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Lan Wu Cheng had a thunderous expression.

He knew this would happen. Curse his mother's persuasiveness!

This is a mistake! A grave mistake!

"Damn it." He gritted in annoyance.

"Having trouble with your parents?" Lan Wu Cheng head snapped towards the voice.

"Ah Kun!" Lan Wu Cheng wailed to his best friend.

Song Mo Kun's body was shaken back and forth by Lan Wu Cheng.

"Those old fools are making a mistake! Did their age already caused them to be blind?! How could they mistaken my beautiful wife to a fucking clown?!" He fussed childishly.

Song Mo Kun's blank expression did not faltered. He indifferently grab Lan Wu Cheng's hands and place them back to his side.

"Then make them see the truth." The solution was simple. How is this a dire situation?

Lan Wu Cheng deadpanned. He's asking the wrong person. This guy have high IQ but a negative EQ!

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"But Ah Kun, you don't understand!" He groaned exasperatedly. "Lingling would kill me if she found out my parents were on to her."

When it comes to other women, Lan Wu Cheng can be as confident as a tiger. But when facing An Xiuling, his confidence was as small as a kitten.

"Boss is here already." Ignoring his friend's rant, Song Mo Kun informed him.

"Oh!" Lan Wu Cheng's eyes sparkled. Once upon a time, his lady boss had an EQ even lower than this stone before him.

But ever since she and Ethan Li became official, her EQ skyrocketed!

"Where is she?"

"The third loge from here." Song Mo Kun's hair flew when a burst of air ran pass him.

"Thanks!" He heard Lan Wu Cheng's fleeting voice. The scene happened so fast that Song Mo Kun failed to tell him an important side note.

Arriving at his destination, Lan Wu Cheng did not stopped to check nor to see if Lillie was busy.


Pushing the door open, Lan Wu Cheng was greeted by a sight that might as well blind him.

Lan Wu Cheng slowly backed away and closed the door as quietly as possible.

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"...sorry...wrong room..."


Song Mo Kun's head snapped towards the door. His eyebrow raised in puzzlement. "Done already?"

Did he choose not to see Lillie in the end?

"Ah I a cruel person?" It was as if life was sucked out of him.

Song Mo Kun gave him a blank look and replied bluntly, "Yes."

" you think I've done something horrible in my past life?"

"With the way your life turned out, I believe so."

"...that so...I understand now."

Being curious with matters like this is out of Song Mo Kun's character, that's why he didn't peered into why his co-Elder was acting so...languid.

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"Ah Kun...I think I might barf from being stuffed with so much dog food."

Song Mo Kun tilted his head.

Dog food? What the heck in this man talking about?

Song Mo Kun knew that his co-Elder acts like a dog sometimes. But eating dog food? Did this man hit his head too hard?

Lan Wu Cheng was unaware that his good friend now assume that he eats real dog food.


Lillie removed herself from Ethan's embrace when the door behind them closed.

She didn't saw who it was that brazenly entered but she could've sworn...

"Was that Wu Cheng just now?"

Ethan looked at the closed door and shrugged. He was too preoccupied with his wife's passionate kisses that his mind momentarily went blank.

Lillie glanced down at her wrist watch. "It's time. She's here."

As if on cue, the ballroom went dark.

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"What happened? Why did the lights go out?"

"Is someone trying to rob us?!"

The guests begin to panic until the spotlights flickered and illuminated the woman in red once again.

"Do not fret, dear guests." Her lips curled into a seductive grin. "It's time for the main event."

Her alluring hips swayed as she walked up the stage. "Please return to your tables and enjoy a cool glass of champagne. Tonight's entertainment will be performed by someone I believe everyone have heard before."

Soft chatters broke out. The guests were curious and excited as they tried to guess who their mystery entertainer was.

"Before that, please be assured that the money everyone spend will be given to orphanages, hospitals, and schools." The guests clapped. Some were relieved that the money would be for a good cause.

"Also, the people of Zhu Dinghong Pavilion will be auctioning rare items that will be revealed promptly. I hope everyone participates." The woman in red's captivating eyes glinted mischievously.

"Well then, without further ado," The curtains behind the woman in red opened. "I present to you...

Sound of Dawn!"

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