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"W..why..." A single word escaped her mouth in disbelief. Lillie slumped on the cold floor, her body shook as she screamed in agony.

"AAHHHHH!" Seething in pain, blue veins started appearing on her forehead and neck. She felt her body burn and being pierced by a thousand needles, her eyes rolled behind her skull showing a bloody red sclera.

"Hahahaha! You fool!" Yu Mei burst into a fit of crazy laughter as she held the syringe she pricked into Lillie's back to let the poison seeped into her body.

"Everything...everything you have will be mine at last! Unimaginable wealth! Power! WPE will crumble and I will rise!" Yu Mei grabbed a fistful of Lillie's hair and roughly pulled it hard enough to carry her body with it.

A wicked grin plastered on her lips and stared at screaming girl in disdain. "You're so naive. I can't believe you would fall for a simple trap. Guess the great Lillie Bai isn't all that smart after all." She mockingly said.

With a little bit of will power, Lillie managed to lock her gaze back and gave Yu Mei a hateful glare.

"Y-you' f-for this!" Lillie growled in contempt. Yu Mei raised her eyebrow before bursting into another fit of laughter.

"Hahaha! Oh, oh? What's this? Seems like you haven't gotten enough dose on you for you to talk. Don't worry though, there are a lot where that came from." From her hand appeared another syringe that she kept from her pocket before harshly piercing it on Lillie's pale skin.

"Aahhhh!" The pain intensified so much that Lillie's body shuts down. Her nose and ears bled because of the drug, her body gave out a final scream before rendered unconscious.

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Yu Mei clicked her tongue in annoyance and threw Lillie's body as if she were a rag doll. She fished out her phone from her pocket and dialed someone's phone.

"I had my fun, it's your turn." Yu Mei said in a bored tone.

[I'll have my men come in a minute. You can claim your reward by then]

"Excellent." She ended the call. Yu Mei stared at Lillie's body one last time with a triumphant grin. She mercilessly kicked her body until she heard a satisfying crunch of bones breaking

"Too bad you're unconscious." Yu Mei muttered in disappointment before shrugging, "No matter, you'll experience something more 'memorable' when Liu Sheng's men had their way with you."

Yu Mei left the room with a fit of laughter trailing behind her, echoing through the building. Not even an ounce of sympathy nor remorse could be detected on her demeanor.


"You insolent punk! How dare you run away!" Master Wei berated his unfilial pupil through the phone. He've just received a call from an old friend asking for help. Unfortunately, as he was about to summon his good-for-nothing pupil, he discovered the fact that he's missing!

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Other students from Soaring Dragon Academy caught him sneaking out. Master Wei blasted them with a heated demand on why non of them stopped him from leaving.

"We're no match for him." Their blunt response was. Master Wei had nothing to retort because if not even him could stop his pupil, why would he assume others can?

Master Wei sighed in regret. He should've gone easy on him with trainings. Now he's the one having a hard time catching the fool.

[I didn't run away, you let me go] Death said.

"Since when?!" Master Wei could feel his blood boiling. His face was probably red from anger as the other students wisely stepped back in fear.

"Where are you right now?!" This is an emergency, Master Wei had no time to dally and scold this punk. He swear to permanently lock him up in the Disciplinary room when be came back.

Death suddenly felt chills run down his spine at some bad premonition.

"Somewhere around City Z. Some wannabes were messing around claiming to be Vermillion Dragon. I just wanted to see for myself and decide their fate." Death honestly replied. He had nothing to hide from his master.

Even though the Underworld is a place where bad people came from, they are still kept at place and they have certain rules to follow. Like you cannot pretend to be one of the Legendary Leaders or a Reaper—it'll be an instant execution.

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And the people who kept the peace within the Underworld are called Reapers and their leader is non other than the God of Death, Death—no one know that it's actually him though. Because no one get to see what he really looked like despite wearing no mask.

For the the people who've seen him, they are his victims thus they never got to tell the tale as they are dead.

[City Z you say?! Good, good! What a coincidence!] Master Wei exclaimed, sighing in relief. Death raised a confused brow.

Even though Master Wei could not see his confused expression, he can tell by his silence.

[There's someone I need you to save] He said.


[It's Li—] Master wasn't able to finish his sentence when the line was abruptly cut off when a hand suddenly snatched Death's phone from him.

"What 'ya doin' 'ere all alone, punk? 'Ya want to be beaten, huh?!" A pompous jerk with piercings and tattoo all over his face snarled at him, as if to intimidate him.

Behind him were a dozen men holding blunt weapons with the same amount of tattoos and piercings on their body.

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These people are what you commonly call a group of wannabe gangsters.

The man, who was probably their leader, thought Death was acting cowardly when he didn't reply. He smirked and continued to provoke him.

"Hand me everythin' 'ya got, or else..." He trailed, indicating the weapon on his hand.

The leader along with his lackeys laughed when they saw Death placed his hands on his hoodie's jacket. "Aren't 'ya easy to talk with?"

"He's an obedient dog, ain't he, boss?"

"A dog, a dog! Hahaha!"

The leader stopped laughing when he heard Death mutter something, which went unheard.

"What's that?" The leader demanded, peering his face close with a pointed look.


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