Saachi: “Are you ready?”

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The next day.

We used our free time after completing our training for the day to perform a party formation match (?), that is Aemia and Lille’s mock battle.

The others who were having their free time, are spectating as well, including those who are from the “Donovan Suicide Squad” and the “V-shaped Cat-eared group” both which were born from the naked incident and the Inugamike incident.

“How do you know?”, you may ask. Well, if not for their matching happi coats, headbands, and a mixed of large and small banners to add it even more, you would know for sure, you see.

(TL Note: Happi coats are traditional Japanese coats that you wear in festivals)

……for some reason, there’s a “Slipping Bikini Armor Society (Bikini Armor Porori Society)” or “BPS” for short on the bottom side, but I will detroy it later.


So, I’m here to become the observer of the match.

……I don’t know what should a observer do, but… I can probably manage.


Saachi: “With this, we will now begin the 1 hour betting match for the privilege to join my party!”


Cheers roared around the arena. Adventurers are indeed really good with this.


Saachi: “From the red corner!”


Not really red, though.


Saachi: “39 kg 158 cm…bust 86+ cm…”


I ignored Aemia who turned crimson and screamed “STOP IT!” from behind.


Saachi: “A natural airhead with enormous breasts… Ae・Mi・A! Donovaaaan~!”


Aemia raised one of her hand with dead eyes (though, she managed to make a pose), and followed by the cheers from the “Donovan Suicide Squad”.


Saachi: “From the blue corner…”


Not really blue nor corner, though.


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Saachi: “55 kg 165 cm…bust under 76…”


I could hear shouting like “That’s a lie! My weight is not that much!!” and “Don’t talk about my chest!!” from the other side, but I ignored it.


Saachi: “V-shaped Catgirl Fighter!… Liiiiiii~lleee~! Thunderbreaker!!”


There were cheers (half of them are laughter) from the “V-shaped Cat-eared group” along witha certain someone yelling “Don’t add in such embarrassing surname as you pleases!!”.

……Yup. This is what an observer do, right? I tried to use The Red Shoes as a reference.

(TL Note: I can’t seem to find what did she mean about this.)


Saachi: “Let the match….Begin!”


I created a gong with 《Imitation》 and hit it with vigor. I spent a lot of MP for this, but I don’t mind.


Aemia: “Uuu…how did my fight that was supposed to reduce my stress from the trauma become this big of an event…”


Aemia cried with a (T-T) face while readying herself. Is that why she was strangely trying to pick a fight?


Lille: “My lifetime problem has turned into this kind of festival…”


Is joining a party…a lifetime problem?


Like this… well…, the battle started.



Aemia: “I’ve given up already! Come out, Maximum Silent Thunder!”


The static electricity which was wrapping Aemia, started to glow.


Aemia: “This is the result of training in the skill class! New skill 《Thunderwall Armor》 “Thunder Block”!”



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And Lille.

She put her hands on the ground and took a beast-like stance.


Lille: “This is an improved version of the 《Cat Feet》 that I created through training! The 《Cat Feet》 can now demonstrate its true power with four legs!”

and dashed as it was.

Wow…! It’s not like her usual speed up until now.


Both sides revealed their trump card.

After that… comes in the strategy.


Aemia who waits for her opponent to charge in while wearing her 《Thunder Block》.


Lille who runs around Aemia with her improved 《Cat Feet》.


Creating a tense atmosphere,

or so I thought at this moment…

But then, I heard what they said thereafter.


First, Aemia.


Aemia: “I’m able to wrap Silent Thunder on my body… but I can’t move.”


……in other words, she has no choice but to wait for her opponent to attack.


Next is Lille.


Lille: “I’m using both hands and feet, so… I can only attack with bites or ramming attack.”


……in other words, she has no leeway to attack Aemia who was a mass of electricity.



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Both are checkmated.


…………As you guessed, Aemia went out of static electricity and Lille couldn’t move due to her depleted physical strength…..thus, ending the match.


The atmosphere of the venue that was full of excitement before was so heavy…



The next day.

This time we gathered in my room, not in the arena.

Several discussions were done and the conclusion,


……Ladder lottery!


With only a single round, Lille won by one shot and her party participation was decided.




(TL Note: Common SFX for public bath scene in anime or manga)


In commemoration of Lille joining the party, we came to a nearby public bath which me and Aemia had been gone to as of current.


Saachi: “Ah~ that was tiring.”


I soaked my shoulders in the public bath.


Aemia: “You can say that.”


Aemia sat next to me.

Even though she’s soaking up to her shoulders just like me, two melons were floating in front of her.

…………I pinched the pointed tips because it was somewhat vexing.



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Maybe because of the surprise, Aemia lost her position and sunk into the bath.


Lille: “You are… somehow a terrible person indeed.”


Lille is on the other side of me.

She’s now oddly getting along with Aemia after that battle (?).


Saachi: “Noisy.”


I snorted while looking at her breasts that are smaller than me.




Saachi: “But I’m younger than you, right~?”


I snorted once more.


Lille: “NGGIIIIIII!! DAMN IT! I WON’T TOLERATE THIS! Aemia, hold Saachi!”


Aemia: “Leave it to me!”


I got pinioned by Aemia.


Saachi: “Wha-! Wait a sec! Aemia, what are you doing!? Get off of-…. L-Lille? W-what’s up with that hand gesture…”


Lille approached with her hand gestures.


Wait a mo-…!


Saachi: “! S-STOP IIIIIIIT!!”

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