[Unwavering Resolve]

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“Jarvis… you…”

Lord Lekrust trembled with anger.

Jarvis confronted her father with a resolute attitude.

“The many mistakes that you—no, the Lekrust House has committed… I’m going to bring them to light here and now!” Jarvis declared loudly.

The Lekrust House’s mistakes.

The words caught the interest of other nobles and knights present. Even Principal Abigail came over. “You are truly brave, Jarvis.”

“Principal! Please pardon my stupid son’s rudeness!” Lord Lekrust became greatly agitated upon seeing Principal Abigail.

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He was probably worried that she would pry the words Jarvis had said: “The many mistakes the Lekrust House has committed.”

The words suggested that Lord Lekrust had committed other crimes aside from hiding Jarvis’ gender. Moreover, judging from how panicked he was, he would most likely be put in a very bad spot if they were to be exposed on this occasion.

However… depending on the severity of the crimes, the Lekrust House might lose its peerage.

The fact that she wore a dress meant that Jarvis was prepared for it and was determined to come out.

“W-what in the world is going on?”

“W-who knows…”

The students’ confusion was deepening.

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However, one thing was clear to them.

That was, Jarvis was beautiful in a dress.

She didn’t look like a boy at all.

No, wasn’t that because she wasn’t a boy, in the first place?

As such thoughts began to circulate among the students—Jarvis finally spoke, “I’m sorry for hiding it until now.”

She paused, took a deep breath, and—

“I, Jarvis Lekrust, am—a girl!”

She shouted as hard as she could.

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After a period of silence…

“““““Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?!?!?!?!””””” Jarvis’ sudden confession caused all students in attendance to cry in shock.

“J-Jarvis…” Lord Lekrust fell to his knees powerlessly in contrast to the students who were making a commotion. It was clear to him that Jarvis was determined to carry her words from her grand confession. —The deeds that he had done so far would be exposed to the light of day.

Perhaps one of the factors that led to Jarvis’ confession was the mistakes—the wrongdoings, whatever they were, her father had made. Jarvis had a strong sense of justice. The Order of the Knights would likely keep an eye on her to scout her.

“Whew…it sure is refreshing.”

After making her once-in-a-lifetime confession, Jarvis looked radiant.

It was like she had put down the heavy burden she had been carrying on her shoulders.

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“Jarvis… you finally said it…”

Surprisingly, Tayte was calm.

She knew that Jarvis was actually a girl, but I thought she would be more surprised by Jarvis’s sudden confession… but maybe she had seen it coming somehow.

“It must have taken Jarvis a great determination to confess. But things will be difficult for her in the coming days.”

“Yes… but I will support her.”

“So will I.” I echoed.

This was the day Jarvis decided to live as the real Jarvis Lekrust

As her friends, we vowed to continue to support her.

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