“Alright! Let’s go!”

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     Aside from Aemia, Lille was being super low-tension.
It’s cute to see her desperately trying to pull her already little clothes down to hide her legs.

“…Is it really that embarrassing?”

“An exhibitionist like Saachi won’t understand!”


“What do you mean by exhibitionist!? I’m still properly hiding what I must hide!”

“That’s not the point!”

     Our conversation went off topic for a moment.

     By the way, Aemia was properly wearing her clothes with various additional arrangements while looking a little embarrassed.
It seems to be true that girls with good style know how to make themselves look attractive.

“Fine, let’s do it like this…and this….”

     I had no choice but to modify her leather armor with ≪Imitation≫.

“This part is made so tight… if only I can expand this…, I’ll pull it a bit, okay?”

“Ah! Wai-…! Don’t touch anything weird!”

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“Ow! Fine! Take it off then!”

“Take it-….!? It’s my clothes!”

“Ahh geez! Aemia, lend her something to wear!”

     We somehow managed to put on a pair of leggings under the inseam of her leather armor.

“Thanks, Saachi. Ahh, that’s a relief.”

     …I don’t understand how that armor clerk managed to get the job done to within tenths of a millimeter. I wonder if he has a great talent.
An exceptionally useless great talent, though.


     We had managed to collect some White Yata sighting reports from the guild beforehand.
Apparently, hunters have been seeing it in Mount Spamine recently.

“Mount Spamine, huh? If it’s from here….”

“It would take about a day and a half on foot. Renting a carriage would be faster, though.”

“…we’re on a budget….”

     In the case of our party, we share the responsibility for each other.
Lille, who has an excellent sense of direction and is good at hunting due to her race, is in charge of mapping the area and food gathering for our camp.
     As a former noble, Aemia is well versed in upper class’ etiquette and is well received by the people, so she’s good at gathering information and negotiating.
It’s just that… She still has a bit of a noble lady trait and sometimes not very good at common sense. Also, her general housekeeping skills are atrocious. I guess that’s what she needs to work on from now on.

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    And lastly, I’m in charge of finances. Apart from Aemia, I was surprised to find out that even Lille doesn’t keep a proper account.
According to Lille, “Beastfolks are basically self-sufficient”. Oh really?
I’m also in charge of cooking most of the time, while Lille and Aemia do the cleaning up in turns.

     Lille occasionally goes ahead of us to write various information on the map. I had thought that I was good at mapping too, but I’m still no match for her….
I’m glad I was wrong.
Lille, who was peering at the map, circled the northeastern part of the mountain.

“I noticed this a while ago, there’s an unfamiliar smell coming from around here. None of the monsters I know smell like this, so maybe it’s the White Yata.”

“Hmm…, if we go based on what Lille said….”

     I traced the map and measured the distance in a straight line from where we were to the place Lille had circled.

“…roughly three kilometers…. Lille, you can even discern smell at this distance?”

“A piece of cake.”

     Alright! The possibility is high then!

“Okay then…! we’ll lie and wait here!”


     In the end, due to budget constraints, we had no choice but to walk.
We walked all the way until evening.
Lille and I, who are used to walking, still had plenty of time to spare,

“Haaah, haaah, haaah….”

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     While Aemia was lying down on the ground with arms and legs spread out.
As expected, Aemia’s fatigue has reached her limit.

“I’m…sorry…for dragging…you down….”

“There’s no such thing. You’re doing great, Aemia.”

“You’ve got some spirits, Aemia.”

     Lille and I were impressed.
Aemia never said a single complaint up until it got dark and Lille said, “We’re camping here tonight”.
To be honest, I hadn’t even noticed that she was that tired until now.
It’s not that she’s very patient, it’s just that she has a lot of guts.

“Aemia, tell us if you’re tired next time. It’s much more stupid to force yourself and break your body.”

“Unn…I’ll be careful.”

     Aemia nodded while scooping up some water from the river to drink.

“But I’m really okay. I don’t know why, but I can recover quickly.”

“Recover quickly? Don’t lie to me!”

“It’s true….”

     Recover quickly…huh….
I wonder if Aemia really has such skill….
Hmm? Skill?
Don’t tell me…≪Battery Charge≫ is….

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“Hey, Aemia.”


“I was wondering, do your sore muscles heal unusually fast?”

“Uh huh.”

“Then, what about diseases…? Does it heal fast as well?”

“…Well…, I guess I’m the kind of person who lasts the longest when I get a cold.”

     I was right!
It’s the effect of ≪Battery Charge≫! it’s probably acting as an automatic electrotherapy!

“It might be because of Aemia’s skill.”

“Hee! That’s really handy!”

 Perhaps, if she can use it well…, she can widen the usage of her skill.

“Aemia, we need to try training that skill of yours!”

“Eh? Is it really that great?”

“It’s amazing, that ≪Battery Charge (Electrotherapy)≫!”

“…Saachi, somehow I feel like you said it differently just now…?”


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