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(Warning: Not suitable for people with weak minds. Also, be ready for a lot of cursing)

"Damn, how tough is this b*tch? Look, she isn't even screaming." A man scoffed, dissatisfied.

"That girl Yu Mei said she would likely scream at every strike. Seems like our little pet got bored with these small ones." Another said, sadistically as he held a bloody whip with spikes.

Lillie's petite frame knelt on the blood-covered ground, her body was beaten purple as her back was covered with gruesome wounds that are so deep you can almost see her spine. Despite the wounds that can cause a normal person to scream crazily or die at the intense pain, Lillie stood quiet throughout the whole torment.

This caused her torturer to be displeased.

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"Should we give her that drug?"

"Which one?"

"The one Boss bought at the Black Market."

"Oh you mean Sleazy Night? Lame name but, I heard it can make even the most virtuous person crazy."

"Should we test it on her to see if it's true?"

"Why not?"

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One of the torturers came up to Lillie and splashed an ice cold water on her to wake her up. "Wake up, slut! We've got a little treat for you." He pulled her hair up so that she could face him.

"Hehe, see this?" He showed her a white pill. "This will make you feel good. We'll make sure you'll enjoy every second of it." He added before he forcedly pried her mouth open.

Lillie did her best to struggle and bit the man's hand. "Argh! You f*cking b*tch!" A harsh slap met her cheek.

The man's comrades laughed behind him. "Man, you got bit by her? You're such a p*ssy."

"Seems like she still have a few kicks on her. Hurry up and feed her the pill."

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"Alright, alright! Geez, as if you guys haven't tasted a few b*tches here and there."

"This one's different. She's famous!"

"Really? Who is she?"

"You don't know? She's Lillie f*cking Bai!"

"Oh! You Alexander Bai's daughter?"

"Yeah. I've met her personally before when boss tried to negotiate with WPE. However, he was blatantly rejected and insulted by their CEO, this sl*t right here."

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"Ha! Karma's a b*tch alright."

"Enough with the chattering! Hurry up and feed her the damn pill!"

"Alright! Damn, you don't need to f*cking shout!"

The man that Lillie had bitten manage to pry her mouth open by squeezing her jaw, almost dislocating it at the process. Lillie coughed and winced at the bitter medicine. She tried to make herself puke but the man choked her with water.

Lillie felt her body go numb, the explicit pain was exchanged by a burning sensation on her lower part. She groaned at the strange feeling. Her clear consciousness was being slowly engulfed until she was left with a blank and hazy mindset. The last thing she caught were her torturer's sadistic chuckles.

The men smirked as they observed how the drug took effect. "Let the fun begin."

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