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Although she wasn't sure what she did for the elder Lan couple to adore her like this, it did well in boosting her self-esteem.

"I believe miss An have heard of my eldest son?" Mrs. Lan insinuated. "My son, ah. He's a genius among his peers and a great man in general..."

The gentleness on Mrs. Lan's face suddenly turned into a frown, "...however, I'm afraid he just haven't yet find the right woman for him that's why he's like...that." She sighed.

An Jiaying did not reply. What was she suppose to say? Should she agree that the son she was talking about was the Elite Society's playboy?

Lan Wu Cheng.

"A complete package", as some would describe him. Mrs. Lan was being humble when she said his son was a genius.

He's a monster.

The perks in marrying Lan Wu Cheng is vast. Not only is he rich, he's also undeniably handsome. If you're a woman who does not mind sharing her man, then Lan Wu Cheng is the perfect candidate.

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An Jiaying wouldn't have mind going after him if he weren't such a Casanova. He changes his partner as often as he would change his clothes. Each day, there would be a different flavor.

The longest fling he probably had was with a famous journalist.

Lan Wu Cheng likes women who bore an intelligent mind. He does not dwell for good looks only.

Besides, An Jiaying had her eyes set on a much bigger fish.

Lan Wu Cheng doesn't even hold candles with Ethan Li.

An Jiaying believes she deserves someone like Ethan. A woman of her calibre deserves a man who stood at the highest pedestal.

"Ah yes, I've heard of the eldest young master Lan." An Jiaying gingerly picked her words. "He's now handling his own company, I believe?"

From the corner of her eyes, she noted how Mr. Lan's brows furrowed. Dread filled her stomach.

Was she wrong?

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Feeling the tension in the air, Mrs. Lan swiftly explained. "Ah Cheng is a carefree man. He does not do well working in a company."

"He would rather stick his face on a computer all day." Mr. Lan scoffed, not a bit concerned for his son's face.

Mrs. Lan pinched her loud-mouthed husband. She, who was trying to save her son's face in front of the girl he fancy's, was not a bit happy about the comment her husband made.
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"Oh don't listen to this old man." Mrs. Lan waved her hand in a dismissing manner. "He's just upset that Ah Cheng chose to enter the field of technology instead of the family business."

Clearly, Mr. Lan did not felt the pinch his wife gave him and continued to run his mouth, "Humph! What technology nonsense? Is playing games something to be proud of? With this routine, I wouldn't be surprised if he suddenly went stupid!"

"Wei!" Mrs. Lan gasped at her husband and smacked him on his shoulder. Even though his statement held no abhor towards their only son, it would still make him lose his charm points.

"Aiyo!" Mr. Lan exclaimed in pain.

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"How could you say all of those things, especially in front of An girl." Mrs. Lan angrily whispered to her husband as she pulled his ear closer to her. "Are you trying to scare our potential daughter-in-law?"

Mrs. Lan took this matter very seriously because this was the first time their son told them he found the woman he really likes.

"What's this girl's name?" Mr. and Mrs. Lan cornered their son that day when he came home. However, his resolve was really thick, he even refused to give a clue who the girl was.

The first reason they assume why Wu Cheng won't tell them the girl's identity was that the girl came from a 'humble' family. The second was that the girl already had a child or she already had a husband and just came out from a bad marriage.

Non of those reasons concerned them.

As long as Wu Cheng settled down, they are happy.

After a month of pestering him, the war between the Lan came to a stop when Wu Cheng said,

"An!" He exclaimed with a scowl. "Her family name's An."

This brightened Mrs. Lan's day.

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Though there are a lot of family with the surname An in the country, with a wealth like the Lans, nothing is impossible.

Plus, Mrs. Lan knows her son's taste. It did not took her long before she found the girl who fits the description.

One thing Mrs. Lan noticed when it comes to his son's 'flings', is that they all have similarities.

Tall women with long black hair, pearly skin, and phoenix eyes.

An Jiaying fits the shoe perfectly!

Unfortunately, they failed to dig deeper and failed to see the real princess.

Nobody told them that there was another young miss in the An family who was close to Lan Wu Cheng's age, so...

Who could blame them?

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