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'Blink blink'

"Am I dreaming?"

"I think I am too. Here, let me pinch you."

"Ow! What the—let me pinch you too!"

"Owowowow! That's not a pinch! You almost ripped my ear off!"

Some guests were too shocked that they couldn't utter a single world. They left their mouths hanging wide open their jaws can almost touch the floor.

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Then suddenly, a loud thunder surged from their minds, awakening the guests and giving out a fierce roar.

"Hey, hey, this...this also mean that we can finally see who Sound of Dawn really is, right?!"

"Oh my god, you're right!"

"I think I'm about to faint. I can finally see the face of my idol!"

An Jiaying's face scrunched. So what if Sound whatever show her face? She's just someone with a good voice, what's there to be excited about?

"Honey! Did you hear clearly?" Mrs. Lan excitedly shook her husband on the shoulder.

Getting woozy, Mr. Lan answered, "Y-yes, yes, I heard. Please stop shaking me!"

Mrs. Lan let go of her husband and faced the quiet woman beside her. An Jiaying has been quiet the whole time.

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Despite her age, Mrs. Lan have a pair of sharp eyes. She noticed An Jiaying's eyes looking at everything with disinterest and ridicule.

However, the thing that made Mrs. Lan be taken by surprise was An Jiaying pretending as if she was also a fan of Sound of Dawn.

Why would someone pretend to like someone just because the majority does?

Then, Mrs. Lan's eyes darkened in realization.

Don't tell me this girl is the same as the rest?

"Is Miss An a fan of Sound of Dawn too?" Mrs. Lan tested.

Noticing that Mrs. Lan was talking to her, An Jiaying automatically answered, "Yes, I just love her songs. It never failed to make an impact on my heart." An Jiaying is a smart woman. She determined what kind of music Sound of Dawn creates just by listening to one.

But not too smart for Mrs. Lan to handle.

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"Oh really? Which song do you like? For me, the 'Cat and Moon' is the one I enjoy listening to the most."

"What a coincidence, I love that song too."

"I see..."

As soon as Mrs. Lan said those words, An Jiaying felt something wrong immediately. She noticed how Mrs. Lan's eyes turned dark as she averted her head from her.

"It's nice knowing you, Miss An, but I'm afraid my husband and I must go back to our designated table." Leaving no chance for An Jiaying to reply, Mrs. Lan pulled her husband and left.

An Jiaying froze from her seat.

What just happened? Why did she suddenly leave?

Since An Jiaying did not know Sound of Dawn, it was obvious that she didn't know that "Cat and the Moon" was not a real song composed by Sound of Dawn. It was simply a random title Mrs. Lan thought to test An Jiaying.

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Being pulled so suddenly by his wife, Mr. Lan scratched his head in confusion. "Why did we leave?"
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Grumbling in annoyance, Mrs. Lan snapped, "I should've known! That boy is too blind to see who's real or not! Be sure to remind me not to trust that boy's taste again!"

Mr. Lan felt wronged.

Wife, why are you suddenly spewing your rage on your innocent husband? Also, was it not you who insisted on meeting the girl? Was it not I who said that the girl might be one of those who wanted to climb the ladder?

"Where is that good-for-nothing son of yours again? I told him to be here on time!" The motherly mask Mrs. Lan wore a while ago ceased to exist.

There it is, the real Lan Lizi who was infamous in the Elite Society, the poisonous flower back in her prime.

"If I get my hands on him, I'll be sure to break his legs and personally drag him back home!"

Ah-Cheng ah. I pray for your life, son. You've just angered a sleeping dragon. Your mother will not let you live for long unless you hide yourself behind your wife who she finds passable.

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