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Lan Wu Cheng shivered. He glanced around to see if there was someone hiding behind the shadows.

When he saw no one, dread clenched his stomach.

"Something wrong?" Seeing his comrade pale face, Song Mo Kun asked.

"It's nothing." Lan Wu Cheng muttered. "Someone must be thinking of ways to kill me."

Song Mo Kun raised a brow at this and shook his head, thinking it was his usual silly thoughts.

The doors to the ballroom was within their sight.

"Uhm, Boss? Is it possible for me to not go in after all?" His instinct was telling him to not enter the ballroom. Or else, he'll face an unimaginable fate.

"Compose yourself, Wu Cheng. There's no time for nonsense." Lan Wu Cheng pouted when Lillie scold him.

"It's true! I really felt someone is about to kill me as soon as I walk inside." He whined, hiding behind Song Mo Kun.

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Lillie fought the urge to roll her eyes. She beckoned Song Mo Kun with her head. Understanding his boss' signal, Song Mo Kun locked his arm around Lan Wu Cheng's shoulders tightly.

Song Mo Kun is the commander of the assassination unit, escaping his grip was impossible for Lan Wu Cheng. He's a hacker, not a fighter. Though he can fight alongside him, his level is still nowhere near Song Mo Kun's.

Lan Wu Cheng's eyes widen as he gave Song Mo Kun a look that says, "The betrayal..."

"Ah-Kun! Let go of me—" Lan Wu Cheng stopped mid sentence.

He remembered now!

Before all of this, his mother made him promise to come with them! If not, he should come early so that they'll all go in together!

But he forgot everything because he was busy searching for his father-in-law!

The color in Lan Wu Cheng's face slowly fades until it turned white as a paper.

Lillie sighed, figuring what made Lan Wu Cheng scared and pale. He can be so dramatic from time to time.

The hotel personnels guarding the doors saw their arrival. Lillie and her company did not need to present them their invitations.

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"Welcome, Miss Bai, Mr. Li, Mr. Song, and Mr. Lan." They bowed and opened the doors for their special guests.


Inside the ballroom, the guests were too engrossed with the exciting event happening before them. However, the people near the main entrance doors did not missed the creaking sound.

When their heads snapped at the doors' direction, they almost had a heart attack.


"Lillie Bai...."

"And Ethan Li!"

"Hey...isn't that the Song family's youngest son?"

"Which Song?"

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"The Songs filled with physicians."

"Oh, them. I heard Song Mo Kun did not follow his family's footsteps and instead became interested in business."

"He's the owner of a well known automotive company."

"I'm a fan. All of my sport cars came from him."

"Wait a that the Lan family's young master? Why is he hiding behind Song Mo Kun? And how on earth did those two became close?"

Now that one of them had mentioned it, it's impossible for the others to not voice out their confusion.

Those two are different as salt and pepper. One was always fooling around and love the spotlight, whereas the latter was silent and would avoid attention as much as possible.

However, the biggest question that dominates each of them was,

"What is their connection with Lillie Bai and Ethan Li?"

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Lillie Bai entered with her fiancée, Ethan Li. The two were like deities descending the heavens to mingle with mortals—them.

Men couldn't help but ogle at the woman with unparalleled beauty in a beautiful purple evening dress. Her silver hair glowed like the full moon viewed on the tall glass window. When they saw her arm was wrapped on the man in black suit, they couldn't help but grit their teeth in envy.

"How unfair!" They wanted to shout. How could they not feel wronged when they felt as if god went lazy in sculpting their faces?

How could someone's face be so unbelievably handsome that of Ethan Li's?

The women in the room sighed, feeling dejected.

Most of all, this scene made a particular someone turn green in envy.

An Jiaying's face turned ugly when she saw the couple entering in each other's loving embrace. The crowd's attention were on them. This was the kind of reaction she was hoping for from everyone before.

How dare you, Lillie Bai, from stealing what was mine!
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The spotlight, the attention, the awe, the admiration, and Ethan Li!

All of it should've been mine!

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