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“I have a proposal for you.”


Hearing those words, I involuntarily straightened my back.

“You don’t have to be so defensive, do you?” said the principal with a smile, but… I couldn’t help it. She was the type to say the most outrageous things when you least expected it. I had to be mentally prepared to hear whatever she was going to say, or else my heart might stop from shock.

While inwardly muttering as if to persuade myself, I waited for Principal Abigail’s next words.

“As I’m sure you already know, your sister, Reina Albers, will be graduating soon.”

“S-she will, yes.”

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This was Reina’s last year as a student.

She had decided to walk down the path of knighthood.

And maybe because of that? She had been focusing on sword training lately.

I’d got to say, I believed being a knight who protected the people’s peace was a job very suited to her. I mean, that essentially was what she had been doing for the students as the student council president.

Oh, one more thing—once she graduated, she’d be one step closer to marrying Abel.

In the original novel【The Rising of the Weakest Holy Swordsman】, Abel died due to Barrett’s carelessness. Falling into despair, Reina ended up becoming a member of Raul’s harem, but… in this world, her relationship with Abel was going strong, which made me glad.

–Wait, why did she bring up Reina?

Was this proposal of hers connected to her in some way?

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“I-is there any problem with Reina?”

When I timidly asked, the principal chuckled and then offered me an outrageous proposal.

“There’s none… except for the student council presidential seat that she will leave empty. So, wanna be the next student council president?”


M-me?! The student council president?!

Me, the hated Barrett?!

That had got to be the most outrageous joke of the year if this was the original novel!

“You want me to become… the student council president?”

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“Yes. I believe you’re the perfect person for the job. You lately have been working really hard and over this past year you have grown so much people might mistake you for an impostor.”

Well, those people wouldn’t be entirely wrong…

However, the fact that the principal chose me must mean that I indeed had grown.

Normally, the president of the student council at this academy was chosen through elections, but there had been some cases in which the principal appointed one directly. They were very rare cases, but… to think it would happen to me.

“You also serve as the leader of the Knights of the Academy, so you’ll be really busy, but don’t you worry. I’m going to appoint excellent staff to help with your work in the student council. Of course, I will also assist you should you require it.”

“T-thank you very much.”

I thanked her without me knowing, but… why did it feel like my becoming the student council president was already set in stone?

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“Then, you agree with me selecting the student council members?”

“No, please do.”

“Then I’ll get started right away. I’ve already narrowed down the candidates.”

Why didn’t she ask if I agree to become the student council president…

Still, the student council president, huh?

I wasn’t sure if I’d do as well as Reina, but since I’d been entrusted with the job, I’d try my best.

This should help change people’s perception of me for the better, too.

Also, I realized once again that the graduation ceremony was already so close.

Well, before then, there was going to be a handover of duties from Reina and the current student council.

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