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We decided to take turns keeping watch. The first one will be Lille, the next one is me, and lastly Aemia.

“Alright, take care.”

“Pardon me for going ahead.”

“Yeah, I’ll call you when it’s time to change.”

     After saying so, we immediately entered our respective tents.
The size of the tent is generally small and can be grabbed with one hand, but it will expand to a normal-sized tent when you pour magic into it and the same goes when putting it away.
It’s because of that simplicity that made it a necessity for adventurers.
     Personally speaking, it’s a Hoipo-….
…okay, I’ll stop.
(TN: Dragonball reference. Hoipoi Capsule.)

“Hmm~ ♪ Hmm~mmhmm~ ♪”

     My consciousness slowly faded away as I listened to Lille’s out-of-tune humming.



(Lille’s POV)



     I finally finished off the last Land Lizard with my claws.

“Tch…there’s nothing but small fries….”

     I’ve encountered monsters twice since I started on watch.
The first time was three goblins. The second one was these Land Lizards.
To be honest, it’s not enough.
I’d even wish to see some more challenging monsters showing up.


     Since I’m bored, I dissected the Land Lizards.
I’d like to roast and eat it…, but there’s no need to call in other monsters, so I’ll stop.

     I was so engrossed in dissecting that I didn’t realize the time passed by so quickly. It’s time to change.
I stored the dissected Land Lizard meat in Saachi’s Item Bag (Magic Bag).
Apparently, Saachi didn’t realize what this bag was until recently.
I couldn’t help but laugh just remembering the look on Saachi’s face when Aemia pointed it out to her yesterday…. She was really taken aback by that.
     Now then… time to wake Saachi up.

“Saachi, wake up. It’s your turn.”

     I rolled up her tent entrance,
Just to see Saachi didn’t come out of her sleeping bag. I guess she’s more of a heavy sleeper than I thought.

“Oi! Wake up!”

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“Hmm~… 10 more minutes….”

“Don’t go back to sleep!”

     It’s no use. I’ll have to drag her out.

“Waaakeeee uuuup!”

     Saying so, I forcibly opened her sleeping bag.

“Come on, Sa-…!”


“Hey~…, it’s cold…, huh? Lille?

     Wha-! Wa-!

“What? What’s wrong? …Oh, sorry. Is it my turn?”

     No! Umm! W-Why!?

“…? What’s wrong with you?”

“W-Wh-Why aren’t you wearing any clotheeeeeees!?!”

(Saachi’s POV)

     Lille’s scream was too much for my ears.

“Hey…! My ears are ringing here!”

“That’s not the point! H-Hurry up and get dressed!”

Right, I didn’t have anything on.
I was actually going to change into my nightgown, you know? But, it was too troublesome, so I just…, you see.
However, though.

“It’s surprisingly comfortable, you know?”

“Like. I. Said…!”

     When she said that.

“Whaaht’s~ wiith~ de~…nooise~…?”

     Aemia woke up from the commotion.
Uwah… this will make even more of a fuss…!

“…Why is Saachi naked?”

“W-Well, umm, …i-it helps you sleep!”

 That was probably a bit of a stretch…!

“Eh? Really?”


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     E-Ehh, Aemia!?

“I’ll also try it then… Good night….”

Aemia returned to her tent, leaving her clothes here and there.


 Lille and I were stunned.


“W-What is it…?”

“That girl…has developed again….”

“Y-Yeah…. Wait, that’s not it! Saachi, put your clothes on and take your damn turn!”

“Okay, okay.”

     I answered while putting on my bikini armor.
My drowsiness was blown off as well….



     Not long after we changed turns.


…a snake….
I put Anti-kill on my hand….
Approaching it… with no sound.



…it went away.
I recalled its texture just now….
Then, created a quite long needle with ≪Imitation≫.
Taking a step back….


Roughly a meter away….

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Got him.

“Whoaa, that’s a big one….”

     Dark Snake, huh….
I’m pretty sure… the fang is the subjugation proof…and the poison sac as well as the skin can be used as materials.
…well, I have nothing to do so…, guess I go dissecting it, then….

I was too into it and… Oh!? It’s already morning.
Not good… I even took Aemia’s turn…!
…Well, I guess it can’t be helped.
Let’s wake her-….


1… 2… 3… 4 people.
Bandits, I see. For them to be this early in the morning….


     …Lille noticed and came out of the tent.
Aemia is… not worth hoping for.


“I know.”

     Lille jumped to a tree branch.
A few moments later.

“…hehe, found a prey.”

     The bandits have come.
As for Lille… They didn’t notice her, I see.

“What do you want?”

     I created a needle with ≪Imitation≫ behind my back.

“Pheeew, she has a bikini armor, boys!”

“Are you inviting us?”

     The bandit sneered while looking at me.
Siiiiigh, should I just kill them quick?

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I gave the signal for Lille to move.

“Ghood~ monning~….”

     Uwah, what a bad timing!
Aemia woke up.

“Whad’s~ wrong~?”

     …She’s completely half-asleep….
…Aemia…she must have fallen asleep like that….


“Holy shit!”

“You don’t find many girls this good!”

“She got great tits!!”


     Ahh… this pattern is….
It looks like Lille had escaped too.
Guess I’ll also run away.



 I ran for quite some time and met up with Lille.

“It’s almost time.”





“”…as expected….””

     We went back,


     With a half-crying Aemia,


     And some bandits who were burnt to a crisp.

 We stripped everything we could from the bandits, tied them up and left.
All four of them were on the verge of tears…, but they got what they deserved.

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