Chapter 07 – Together with the very first friend…it’s the template, right…

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I robbed everything that can be stripped from the bandits as much as possible.

Thereupon, a mysterious dagger came out. It’s a dagger that is rolled around with threads on its sheath.

……there is a curse sword in this world, right?

I will sell this in the town.


It’s exhilarating as there was quite a lot of food that I took. This is a peace of mind for me until I arrived at the town.

I’m unconsciously skipping.


「Funfufu~n ♪」 (Shaa)


I’m going to the town while striking some goblins that came out like a shining magician.


「If it’s like this, I could level up to a certain level by the time I get to town, right~ ♪」 (Shaa)


I decided to elbow strike the Kobolt, that is biting me, beautifully into space.

I got even more high tension as I remembered a wrestling match that I had seen in the past.



Fyuuh, I’m too tired.

I arrived at the town entrance while still skipping.

……the gazes are painful.


「*kusukusu*」 (???)


Kh………! I was laughed at immediately by someone from behind!


「Are you also a newcomer?」 (???)



Don’t, talk, to, meeeー!!

It will add more shame for me……


「Ara… your face is red」 (???)


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「Fufu… I’m sorry. I’m Aemia.」 (Aemia)




「……Emiya?」 (Shaa)



「No, it’s wrong. Somehow that word could bring a heavy risk for me so please stop it!」

(TL Note: It’s written just like Emiya from Fate series, while Aemia is in Katakana)


「O-okay……」 (Shaa)



「……Eh~, let’s start again. My name is Aemia Donovan.」 (Aemia)


She has a surname…… If I remember correctly, it’s a thing for nobles?


「I am Shaa」 (Shaa)


「Ah……yes. Saa-san, is it?」 (Aemia)


「Why are you making it harder to say!?」 (Shaa)


What’s this!? Some kind of curse!?


「No, for some reason I don’t want to call you Saa-chan」 (Aemia)


Isn’t this already a complete curse!?


「I’ll try to do my best……Saa, Saa, Saa……」 (Aemia)


「Are you a table tennis player!?」 (Shaa)


「Yes?」 (Aemia)

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Shoot! I just…… let’s be calm, be calm.


「Saa, Saa, Saa-chan, Saa-chan, Saa-chi」 (Aemia)


「It completely turned into Saa-chan there!」 (Shaa)


「Saa-chi…… Saa-chi…… Ara? I’m stuck here.」 (Aemia)


Saa-chi…… Saachi, huh?


「I understand. Saachi will be good.」 (Saachi)


「Okay. It’s Saachi, right?」 (Aemia)


Why Hiragana……

(TL Note: Again, ‘Saachi’ that Aemia said was in Hiragana (さーち) while Shaa said in Katakana (サーチ))



And so, the conversation reached its climax.


「Do you want to be friends with me?」 (Aemia)


「O-okay……?」 (Saachi)


I made a very first friend even in my previous life.

I had no idea at this time that this child would stick with me forever.

……written as stick with, read as suffering, though.


Aemia guided me to the guild as she’s already familiar with the town.

Aemia herself was born in the neighbor town.


「……so, you’re the neighbor town’s feudal lord’s daughter…… former daughter?」(Saachi)


「Gusa!…… yes, that’s right! It’s former!」 (Aemia)


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I don’t think anyone would say 『Gusa』 by themselves, you know……

Aemia is a noble’s daughter but her mother is a maid, hence she seems to be ashamed at her home.

In the end, she seems to be disowned as she excessively repelled her brother’s mischief who is from a different mother.


「But you still use your surname, right?」 (Saachi)


「I will spread bad reputation here and there, and drop it to the ground!」 (Aemia)


「……awful」 (Saachi)


……I think my reputation would also fall, though.


「Ah, here it is. Here is the guild.」 (Aemia)


Fuuh……I finally arrived, huh?

I feel like it took me a long time somehow.


「You saved me. Thank you Aemia.」 (Saachi)


「You’re welcome」 (Aemia)


「Well then, this is it for me. I need to go to the guild training school.」 (Saachi)


「Eh? Saachi also?」 (Aemia)


「Eh?」 (Saachi)



The two of us went to the guild receptionist.

……somehow I think that there’s a bond between me and Aemia.


「Excuse me」 (Saachi)


「Yes, what business do you have?」 (Receptionist)


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「Me and this person」 (Saachi)


「My name is Aemia.」 (Aemia)


「……both of us came for the guild training school」 (Saachi)


I gave the letter that I received from director-sensei.


「Yes, I will receive it……! This is…… please wait a moment」 (Receptionist)


The receptionist said so and went to the back.

Ah, not good.

At time like this, there’s a template which we could get entangled with a boorish warrior, right?

……for the time being, I won’t pay attention to my surroundings……


And, just as I thought.


「Oi, that missy over there」 (???)


It really cameeeee!!

However, this is within expectations!


「Funn!」 (Saachi) 


「Guhaa!」 (???)


I settled it beautifully with a high kick after turning back!

Alright! I have avoided the template!


「G-guild master!」 (Receptionist)


The miss receptionist from before quickly rushed to the boorish warrior.


……wait, guild master!?


……not good.

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