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Lillie dropped herself on an empty hallway after checking if the cost was clear. Her knees trembled by the sudden weight.

She was out of breath and her makeshift bandage was already soaked by blood. Lillie don't know what to do anymore. Irrational thoughts filled her mind.

'Is this really the end of me?' She thought.

Her ears caught another sound of footsteps nearing. 'Damn it! They've completely surrounded the place!' Lillie yelped in pain when she forced her legs to stand. Without the support of the wall, Lillie cannot stand nor run.

It only be a matter of seconds before the incoming footsteps find her. Lillie readied her gun and hid at the corner.

"Man...master's going to kill me if I walk around the academy with bloody clothes. Damn, I even forgot my wallet! Oh, wait, I could just grab those guys' wallet! Hm, hm! I'm so smart!" A man's carefree voice rang through the hallways.

She was about to peek when a rough hand covered her mouth. "Found you, you little bitch!"

Lillie screamed but the hand only let a small whimper escape. An angry kick in the gut greeted her and was harshly thrown on the floor. Her gun was pulled from her weak grip as the man threw it away.

"You've done it this time, you slut! I'll make sure you'll pay for what you've done!" He yelled and smacked her across the face and put a tight grip on her neck.

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Lillie's face turned purple at the lack of air. Her eyes rolled behind her skull, nearing the state of unconsciousness. The man sat on top of her and pulled her jacket off and begin to ravish her neck.

Her hands were held above her head by the guy's companion. The others began to lewdly touch the sensitive part of her body.

Tears streamed down her eyes as she tried her best to struggle out of their captivity. ' me..'

"What. Do. You. Think. You're. Doing?" A pair crimson red orbs glared at the assaulters. On his hand was Lillie's gun, holding it into a tight grip. Anger was evident from his face as well as his demeanor.

"Who the fuck are you?! Can't you see we're busy?! Wait your turn!" The man assumed that he was one of them and carelessly berated him.

"Wait?" Death's tone dripped malice, his eyes were shadowed by his fringes. Without hesitation, Death send a kick on the man on the of Lillie.

The man screamed and was thrown into a wall, creating cracks and small debris behind. His companions were dumbfounded but quickly took a step back.

Lillie sat up upon her freedom and scurried away. Death held her shoulder and crouched in front of her. Her flinching by his touch didn't go unnoticed by his red eyes.

Lillie faced him and was surprised by his unusual features, especially those red eyes of his.

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"Hang on for a minute, alright?" He softly said. Lillie didn't know why but, his voice reassured her.

"En." She muttered. Death gently smiled and ruffled her already tangled hair.



Ethan's hands were clenched into a fist until they turned white. Lillie placed hers on top of his and uncurled them.

"What happened in the past is what made me the person I am today. I used my past as a stepping stone and made it my strength. The ones who've hunted me are the ones being hunted today. That is why you should not be too hard on yourself, non of it was your fault."

"Even so...I should've been there for you."

Lillie shook her and head and said, "It is because of my naiveness and pride that I failed to see Yu Mei for who she truly was. It is also because of naiveness that I failed to understand your true feelings and my pride that I failed to accept what was happening in front on me." She stared at their intertwined hands with a longing gaze.

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Ethan raised their hands and kissed the back of her hand. Lillie's heavy heart fluttered, his sweet gesture soothes her.

"After Senior brother saved me, he took me to the Academy where I met Master Wei." She continued. "My grandfather and father are good friends with him. It was also my father who called Master Wei for help."

A small smile grace her lips. 'Despite my stubborn command, father made sure I'm safe. Though it was late, it's still better than being violated before killed.'

Only Lillie did not know that Master Wei was not able to send an emergency rescue mission to Death because of an interruption.

"It was actually coincidental that Senior brother was at City Z, hunting for those who imitates one of the Underworld Leaders."

"Hunt them? Don't tell me he's a Reaper?" Ethan knew Death was an Underworld dweller. Who would've thought that cheater was actually a Reaper.

"Something like that." Lillie said, making sure not to expose Death's real identity too much. When the right time comes, Lillie would tell him everything.

Ethan's eyes lit up as if remembering something. "Oh, it seems I remember something like that being reported to me.

"En." Lillie confirmed. "It was Liu Sheng who was pretending to be Vermillion Dragon."

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Ethan sighed, "Coincidence? It must be fate working on that one." He grumbled, upset that it was his rival who had saved Lillie.

Nonetheless, he was still eternally grateful for him. If it weren't for him...Ethan's life may held no meaning.

"So, what happened to Liu Sheng and his men?" Ethan asked the question lingering in his mind.

"Where else? He's at the Blazing Purgatory of course." Lillie remembered her vow.

That she will create a purgatory here on Earth that's worst than what they have in hell. Lillie will never forget something even if it's trivial. Especially since it made a huge impact on her life that it's impossible to forget.

"Death had them locked up at the Underworld prison. When I became White Bird, he gave Liu Sheng to me as a gift." The Underworld's prison was nothing to scoff at, but White Bird's the Blazing Purgatory is much worst.

Ethan wrapped his arms around her and brought both of them down on the sofa. Lillie slightly surprised before indulging herself on his warm embrace. His scent filled her senses, sending another flutter on her heart.

"I harm will come on your way now that I'm here with you." Ethan swore, his soft lips placed themselves on her forehead.

Unsatisfied by Ethan's affection, she took the initiative and kiss him fully on the lips.

"I'll hold on to that." Lillie's blue eyes met his dark ones. Those eyes, only for her, they would soften.

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