It was good for me to leave.

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I felt a little bit lonely, but the sense of freedom is a lot stronger, like wanting to yell 「I have done my bestttt!」.




「……I’m hungry」 (Shaa)


Damn it.

I haven’t prepared anything.


I used to fly back and forth in my previous life but, this world which I’m currently in is around the Middle Ages.

Thus, there’s neither a convenience store nor a supermarket.

Moreover, I have no experience in camping.

So it’s only natural that there’s no way I could know how to identify edible grass or mushrooms.

I also don’t have a convenient skill such as ≪Appraisal≫.

……I wonder if a rabbit, a boar or a bear would appear.




「Uuu……」 (Shaa)



Director-sensei pretty much gave me various things when I was about to leave.

Copper knife. A miscellaneous knife rather than a combat one for cutting grass or food. Novice leather equipment set for combat. An armor, footgear and a gauntlet set. For some reason the chest part is baggy  Beginner’s essential set for travel. Medicinal herbs and antidotes. I had already eaten the emergency food. 30 wires…? A leather bag. Empty.


……that’s all.

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These are useless for now.

Especially the wire!

「Go practice with this」 said director-sensei while smiling sweetly, but……!

She had definitely considered this based on my magic, right?

If that’s the case, she should have taught me herself, though.

Ahh~ food……

I prefer food rather than wires……

I need to get to the town quickly, but it will take about 3 days to get there…

……My preparation was lacking too much.


Four hours after that.

I wandered north relying on the sun.



Goblin, goblin, goblin.

Monsters have come out properly.

But I can’t eat them 


The first one, I rushed behind it quickly and transformed the wire into a pointy needle and stabbed it.

The second one, I cut them into pieces with the copper knife as it only has a jelly-like body.

Third, fourth and fifth.

I stabbed the two of them at the same time from behind while they’re not aware of my existence.

And I throw my copper knife to the last one.

Fyuuh, complete victory.

……as expected, this fighting style is usually for assassin instead of a heavy armored warrior.


There’s also a job called assassin in this world too.

The occupation I chose at the 『Selection Ceremony』 was a heavy armored warrior as there’s a reason behind it, though, its status is the opposite of Assassin’s status.

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(Note: Heavy armored warriors. Being able to equip powerful equipment, but their 『Agility』 ranked second from the bottom out of all occupations. Like a warrior from Dragon Que○○.)


……Thank you for the explanation.

Well, that’s why.

I became a strange heavy armored warrior that has the lowest 『Strength』 which supposed to be strong and the highest 『Agility』 which supposed to be the lowest.

So, why did I choose heavy armored warrior?

The one who guessed it right, can get a service shot of me 


Tick, tock, tick, tock.

Alright, time’s up.


Well then, the answer.

That is, a heavily armored warrior is……

Wait a second.


There’s something else here.

It’s not… a monster’s presence.


It’s a person.

It’s also a good number of people.

These are……bandits.


Food……do they have it?




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I climbed up to a tree and stand by.

I made some sharp needles from the wires with my magic.

……I will surprise attack them from here.


「Oi, is she really here?」 (Bandit A)


「No doubt. I saw a stupid looking brat walk here.」 (Bandit B)


「There’s no doubt about this guy’s «Clairvoyance» skill. Let’s look for a bit more.」 (Bandit C)


Hmm~ «Clairvoyance», huh?

……So that’s the reason I didn’t notice them.

Now then.

Let’s kill them.


Threw the needles and stabbed them to death.




「!」 (Bandit A)

「Oww!!」 (Bandit B)

「W-what is it?!」 (Bandit C)



I didn’t stab him!?


I jumped down and strengthened my copper knife with magic.


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「……Guh!」 (Bandit A)


*Dosaa..* (body fell sfx)


「……kh…..hah, haah…」 (Shaa)


Fuuh……somehow……I won.

It’s…….thanks to……my 『Agility』 somehow.

As expected……my 『Endurance』……is still low…..huh?

It’s already good……If it’s a surprise attack, though. If it’s a normal battle, it’s tough as expected.


「Fuuh, Fuuhh…」 (Shaa)


Ahh~, it’s hot.

My body has a ventilation due to the leather armor being baggy, though……shut up!


In any case…… why didn’t I stab him?

I examined the three corpses. There’s a wound where the needle hit but…… it looks like a wire wound rather than a needle.

I had strengthened it without a doubt… Just why?

……it seems that my magic still has many mysteries.

For now, I now know that it couldn’t be used for throwing.




Speaking of which, I forgot.

The reason why I chose heavy armor.


Bikini armor can only be equipped by a heavy armored warrior.

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