[The Principal’s Worries]

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The large-scale riot in the Anom region had swiftly been brought to an end by the knights.

After that, the knights escorted the freed nobles to the royal capital to hear the full story of the incident.

I had been worried that the incident would leave a trauma for her, but thankfully, she had been acting as usual, showing no signs of such a thing.

She really was a strong girl.

On the other hand, the main culprit behind the riot—the leader of the rioters, if you would—still remained at large.

Catching him had been proving to be more difficult than anticipated.

That was because no one had ever seen their face, not even the captured rioters.

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“It’s gotta be the joke of the year…”

Sir Klaus could only exclaim in amazement upon learning that.

It was discovered that most of the people who had taken part in the riot were of the impoverished class and that they had aided the riot for the allure of quick cash without any legitimate cause while some others were hired mercenaries, who were famously known for doing anything for money.

In other words, none of the perpetrators had any real motives for this riot, at least for the most part.

However, the knights had determined whom they needed to get to the bottom of the matter.

Yes—Matt Yurovsky, an alumnus of the academy.

The knights had already formed a special investigation unit and were looking for him.

This matter was out of the Knights of the Academy’s jurisdiction.

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So all we could do was leave it to the experts and get back to our normal school life.

–Though I had to do one thing before that.


Reporting to Principal Abigail.

“I see… so someone from the academy was coordinating with them.”

Me, the Holy Knight Klaus, and Jarvis. The three of us were reporting the details of the riot to the principal,

And as expected, she was shocked, to say the least, learning that an alumnus was a part of the rioters.

“This is my fault…”

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“Principal, you don’t need to feel responsible. He did it of his own accord.”

“T-that is right!”

“I agree.”

Sir Klaus tried to cheer her up, and Jarvis and I followed up. We all knew the principal had done so much for the students.

“Thanks for saying so.”

The principal regained her usual mood.

Tayte once said “The principal is like the sun for the students,” and I couldn’t agree more. When the principal’s mood was cloudy, it felt like the whole academy was covered in darkness.

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Afterward, Sir Klaus explained the details of the incident. Well, at least what had been uncovered so far.

Upon hearing that Tayte who had been taken hostage had returned safely, the principal released a sigh of relief.

Having finished with the report, we were about to leave the principal’s office, when…

“Ah, Barrett. Sorry, but there’s something I need to talk about with you, so can you stay for a bit? Don’t worry, it won’t take long.”

“? A-alright.”

I wondered what the principal wanted to talk about.

After seeing off Sir Klaus and Jarvis, I turned around to face the principal――and there was a serious look on her face.

“I’ll cut straight to the chase.”

After clearing her throat with “Ahem,” the principal began to speak.

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