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A roar of cheers erupted from the ballroom. The crowds enthusiastically clapped their hands when the woman in red announced the name of a world renowned musician, Sound of Dawn.

"I can't believe it! I've been trying to get into one of her concerts before but the tickets sold out like crazy!"

Hearing the loud crowd before her, Mrs. Lan also felt ecstatic. She have been a loyal fan of this young musician ever since she heard one of her pieces.

Sound of Dawn's soothing voice is so enchanting that it made Madam Lan feel like she's back in her youth. The meaning behind Sound of Dawn's mellow lyrics never failed to leave a mark on her heart.

Even Mr. Lan, who was not someone who finds music interesting, was struck by Sound of Dawn's songs like he was under a spell.

A woman in a long, glistening white evening dress came out from the curtains. Her black hair was adorned by a silver tiara filled with black gems, and was curled into a beautiful bun with fringes hanging from her flushed cheeks.

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How everyone knew that she was Sound of Dawn was because of her iconic, silver masquerade mask. They said that the mask was designed with real diamonds and was made out of pure white gold.

Mrs. Lan's eyes brightened. "I can't believe I'm seeing Sound of Dawn this close." This is the first she witnessed a live performance from the young musician.

Every time Sound of Dawn would have a concert, Mrs. Lan would have been too busy to attend. And if she did have a free time, the tickets would all sold out the same day they are released!

Unfortunately, you can't buy them ahead of time even if you'll triple the ticket's original price.

"A lovely evening to you all," Sound of Dawn's voice was surrounded by mystique. The loud murmurs of the guests died down.

"To those who don't know me, I am Sound of Dawn. To set up the mood for tonight, allow me to play a piece that I have newly written." Excitement welled up everyone's hearts.

Did they heard her correctly? She would play them a new song? One that hasn't been made public yet?

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What an honor! This means that they are the first ones to hear her newly written masterpiece!

An assistant went up to the stage and placed a beautiful guzheng that was made up of sandalwood. At its corner, the name Sound of Dawn was written in Chinese calligraphy with a carving of cranes flying into a lake.

Sound of Dawn hovered the strings with her hands and brought them down.


A pluck of string echoed through the walls.

Each pluck were loud and sharp before gradually turning soft and mellow, like bells chiming with the gentle breeze.

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"I saw you standing there under the plum tree..." Accompanying the instrument was Sound of Dawn's lulling voice.

"My vision was all red and pink as the plum blossoms fell under your stature~" Everyone was in a trance, as if they can see the scene Sound of Dawn was singing.

Tears streamed down on Mrs. Lan's face. The story in the song made her so emotional it was as if she was the woman in the song who was waiting for her beloved under the plum tree.

The woman in the song would come to the plum tree everyday, and finally saw her beloved standing there.

Only to know that it was an illusion she was seeing. Her beloved had died in an accident.

"...I promise to come everyday in this place, longing to see you once again. But all I see was the ghost of my memories of you standing there...." A sad turn of events made most of the guests cry their hearts out.

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"...I'll be strong, I promise. For the gift you've left behind, the seed that we planted have bloomed. This will be my reason to move forward..."

There was a child!

The song have come to an end. The sound of the guzheng slowly fades until silence prevailed.

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The first claps seemed to have snapped them back to the real world. Fully aware of what's happening around them, the ballroom brimmed with loud claps.

"That was amazing." Mrs. Lan sniffled, clapping along enthusiastically with the guests.

Sound of Dawn stood up from her seat and bowed in gratitude for everyone's cheers.

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