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(Continuation of Chapter 98: Paperworks)

As soon as She Lei had entered his father's office, he immediately felt an uncomfortable vibe. There was an old man sitting across his father with a cup of tea in hand. He was wearing a white robe that monks wear. His head was left with a clean, shiny bald.

"Ah, there's my son. Come, come, I want you to meet someone." His father had an unusual bright smile on his wrinkly face, an expression She Lei dreaded and wished nothing more but to wipe off.

"Hey, dad." She Lei put on his 'filial son' mask that was like a split personality.

"Master Yang, this is my second son, She Lei. Lei-er, this is Great Master Yang of Soaring Dragon Academy. He agreed to help us with our little 'predicament' with that woman." She Lei did not like the tone on his father's voice. As if he's telling him he finally succeeded and that he's confident everything will be put into places.

His hunch told him that this won't be good, and he was right. Master Yang of Soaring Dragon Academy is well known for his frightening ability when it comes to medicine. Some people who've witnessed his prowess could not even explain how heaven-defying it was, thus earning the name Miracle Doctor Yang. There was this rumor surrounding him that he can even put the dead back on its feet.

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It's nearly impossible for Master Yang to answer to anyone's call for help. How did She Gu caught this old man's interest?

"Rest assured that she'll be able to talk again in a week. In return, you will help me eliminate that old man Wei." The viciousness in Master Yang's eyes did not escaped She Lei. Master Yang's outer appearance were of an old, wise and kind old man but his inner side is not to be scoffed at. Despite his title as a doctor, Master Yang didn't do it for the better good, but only for his selfish needs.

This old man's bad news.

She Lei was thankful that Lillie made him endure being with She Gu for this long. If not, this crucial information would've been the end of White Bird.

Inside a white room filled with medical instruments, She Lei placed hand to cover his nose as the pungent smell of strong medicine forced its way into his nostrils. In the center of the room is the star of the day, the ever so crazy Yu Mei struggling on her binds.

Her eyes were wide and red, veins were popping on her forehead at the pressure she's receiving from the drug they've punctured inside her. After a few seconds, Yu Mei deflated like a balloon as calmness invade her senses.

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"This is her, Master Yang, what do you think?" She Gu stepped back, giving Master Yang some space to observe her.

"I'll say, this is probably the most complicated patient I've ever worked with." He confessed. His hands grabbed Yu Mei's pale wrist and felt her heartbeat.

"What do you mean?" She Gu drawled in uncertainty.

"I can tell that she've been forced to consume some powerful drug for a long period of time that said drug had become a part of her system." His hands went for her mouth and opened it. He immediately grimaced at the sight of her cut off tongue that was sewed grotesquely and the absence her teeth.

"Hmp...White Bird's subordinates did not slack off with this one." Master Yang humorlessly commented.

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Ethan was in the middle of a meeting when his phone vibrated. He raised his hand for Yu Ming Lian to stop and stood up to answer the phone.

"I need Silver Dragon at the HQ, now." An icy voice spoke. Before Ethan could reply, the sound of the line being cut off interrupted him.

He caught the people on the meeting abruptly turn their heads away when he turned around to face them.

"Meeting adjourned. Ming Lian, you're in charge for the time being."

Yu Ming Lian did not asked and simply replied with a "Yes, sir!"

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Ethan grabbed his coat and left the conference room and entered the elevator that brought him to the underground parking lot. He pressed a button on his car key and the car immediate roared into life.

Not wasting any more time, he drove his car out of the building and into dark forest to his old hideout. He wonder if Ai missed him.

Hmm...knowing Ai, without a doubt, she would not stop questioning him on why he hasn't let her meet her mother, Lillie, yet.

And how was he suppose he tell her that? Will he just tell it to her like this?

"We actually have a daughter. I actually made her myself but she have most of your personality. Her name is Artificial Intelligence: Little Flower or Ai, which means love in Japanese, for short."

As if he would say something ridiculous! He bet that he could not even utter his second sentence before being thrown over the wall by Lillie because of how creeped out she is!

With an exasperate sigh, he forced himself to face this bratty artificial intelligence daughter of his.

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