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Ignoring the eyes that stared intently at them, Lillie and co entered nonchalantly and came straight towards in front of the stage where their table was located.

Lillie's eyes then caught another pair that hid behind a silver mask.

Sound of Dawn and the woman in red hid a sly smile.

Lan Wu Cheng gulped when he felt the familiar dread become intense. Now he was 100% sure that the person who was giving him this uncomfortable feeling was his own mother.

He tried to sneakily search for a pair of old yet piercing eyes. Lan Wu Cheng is certain his mother can see him right now.

He was one of the center of attention after all!

Lan Wu Cheng didn't know what made his mother so furious at him. It's not because he was late, was he?

He was always late! This was never the problem before!

Or maybe she finally had enough of his tardiness so her patience snapped?

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"I'm dead."

Song Mo Kun, who was walking alongside him, sighed.

The two Elders went towards a separate table that was not far away from the Devil Couple.

Like the gentleman he is—only to his wife—Ethan pulled a chair for Lillie. When the two sat comfortable on their seats, the woman in red resumed the bidding.

Before the four arrived, Sound of Dawn's mask soared at a price of 500 million dollars.

These rich people were not afraid because they have their banks as backup!

"550! Do I hear something higher than 550 million?" The woman in red enthusiastically exclaimed.



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The crowd cried out their prices as they raised their numbers.

An Jiaying clenched her teeth in annoyance. The arrival of Lillie Bai already turned her mood for the worse. Adding up the noise, she was so close to eruption.

She witnessed how the cold man she met in the restaurant look at the woman she detested with gentle eyes. How his hands held her as if she was a fragile glass. How he would give her a sweet smile as if it was natural!

She saw him leaning to her ears, whispering something that made Lillie Bai smile like a school girl being told sweet nothings by her boyfriend!

An Jiaying was seething and turned green in jealousy!

How did she, An Jiaying, end up in this situation? She was suppose to be in the same table as Ethan Li!

She doesn't even care if Lillie Bai was with him, as long as she make everyone see how close she was to Ethan Li, she can endure sharing him.

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But now, she was sitting alone. Not a single company of even one well-known face.

The earlier interaction with Mr. Lan and Madam Lan had been odd. Especially the way Madam Lan acted when they left her.

The way Madam Lan's face shifted from gentle to indifference.

"Humph!" An Jiaying harrumphed arrogantly.

Forget about those insignificant people. Her target for tonight is Ethan Li and no one else!

She just needed to remove Lillie Bai from the picture and the title of Mrs. Li will surely be hers!


"That punk! How dare he ignore us!" Mrs. Lan fumed. "He even dare to sit at a different table! Also, why did he came along with them?" Mrs. Lan was pertaining to Lillie Bai, Ethan Li, and Song Mo Kun.
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She knew his son, and she was certain he wouldn't associate himself with people from the Business World.

"Oh? Ah-Cheng knows the Eldest Miss Bai?" Like any other businessman, Mr. Lan had tried many times to get in touch with WPE to ask for collaboration.

Unfortunately, they weren't interested. Mr. Lan did not held animosity towards them because of it. He knew there was other company who had greater proposal than him.

"Strange isn't it? Don't tell me that boy had the hots for her?" Not that Mrs. Lan had a problem with it. However, that girl already have someone promised to her.

And he was by far a better man that her son.

"Let's go." Mr. Lan felt his body be pulled once again by his forceful wife.

"Ah! Wait, dear. Please don't act irrational!" He stopped his wife quickly. Sweat forming on his forehead.

"Irrational?" Mr. Lan gulped under his wife's vengeful glare.

Punk! I will definitely beat you to death if your mother failed to do so! Because of you, I'm the one facing her fury!

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