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Although there was a slight delay due to Lord Lekrust being taken into custody, the afterparty proceeded as planned.

Despite what had happened, the afterparty was the finale of the academy festival which was only held once a year for the students. They were trying to make the best memories out of it, and excitement was visible on their faces.

The party started off with the award ceremony for the students who had participated in the tournament. The Order of Knights would announce the student that received the highest evaluation from it.

The knights’ representative went up to the stage and shouted the name of the student who shone the brightest in this year’s tournament.

“Jarvis Lekrust!”

Immediately after, a loud cheer erupted.


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Jarvis, who was in a dress, seemed to have never expected to be chosen, and she raised her voice in surprise.

Although victory or defeat was not the standard of their evaluation, most of the past awardees won their matches.

That must be why she didn’t expect to be chosen.

“Please come up to the stage.”

Prompted by the student acting as the host, Jarvis began to walk to the stage.

One after another, the surrounding students congratulated her.

When Jarvis came in front of the representative knight, he began to explain why she was chosen.

“Faced against Barrett Albers, the wielder of the Holy Sword, you made use of your wits and ingenuity to put up a splendid fight. Above all, you deserve praise for your bravery in fighting the Holy Sword, which bears great magic power, without even so much as a single flinch. We knights can learn a thing or two from you.”

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“T-thank you very much.”

Jarvis was shy after being praised—a rare sight from her.

Meanwhile, the venue had broken into thunderous applause.

Jarvis had severed her ties with the Lekrust House that bound her and began to walk her own path. The award and the surroundings’ applause seemed to bless her future.

Once the award-giving-related stuff was over, the atmosphere grew lax.

Everyone was enjoying themselves. Some were dancing, while others were chatting lively while having snacks and drinks.

“The festival is finally over…”

“Yeah. But how should I put it…? A lot of stuff happened, but it felt like it was all over in a flash.”

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“I know right♪.”

I had a fun conversation with Tayte with a glass of juice in hand.

Jarvis was surrounded by a lot of students, whereas Raul and Eureka—seemed to be having fun just the two of them.

“Anyway, I’m glad tomorrow is a day off.”

“So am I. —Mh!”

While we were talking, Tayte shivered a little.

Come to think of it, it was already late autumn.

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Winter was coming soon.

“Here.” I put my coat on Tayte.

Surprised, Tayte said, “T-thank you very much,” and pulled it close to herself.

Thus, the night of the academy festival drew on.

A lot of mysteries had been solved, but my goals still remained the same.

I would become a hero loved by everyone.

And, of course, make Tayte happy.

That said, it seemed like those goals were still quite far away from my reach.

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