Chapter 05 – It’s departure, right…

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From that night on, there was no one around me.

The children who had been embracing me until some time ago also.

There are also children who cried when they just happened to saw me.

Sigh…, children are cruel…


And the teachers’ reaction also changed completely.

Afraid of getting close, scowled with eyes like they have seen cockroaches, blatantly ignored me, etc… It was only director-sensei that hasn’t changed at all.


「Sensei…… I.. was I wrong……?」 (Shaa)


「……you are not wrong, you know~ it’s thanks to Saa-chan, we were saved……」 (Sensei)


……I’m jealous that you can sleep soundly in that situation……


「Ah~……you’re thinking of something rude right now, right?」 (Sensei)


「……no……」 (Shaa)


I take back what I said. She’s really sharp when she’s perceptive.



「Where did you get that kind of power-….no, it’s better not to ask, right~」 (Sensei)


「No, it’s not like……it’s something that I hide……」 (Shaa)


Because I just don’t want to get a plain suspicious attitude from anyone.


「Can you tell me then?」 (Sensei)


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Geh!! It came!


「Errr……daily effort」 (Shaa)


「……」 (Sensei)


W-what’s with that look!?


「There are also things that won’t come to fruition even with their constant efforts, right~」 (Sensei)


Her line of sight is…my chest……!



「Well, that’s fine. Let’s put this talk aside for now」 (Sensei)


You were the one who started it, though!?


「What will you do now~? Do you have any goal?」 (Sensei)


「……haaa……there’s nothing as of now. I could only think of becoming an adventurer to earn some money」 (Shaa)


There are guilds in this world. It was established to support adventurers and already has a long history behind it. If you want to be an adventurer, it’s necessary to register to the guild whereas you will have a social status rather than being an untactful mercenary.


「……as expected, you want to be an adventurer, huh……」 (Sensei)


For some reason director-sensei’s face went dark.


「……Please wait a minute」 (Sensei)


With that said, she left the room.

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……I wonder why but this is the first time I have seen that kind of director-sensei……


After a while, director-sensei opened the door.


「……!」 (Shaa)


She’s completely different…..from some time ago……!

How should I say it…I felt like I was killed……even though nothing was done.


「Shaa. Show this letter to the guildmaster.」 (Sensei)


「To the guildmaster?」 (Shaa)


「It’s a recommendation for you to enter the guild’s training school based on your current state. Go device your magic according to your desired battle style.」 (Sensei)


「Guild…… Training school……」 (Shaa)


「You had been studying magic for a long time, right? Self-education is dangerous when it comes to magic. Hence, It’s better to train under the guidance of a proper instructor.」 (Sensei)




「Director-sensei is broken……」 (Shaa)


「…That’s really rude. This is my true nature, you know」 (Sensei)


Lies……something like being able to hide her status even to the pro me….


「I am a former adventurer. A ranked more or less, you know」 (Sensei)


A ranked!?

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Those who are nicknamed as 『human disaster』 normally!?


「But doesn’t this country also only had four people in the past?」 (Shaa)


「One of them was 『Flying Sword』 which is my second name.」 (Sensei)


「……l-lies……」 (Shaa)


Hilda the 『Flying Sword』.

As the second name suggests, Flying Sword……that is, the person who use a boomerang.

There are also rumors that she annihilated a company by throwing her weapon three times only.

……I heard that she had been missing since she retired …didn’t think that she’s now the head of an orphanage.


「You won’t say that you don’t want to do it, right……? Don’t run away even if you want to jump out」 (Sensei)


「……That’s right. But I’m relieved. I will absolutely never make it worse.」 (Shaa)


Oh, she suddenly went back to her usual atmosphere.

She really is worried about me……huh?


「……Alright, director-sensei. I will study from the scratch.」 (Shaa)


Director-sensei had a relieved face and she somehow seemed pretty.


「Thank you…… Shaa…… No, Saa-chan」 (Sensei)


The morning of the next day.

I went on a journey.


「You don’t want to tell everyone……?」 (Sensei)

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「……I will already be gone in the morning, hence please take care of them.」(Shaa)


I gave a short laugh.

Ah, she’s now 『Flying Sword』.


「You’re clumsy, huh? You can come back here again」 (Sensei)


「……yes」 (Shaa)




And so.

I took my first step into this world.


The aim is A.


Standing in the same place as director-sensei.



Being able to wear a bra!




Director-sensei who had returned back inside,

slipped out a giggle and murmured.


「I put a bra in her bag but…… I wonder if she noticed. That she already reached A……」 (Sensei)


Both of them, yup………

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