what should we do….


Aemia: “I understand.”


Aemia gave a reply….wait, Aemia?


Aemia: “Fight with me. If you win, we will form a party with you.”





Why are you deciding this by yourself!?!

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